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Effect of the PSP-causing dinoflagellate, Alexandrium sp. on the initial feeding response of Crassostrea gigas ArchiMer
Wildish, David; Lassus, Patrick; Martin, Jennifer; Saulnier, Alinne; Bardouil, Michele.
The effects of toxic and non-toxic strains of Alexandrium sp. on the initial feeding responses of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas were determined by continuous monitoring of the clearance rate of individual oysters. This was determined fluorometrically by loss of fluorescence of live microalgae introduced as food. Feeding oysters with toxic or non-toxic A. tamarense and toxic A. fundyense resulted in stop/start clearance behaviour. In contrast, control oysters fed a reference microalga, Isochrysis sp., known to support their growth, did not exhibit this behavior. Pacific oysters acclimated to Isochrysis sp., fed mixtures of Alexandrium/Isochrysis, showed further evidence of stop/start clearance. Exposure for periods up to 48 hours with non-toxic A....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Physiologie alimentaire; Microalgues toxiques; Dinoflagellés; Paralytic shellfish poisoning; Crassostrea gigas; Feeding physiology; Toxic microalgae; Dinoflagellate; Paralytic shellfish poisoning.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Managing the Agri-Food System of Watersheds to Combat Coastal Eutrophication: A Land-to-Sea Modelling Approach to the French Coastal English Channel ArchiMer
Garnier, Josette; Riou, Philippe; Le Gendre, Romain; Ramarson, Antsiva; Billen, Gilles; Cugier, Philippe; Schapira, Mathilde; Théry, Sylvain; Thieu, Vincent; Ménesguen, Alain.
The continental coastal waters of the Eastern Channel, from Normandy to Hauts-de-France, are subject to the major influence of unbalanced nutrient inputs from inflowing rivers. Several episodes of harmful algal blooms (HABs) compromising fishing and shellfish farming activities have been observed at the coast. For a better understanding of how the land-to-sea aquatic continuum functions, the GRAFS-RIVERSTRAHLER river biogeochemical model was implemented to cover the watersheds of 11 rivers flowing into this area (including the Seine) and chained with the ecological marine ECO-MARS3D model, applied to the French Northern coastal zone. Human activities strongly impact on the functioning of coastal ecosystems. Specifically, for these fertile soils of Northern...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Toxic microalgae; Pseudo-nitzschia spp.; River basins; Nutrient flows; Scenarios; Coastal zone ecosystem; Modelling.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Testing a Microarray to Detect and Monitor Toxic Microalgae in Arcachon Bay in France ArchiMer
Kegel, Jessica; Del Amo, Yolanda; Costes, Laurence; Medlin, Linda.
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) occur worldwide, causing health problems and economic damages to fisheries and tourism. Monitoring agencies are therefore essential, yet monitoring is based only on time-consuming light microscopy, a level at which a correct identification can be limited by insufficient morphological characters. The project MIDTAL (Microarray Detection of Toxic Algae)—an FP7-funded EU project—used rRNA genes (SSU and LSU) as a target on microarrays to identify toxic species. Furthermore, toxins were detected with a newly developed multiplex optical Surface Plasmon Resonance biosensor (Multi SPR) and compared with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In this study, we demonstrate the latest generation of MIDTAL microarrays (version 3)...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oligonucleotide microarrays; Molecular monitoring; Harmful algal blooms; HABs; Toxic microalgae; 18S/28S ribosomal RNA; LSU/SSU; RNA hybridization; Environmental water samples.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Многолетняя динамика цветения микроводорослей в прибрежной зоне Одесского залива (Чёрное море). IBSS Repository
Теренько, Л. М.; Теренько, Г. В..
Проанализированы результаты многолетних собственных исследований и проведено сравнение с литературными данными предыдущих лет о временных изменениях «цветений» воды в северо-западной части Чёрного моря, а также видового состава вызывающих их микроводорослей. Мониторинг проводился в 1995 – 2005 гг. ежемесячно на 5 – 7 станциях, расположенных в прибрежной зоне Одесского залива. Показаны некоторые особенности «цветений» в современный период, а также отмечено увеличение числа токсичных видов-возбудителей «цветений». Приведен список токсичных или потенциально токсичных микроводорослей, развивающихся в данной акватории.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: «цветение» воды; Эвтрофирование; «красный прилив»; Виды-вселенцы; Токсичные микроводоросли; Чёрное море; Water blooms; Eutrophication; Red tide; Invasive species; Toxic microalgae; Black Sea; «цвітіння» води; Евтрофування; «червоний прилив»; Види-вселенці; Токсичні мікроводорості; Чорне море.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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