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Bhat, Gajanan; Bergstrom, John C.; Bowker, James Michael; Cordell, H. Ken.
This paper provides a methodology for the estimation of recreational demand functions and values using an ecoregional approach. Ten ecoregions in the continental US were defined based on similarly functioning ecosystem characters. The individual travel cost method was employed to estimate the recreational demand functions for activities such as motorboating and waterskiing, developed and primative camping, coldwater fishing, sightseeing and pleasure driving, and big game hunting for each ecoregions. Estimates of per trip net income value range from $12.93 to $218.38 while per day estimates range from $4.31 to $109.19. While our ecoregional approach differs conceptually from previous work, our results appear consistent with the previous travel cost...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Recreation; Ecoregion; Travel cost method; Truncated poisson model; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Kuriyama, Koichi; Hanemann, W. Michael; Pendleton, Linwood.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Random utility model; Travel cost method; Recreation; Environmental valuation; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Q26.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Correcting for multiple destination trips in recreational use values using a mean-value approach; An application to Bellenden Ker National Park, Australia 31
Nillesen, Eleonora; Wesseler, Justus; Cook, Averil.
This paper focuses on an empirical application of the travel cost method, to estimate the recreational use value of Bellenden Ker National Park, part of the Wet tropics World Heritage Area Queensland, Australia. Walking appears to be one of the main activities associated with recreational experiences in the region. Substantial socio-economic as well as environmental benefits are expected to be gained if the areas was to be developed further, with regard to walking tracks, provided that this would be done in an environmentally sustainable way. Two overnight tracks within the park have been selected to obtain information about visitors’ experiences with the tracks in the past, to address specific needs for possible future developments. A standard assumption...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Multi-criteria analysis; Multiple trip bias; Travel cost method; Wet Tropics World Heritage Area; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Estimating values for recreational fishing at freshwater dams in Queensland 31
Rolfe, John; Prayaga, Prabha.
In this paper, estimates of value for recreational fishing are reported for three major freshwater impoundments in Queensland, Australia, using both travel cost and contingent valuation methods. Policy analysts often require estimates of value when analysing the importance of recreation against other uses of impoundments, or when considering the potential for further investments, such as with fish stocking programs. Different forms of the travel cost method are used to estimate separate consumer surpluses associated with two key subgroups of recreational anglers: frequent and occasional anglers. A contingent valuation study is used to estimate the marginal values associated with a potential improvement in fishing experience. The results of the travel cost...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Consumer surplus; Contingent valuation method; Recreational fishing; Travel cost method; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Estimation of the Recreational Use Value Gained from Recreational Fishing of Southern Bluefin Tuna at Portland, Australia 31
Ezzy, Edward; Scarborough, Helen.
Southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus Maccoyii) is a global resource which is critically endangered. The Committee for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) sets commercial quota levels for member nations, including Australia, each year. However, southern bluefin tuna is also a popular “trophy” fish with recreational anglers and the size of the total recreational catch in Australia is unknown but thought to be significant. This study focuses on the recreational southern bluefin tuna catch at Portland, in southwest Victoria and is based on data collected during the 2010 fishing season. The results indicate that the size of the recreational catch at Portland is significant in terms of the management of the fishery. A travel cost study was undertaken to...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Travel cost method; Recreational fishing; Southern bluefin tuna; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Liu, Binzhang; Kshirsagar, Shukla; Johnson, Thomas G.; Thatcher, Craig D.; Norton, George W..
Colleges of veterinary medicine are often asked to provide evidence of the economic impacts of their activities. This paper presents methods for evaluating a veterinary college and applies them to the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine. It assesses short-run impacts on income and employment using input-output analysis. Long-run benefits are estimated using a combination of economic surplus analysis, travel cost analysis and demand estimation, animal-owner willingness-to-pay based on a survey of practicing veterinarians, and earnings differentials.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Economic impact assessment; Economic surplus; Input-output; Returns to veterinary education; Travel cost method; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Measuring the Location Value of a Recreation Site 31
Taylor, R. Garth; McKean, John R.; Johnson, Donn M..
