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Collection and morphological characterization of sweet potato landraces in north of Rio de Janeiro state 75
Moulin,Monique M; Rodrigues,Rosana; Gonçalves,Leandro SA; Sudré,Cláudia P; Santos,Marilene H dos; Silva,José Roberto P da.
The traditional farmers play an important role in plant genetic resources conservation. Collecting the germplasm maintained by these farmers is a very important action to avoid genetic variability losses. The goals of this work were to collect sweet potato from farms in the north of Rio de Janeiro state; to gather information regarding to the farmers profile, and to characterize the sweet potato landraces collected using morphological descriptors. Fifty three farms were visited in six collection expedition and 46 accessions were collected. During the visits the farmers were interviewed using a query with ten items. Six root traits and eight descriptors for vegetative parts were used for morphological characterization. The data were analyzed based on...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ipomoea batatas; Genetic resources; Traditional agriculture; Germplasm characterization; Agrobiodiversity.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Conocimiento tradicional sobre el frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) "chaparro" entre los indígenas na savi del municipio de Copanatoyac, Gro. 32
Solano Rodríguez, Alejandro.
El frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) “chaparro” es un cultivo de suma importancia para los indígenas na savi de la Montaña de Guerrero, debido a que se constituye en uno de los elementos fundamentales de su dieta. La tradición de siembra de este cultivo se remonta a más de un siglo, por lo que es de esperarse la existencia de un acervo de conocimientos en torno al mismo. Por otra parte, en el estado de Guerrero, han sido escasos los trabajos en torno a frijol, y son prácticamente inexistentes los hechos en la región de La Montaña. Con base en los elementos antes expuestos fue que se decidió conducir la presente investigación, la cual tuvo como objetivo documentar el manejo tradicional y los diferentes usos alimenticios que tiene el frijol “chaparro” entre los...
Palavras-chave: Agricultura tradicional; Conocimiento tradicional; Regiones indígenas; Mixtecos; Traditional agriculture; Traditional knowledge; Indigenous regions; Mixtecs; Maestría Tecnológica; EDAR; Desarrollo Sostenible de Zonas Indígenas.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Estrategias de las familias campesinas en Pueblo Nuevo, Acambay, Estado de México. 32
Magdaleno Hernández, Edgar.
Las familias campesinas trabajan buscando en primera instancia su autoabasto y complementan su ingreso con otras actividades. En este trabajo se analizan las estrategias; multi actividad y autoabasto a través de los resultados obtenidos mediante entrevistas y la aplicación de una encuesta a 35 jefes de familia de la comunidad de Pueblo Nuevo, ubicada en el municipio de Acambay en el estado de México. Se practica una agricultura tradicional, se fusiona el sistema de cultivo de maíz blanco (criollo) y el sistema de crianza de ganado menor (borregos, vacas, porcinos, aves). En la fertilización, predomina el uso de fertilizantes nitrogenados. También se utiliza estiércol del ganado o aves como complemento, debido a que es fuente de nutrientes y materia...
Palavras-chave: Autoabasto; Multiactividad; Agricultura tradicional; Desarrollo Rural; Maestría; Self-supply; Multi-activity; Traditional agriculture.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Estudio de la dinámica de aprovechamiento del maíz en las unidades de producción familiar en el Valle de Puebla, México. 32
Viveros Flores, Cresencia Emma.
El maíz en Puebla concentra el 62% de la superficie cultivada; tres características importantes de su producción son que el 70% se desarrolla bajo temporal, que el 80% se siembra con materiales criollos, y que su cultivo está a cargo fundamentalmente de unidades de producción familiar (UPF). Este panorama se reproduce en el Valle de Puebla. Investigaciones previas en dicha región avanzaron en la identificación de algunas características asociadas al empleo preferente de maíces criollos en la alimentación, pero no precisaron la dinámica de utilización del grano y la planta al interior de la UPF, ni su aporte económico o la medida en la cual satisface las necesidades de consumo de dicha UPF. Estos aspectos constituyeron el problema de investigación del...
Palavras-chave: Agricultura tradicional; Agricultura campesina; Zea mays L.; Traditional agriculture; Peasant agriculture; Doctorado; EDAR; Estrategias para el Desarrollo Agrícola Regional.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Genetic diversity for gliadin patterns of durum wheat landraces in the Northwest of Iran and Azerbaijan 86
Zaefizadeh,Mohammad; Jamaati-e-Somarin,Shahzad; Ojaghi,Javid; Seyedi,Seyed Mehdi; Zabihi-e-Mahmoodabad,Roghayyeh; Ochi,Mehran.
