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Competition Regimes in Telecommunications and the International Trading System 31
Koopmann, Georg.
In most countries, competition in the telecommunications industry is subject to both sector-specific regulation and more general antitrust policies. At the same time, a process of international market liberalisation is under way in telecommunications which can only be truly effective - and further advance - if appropriate competitive safeguards are in place. Trading partners should agree on certain minimum standards to be observed in this area in order to better combat anticompetitive conduct and avoid international conflicts. The Reference Paper to the WTO Agreement on Basic Telecommunications is an important step in this direction and may also serve as a model for other network industries. It is a framework of rules which has to be filled with concrete...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Regulation; Antitrust; Trade Negotiations; Services; International Relations/Trade; F13; L40; L50; L89.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Deregulating and Liberalizing the North-American Telecommunications Market: Explaining the US-Approach 31
Cowhey, Peter F.; Richards, John E..
This paper examines the substantial regulatory changes in North American telecommunications markets over the past decade. We argue that a combination of U.S. domestic politics and the logic of international strategic positioning produced substantial and far-reaching reform driven primarily by multilateral actions at the WTO and a set of unilateral U.S. initiatives (primarily benchmarks). Internationally, although NAFTA played an important role as a "building block" for the WTO agreement, we argue the lack of market coverage and more far-reaching WTO agreement ultimately limited NAFTA's role in driving reform. The logic of U.S. domestic politics also played a central role by putting certain constraints on what the U.S. would accept in a telecommunications...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Economic Order; NAFTA; Trade Negotiations; Telecommunications; International Relations/Trade; F02; F13; L96.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Die WTO auf dem Weg nach Katar: Anstehende Probleme - neue Herausforderungen 31
Senti, Richard.
In wenigen Monaten wird in Katar die Ministerkonferenz der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) über die Abhaltung einer neuen Handelsrunde entscheiden. Auf Grund der gegenwärtigen Vorarbeiten werden zwei Themenkreise auf der Traktandenliste der Verhandlungen erwartet: erstens die weitere Umsetzung der in der Uruguay-Runde beschlossenen Liberalisierungsmassnahmen in den Bereichen Agrar-, Textil- und Dienstleistungshandel, und zweitens die Behandlung der Fragen über die künftige Zusammenarbeit mit den Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs), die Aufnahme der Volksrepublik China in die WTO und die allenfalls stärkere Ausrichtung der Welthandelsordnung auf den Umweltschutz, das Arbeitsrecht und die Sozialpolitik. Das vorliegende Diskussionspapier hat zum Ziel, die...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Economic Order; Commercial Policy; Trade Negotiations; International Relations/Trade; F02; F13.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Investment Policies and Telecommunications Regimes 31
Drabek, Zdenek.
This paper looks at the role of the key international agreements in the process of liberalization of the telecommunications industry. We analyse in particular the role of the WTO agreement in furthering liberalization around the world, and the extent to which it provides protection for foreign investors. The analysis includes assessments of not only market access but also the treatment of property rights, rights of way, financial conditions and regulations as well as issues related to market structure and competition. Outstanding issues representing impediments of these agreements are also identified. The approach is to a large extent based on a comparison with other relevant international agreements, especially with NAFTA. The WTO agreement comes out of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Economic Order; WTO; NAFTA; Trade Negotiations; International Investment; Telecommunications Services; International Relations/Trade; F02; F13; L96.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Liberalization in Telecommunications 31
Knorr, Andreas.
During the past two decades, international trade in telecommunication services has significantly intensified. What is more, an increasing number of telecommunications operators have begun to expand their activities beyond national borders through FDIs, joint ventures, and cooperation agreements. In this paper it is argued, however, that in spite of the rather successful efforts of late to liberalize the telecommunications sector (networks and services) at the regional (EU) and the global (WTO) level, much remains to be done to create and preserve a truly open and competitive worldwide telecommunications market. In den vergangenen beiden Jahrzehnten hat sich der internationale Handel mit Telekommunikationsdienstleistungen wesentlich intensiviert. Parallel...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Economic Order; Trade Negotiations; Services Liberalisation; Telecommunications Services; International Relations/Trade; FO2; F13; L96.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Liberalizing and Re-Regulating Telecommunications in Europe: A Common Framework and Persistent Differences 31
Holmes, Peter; Young, Alasdair R..
This paper analyses the role of the European Union in promoting liberalisation among its member states and in crafting the multilateral regime for telecommunications services. It begins by analysing the origins of the EU regime, describing its contours and assessing its implementation. It then examines the interaction between the EU and the multilateral regime, examining the Uruguay Round and post-Uruguay Round negotiations on telecommunications services and outlining the issues under consideration in the GATS 2000 negotiations. It then proceeds to assess how the regulatory developments at the national, European and multilateral levels coexist and interact. Dieses Papier analysiert die Rolle der Europäischen Union bei der Liberalisierung der...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Economic Order; European Union; Trade Negotiations; Telecommunications; International Relations/Trade; F02; F13; L96.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Liberalizing Basic Telecommunications: The Asian Experience 31
Fink, Carsten; Mattoo, Aaditya; Rathindran, Randeep.
