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Dynamique de la diversité fonctionnelle des communautés de poissons (lagune de Terminos, Mexique) 5
Villeger, Sébastien.
One of the main challenges in ecology is to understand how global changes affect biodiversity and what are the consequences on ecosystem functioning. In this perspective, the functional diversity of communities is a cornerstone since it allows linking environment, community structure and ecosystem properties. The aim of this thesis is thus to improve the understanding of functional diversity dynamic (i) in relation to natural variability of environmental conditions and (ii) under anthropogenic disturbances. As a first step we have developed a new methodological framework allowing to (1) describe fish functional niches based on functional traits, and (2) to quantify functional diversity within (α) and among (β) sites thanks to new indices....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gulf of Mexico; Nekton; Teleostian; Global changes; Environmental gradient; Estuarine ecosystem; Functional diversity indices; Functional traits; Golfe du Mexique; Necton; Téléostéens; Changements globaux; Gradient environnemental; Écosystème estuarien; Indices de diversité fonctionnelle; Traits fonctionnels.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Implications of morphological and functional traits for trophic relationships within fish communities and marine trophic network architecture 5
Cachera, Marie.
A current issue in ecology is to understand the contribution of biodiversity to ecosystem functioning and notably to comprehend how inter- and intra-specific trait variation affects trophic interactions between individuals and species, the trophic organization of communities and trophic network architecture. Particularly, morphology has historically been considered as a main determinant of organisms’ ecology, which led to the field of ecomorphology, and, from a functional perspective, is expected to influence trophic relationships and other ecological functions performed by species. This thesis aimed at studying the trophic organization of a marine fish community and its dependency on morphological and functional trait variation between and within species....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Communauté; Morphologie; Réseau trophique; Niche; Traits fonctionnels; Manche Est; Community; Morphology; Trophic network; Niche; Functional traits; Eastern English Channel.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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