The objective of this study was to identify gliadin band patterns and the extent of genetic diversity in durum wheat genotypes from Northwestern Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan. Gliadins from 46 landraces and four cultivars were evaluated through acid PAGE analyses. Sixty-six polymorphic bands and 81 patterns were identified. Twenty-four different motility bands and 22 patterns were found in the ω gliadin region with 14 polymorph bands and 20 patterns for α and γ gliadins, and 14 bands and 19 different patterns for β gliadins. The combination of these patterns generated 38 and 39 combinations for Gli-1 and Gli-2 loci, respectively. The genetic diversity index (H) was higher for α gliadins (0.924), followed by ω and γ gliadins (0.899 and 0.878,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Triticum durum; Acid PAGE analysis; Germplasm; Traditional agriculture.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Genetic diversity in Brazilian sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam., Solanales, Convolvulaceae) landraces assessed with microsatellite markers 74
Veasey,Elizabeth Ann; Borges,Aline; Rosa,Mariana Silva; Queiroz-Silva,Jurema R.; Bressan,Eduardo de Andrade; Peroni,Nivaldo.
We used simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to investigate the genetic diversity of 78 sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) accessions (58 landraces and 20 putative clones) from traditional agricultural households from 19 local communities in the Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo, Brazil. Eight SSR loci were assessed using 6% (w/v) polyacrylamide gels stained with silver nitrate and the accessions genotyped considering the presence or absence of bands. The results were subjected to analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), and cluster and principal coordinate analyses. Spatial structure was assessed using Mantel's test to compare genetic and geographic distances. Each primer pair generated between three and ten clearly scorable polymorphic fragments. Cluster analyses...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Genetic variability; Landraces; SSR; Traditional agriculture; Vale do Ribeira.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Linking Socio-Economic and Policy Variables to Technical Efficiency of Traditional Agricultural Production: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria 31
Ajibefun, Igbekele A..
The major objective of this study was to analyze and link the level of technical efficiency of Nigerian small-scale farmers to specific farmers' socio-economic and policy variables. Data were collected on 461 food crop farmers selected from five states of Southwestern Nigeria. The selection of respondent farmers was multi-stage and involved random sampling method, stratification as well as purposive sampling. The collected data were analyzed with the use of stochastic frontier production modeling technique. The results show that while farmers socio-economic and policy variables significantly influenced the level of technical efficiency, education has the highest marginal effect on technical efficiency while gender has the least marginal effect. The highest...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Traditional agriculture; Socio-economic variables; Policy variables; Technical efficiency; Nigeria; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Morphological variation and isozyme diversity in Dioscorea alata L. landraces from Vale do Ribeira, Brazil 63
Bressan,Eduardo de Andrade; Briner Neto,Thiago; Zucchi,Maria Imaculada; Rabello,Ronaldo José; Veasey,Elizabeth Ann.
Traditional growers of the Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo State, grow and make use of several D. alata landraces. This study assessed the genetic diversity of 16 landraces, using isozymatic and morphological markers and comparing them with 19 commercial varieties of D. alata. Their distribution in different levels of organization such as households and communities of the Vale do Ribeira was evaluated. Isozymatic analyses were performed with polyacrylamide (six systems) and starch gels (one system), while the morphological analyses were carried out with 24 traits. Due to the polyploid nature of this species, the isozymatic bands were scored as binary data. Morphological traits were also scored as binary data. Principal coordinates and cluster analyses were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: AMOVA; Traditional agriculture; Genetic diversity; Water yam.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Phenology and morphological diversity of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) landraces of the Vale do Ribeira 63
Veasey,Elizabeth Ann; Silva,Jurema Rosa de Queiroz; Rosa,Mariana Silva; Borges,Aline; Bressan,Eduardo de Andrade; Peroni,Nivaldo.
The phenotypic diversity of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) landraces was assessed using morphological traits, verifying how this diversity is distributed among the households and settlements of the Vale do Ribeira, Brazil. A total of 74 accessions, involving 53 landraces, collected from 30 households distributed among 18 settlements that practice traditional agriculture in the municipalities of Iguape, Ilha Comprida, and Cananeia, as well as four commercial varieties acquired in markets of Iguape and Piracicaba, were evaluated under an ex situ experimental condition in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Nine phenological and floral descriptors, nine morphological vegetative aerial descriptors and five storage root traits were recorded. The 14 aerial vegetative and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Local varieties; Morphology; Phenotypic diversity; Traditional agriculture; Variability.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Yam: a neglected and underutilized crop in Brazil 75
In Brazil current studies and investments on yams are incipient. Similarly, the literature in recent decades lacks adequate information on this group of plants. The existing literature, on its turn, requires more than ever to be revised and organized. Yams have joined the so-called "neglected" group of crops for several reasons, but particularly because they are associated with poor and traditional communities. Many vegetables introduced in Brazil during the colonization period have adapted to different cropping systems, yams being an excellent example. This diversity resulted very widespread, yet poorly recognized in the country. In turn, the gardens using traditional farming systems continue to maintain and enhance yam local varieties. Studies from other...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dioscorea spp.; Tubers; Traditional agriculture; Agrobiodiversity; Molecular markers.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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