The liberalization of the basic telecommunications sector in Asian countries is examined in this paper with a view to identify the elements of good policy and examine how it can be promoted through multilateral negotiations. We find that despite the move away from traditional public monopolies, most Asian governments are still unwilling to allow unrestricted entry, eliminate limits on private and foreign ownership, and establish strong independent regulators. Where comprehensive reform including privatization, competition and regulation has been implemented, there are significantly higher levels of main line availability, service quality and labor productivity. Somewhat surprisingly, there has not been much unilateral liberalization since the last round of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Economic Order; Trade Negotiations; Market Liberalization; Services Trade; Telecommunication Services; International Relations/Trade; F02; F13; L96.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Modelling Euro-Mediterranean Agricultural Trade 31
Garcia Alvarez-Coque, Jose-Maria; Martinez-Gomez, Victor; Villanueva, Miquel.
This paper examines the methodological problems to define a modelling approach to assess the impact of full or limited bilateral liberalisation of agricultural trade flows in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The bilateral trade liberalisation process in the region is framed by complexity, in policy instruments and in the characteristics of the products, in particular fruits and vegetables. Advantages and disadvantages of the general equilibrium and partial equilibrium approaches to simulate trade policy impacts are assessed. Caveats of existing models are related to the representation of specific policy instruments (tariffs, entry prices and other non-tariff measures) and on the seasonal nature of horticultural trade, which is of major importance in the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Agriculture in International Trade; Trade Forecasting and Simulation; Commercial Policy; Protection; Promotion; Trade Negotiations; International Organizations; International Relations/Trade; Q17; F17; F13.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Non-Tariff Barriers and the Telecommunications Sector 31
Stephenson, Sherry M..
This paper discusses the nature, importance, and measurement of non-tariff barriers (NTBs) in services trade with particular reference to telecommunications services. It is shown that although more effectively addressed for the telecom sector at the multilateral level than for other service sectors, NTBs are still widespread and would appear to have a large potential for restricting trade in services. The paper reviews the scope and classification of non-tariff barriers to services trade and sets out an alternative typology for their classification, highlighting the fact that NTBs may be either government-imposed, may result from non-competitive market structures, or from the absence of appropriate regulation. The latter is shown to constitute one of the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Economic Order; Trade Negotiations; Non-Tariff Barriers; Telecommunications Services; International Relations/Trade; F02; F13; L96.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Not in Your Backyard? Selective Tariff Cuts for Environmentally Preferable Products 31
Estelle, Gozlan; Ramos, Maria Priscila.
Current negotiations at the WTO’s Committee on Trade and Environment have made it conceivable that WTO members agree on selective tariff cuts for certain Environmentally Preferable Products, in an attempt to combine gains from trade and from cleaner production/consumption. This raises questions on the environmental and welfare implications of trade policy when a close substitute (“environmentally worse") exists. Using a simple partial equilibrium model with two substitutable goods ('green' and conventional), we analyze the rationale for large trading countries to negotiate tariff cuts upon environmental characteristics of the production process. The extent and distribution of environmental and terms-of-trade effects are compared for three policy scenarios:...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Commercial Policy; Eco-tariff; Trade Negotiations; Trade and Environment; Environmental Economics and Policy; International Relations/Trade; F130; F180.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Protektion passe? 31
Hasse, Rolf H..
Die Frage nach dem Stand und der Entwicklung des Handelsprotektionismus wird vielfach vereinfachend beantwortet: Danach haben die GATT-Runden einen kontinuierlichen Abbau bewirkt. Diese Aussage wird überprüft. Dabei wird von vier Thesen ausgegangen: (1) Protektionismus ist ein integraler Bestandteil der internationalen Arbeitsteilung. (2) Die internationale Arbeitsteilung hat stetig zugenommen, ebenso aber auch die Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen zugunsten der nationalen Wertschöpfung. (3) Die Analyse der GATT-Runden klammert wesentliche Protektionswirkungen der Währungspolitik aus. (4) Die Ausweitung der GATTPrinzipien auf den Dienstleistungshandel (GATS) sowie den Handel mit geistigem Eigentum (TRIPS) wird einen Zuwachs an (neuem) Protektionismus hervorrufen,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Economic Order; Commercial Policy; Trade Negotiations; International Relations/Trade; F02; F13.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Standards in the International Telecommunications Regime 31
Werle, Raymund.
Technical standards in telecommunications - the central focus of this paper - were traditionally developed by official government accredited or intergovernmental organizations. In the last two decades, however, private forums and consortia of standardization have evolved which initiated a shift from a predominantly technical to a business approach to standards-setting. The business perspective also guides the evaluation of standards in trade policy at the European and at the international level. In the EU and more so in the WTO regional and national diversity of standards is generally regarded as a barrier to trade. Thus harmonization of diverging standards – and not standards competition - and/or the adoption of new international standards is stipulated....
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Economic Order; Trade Negotiations; Technical Standards; Telecommunications; International Relations/Trade; FO2; F13; L96.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Telecommunications-Related Services: Market Access, Deeper Integration and the WTO 31
Braga, Carlos A.P.; Fink, Carsten; Hoekman, Bernard.
Liberalization and regulatory reform of telecom markets has emerged as a high profile policy issue. This paper analyzes how the multilateral system under the World Trade Organization can help developing countries in promoting their own information infrastructures. We focus on a specific "regime" issue that has attracted increasing attention in recent years: the extent to which the WTO should pursue a "deeper integration" agenda, using telecommunications and activities that rely heavily on telecommunications as a specific case. Die Liberalisierung und Reform der Telekommunikationsmärkte ist zu einem wichtigen politischen Thema geworden. Dieser Beitrag analysiert, wie das multilaterale System - unter der Welthandelsorganisation - Entwicklungsländern bei der...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: International Economic Order; Trade Negotiations; Telecommunications Services; E-Commerce; International Relations/Trade; FO2; F13; L96; 019.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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