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A Comparison Of Characteristics Of Forest and Farm Cooperative Members AgEcon
Berlin, Christina; Erikson, Ljusk Ola.
The forest owner cooperatives in Sweden were established almost a century ago with the aim to improve the private forest owners’ bargaining situation and improve silviculture (the study, cultivation, and management of forest trees). The characteristics of today’s private forest owners and forest industry are changing, something which should encourage the forest owner cooperatives to consider adaptations of their organizations. The aims of this paper are, first, to describe characteristics of forest owner cooperative members and second, to probe the applicability of farm cooperative research in this venture. The statements that are tested are based on characteristics established in farm cooperative research and refer to (i) a negative relation between...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Private forest owners; Cooperative theory; Statistical analysis; Member’s age; Property size; Transaction; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Construction of the Legal System of Forestry Carbon Sequestration Transaction in China AgEcon
Zou, Limei; Wang, Yuexian.
Legal nature of forestry carbon sequestration transaction in China is introduced. Forestry carbon sequestration transaction is a kind of formal, bilateral, consensual and compensatory legal behavior following the principle of autonomy and having the nature of contract. Legal regulation of forestry carbon sequestration transaction is necessary for making and using demonstration text of contract, distributing the subject right and responsibility of forestry carbon sequestration transaction, offering references for environmental protection and other fields, and developing the voluntary market of forestry carbon sequestration. Based on this, construction of legal system of forestry carbon sequestration transaction is discussed from nine aspects, such as...
Tipo: Thesis or Dissertation Palavras-chave: Forestry carbon sequestration; Transaction; Legal system; Industrial Organization.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Study on the Influence of Yi Family Branch System on the Construction of New Countryside in Liangshan AgEcon
Song, Jingtong.
Legal nature of forestry carbon sequestration transaction in China is introduced. Forestry carbon sequestration transaction is a kind of formal, bilateral, consensual and compensatory legal behavior following the principle of autonomy and having the nature of contract. Legal regulation of forestry carbon sequestration transaction is necessary for making and using demonstration text of contract, distributing the subject right and responsibility of forestry carbon sequestration transaction, offering references for environmental protection and other fields, and developing the voluntary market of forestry carbon sequestration. Based on this, construction of legal system of forestry carbon sequestration transaction is discussed from nine aspects, such as...
Tipo: Thesis or Dissertation Palavras-chave: Forestry carbon sequestration; Transaction; Legal system; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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