The demand for sport fishing on the Snake River reservoirs was estimated using the travel cost method. A short-run demand model was specified with location value for anglers who have the option to access a follow-on site if fishing conditions are poor. Willingness to pay for a fishing trip to the site was $18.52 for anglers who did not have a follow-on site and $43.48 for anglers who did. A location value of $24.96 accrued only to anglers with a follow-on site. Total annual site value was understated by as much as 40% ($0.78 million) if location value for anglers with a follow-on site was excluded from the benefit estimate.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Contingent behavior; Count data; Endogenous stratification; Follow-on site; Location value; Multiple destination; Option value; Short-run demand; Travel cost method; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Multifuncionalidad y valoración del paisaje de tres sistemas lagunares de la zona costera de Tabasco. 32
Román Magaña, María Karla.
Los manglares son uno de los ecosistemas más deteriorados a nivel mundial y en México no es la excepción. Existen pocos estudios que han valorado la importancia estética y turística de los manglares. Por tanto, el objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la multifuncionalidad del paisaje de tres sistemas lagunares de la zona costera del estado de Tabasco considerando los aspectos ambiental, estético, y socio-económico desde la visión y racionalidad de sus pobladores y el valor recreativo con base en la opinión de los visitantes. Se realizó en los ejidos de: San Rafael, Sinaloa y el Alacrán, ubicados en la zona costera de Tabasco, perteneciente al municipio de Cárdenas. La metodología utilizada incluyó enfoques de ecología del paisaje con talleres...
Palavras-chave: Valoración estética del paisaje; Paisaje cultural; Método de costo de viaje; Mapas comunitarios; Aesthetic value of the landscape; Cultural landscape; Travel cost method; Community maps; Agroecosistemas Tropicales; Maestría.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Recreational Demand for Equestrian Trail-Riding 31
Blackwell, Melanie; Pagoulatos, Angelos; Hu, Wuyang; Auchter, Katharine.
Using data collected from a combination of on-site and on-line surveys, this study examines recreational demand for equestrian trail-riding in Kentucky. A truncated, negative binomial regression is applied to analyze individuals’ visitation behavior consistent with a travel cost model. Results suggest that distance is the most significant determinant of average annual visits to a particular site. Various trail site characteristics, such as trail length, scenic overlooks, and trail markers, affect the number of visits an individual takes. Geographic information system (GIS) analysis permits the identification of equestrian population centers. Information obtained from this study offers a decision base for policymakers to use to manage existing equestrian...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Equestrian trail-riding; GIS analysis; Truncated negative binomial; Travel cost method; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The recreational value of Lake McKenzie: An application of the travel cost method 31
Fleming, Christopher M.; Cook, Averil.
Lake McKenzie is one of the most highly used and popular visitor destinations of all Fraser Island’'s natural sites, attracting 2,000 visitors a day in peak periods. Many consider this level of visitation to be unsustainable and the management authority is considering a range of management options. In assessing the alternatives it is useful to have some idea of the recreational value of the Lake under the current regime. This paper estimates this value using the travel cost method. Once adjustments for multiple-site visitors are made, the method yields recreational values of the Lake ranging from $13.7 M. to $31.8 M per annum, or from $104.30 to $242.84 per-person per-visit.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Lake McKenzie; Travel cost method; Recreation; Fraser Island; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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The value of forest recreation in Azorean public parks 123
Lopes,Fernando; Amaral,Bruno.
Abstract: This study assesses the aggregated value of demand for forest recreation in the Azores using a regional travel cost model. Previous assessments of total economic value (TEV) of the Portuguese forest by Mendes (2005) and INCF (2006) consider both market services and non-market services. Non-timber benefits (NTB) such as recreation, carbon sequestration, protection of soil, and biodiversity were valued using value transfer methodologies. Forest recreation accounts for 0.65% of TEV using a unit transfer value of 2.75 Euros/per visit estimated by Loureiro and Albiac (1996). The present primary study assesses the value of forest recreation in the Azorean islands instead of a single site approach. A count data travel-cost model, taking into account...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Forest recreation demand; Travel cost method; Forest total economic value.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Web surveys, sample bias and the travel cost method 31
Fleming, Christopher M.; Cook, Averil.
Environmental economists have long used surveys to gather information about people's preferences. This is particularly true in the field of non-market valuation, where techniques such as contingent valuation, choice modelling and the travel cost method invariably employ some form of survey instrument. A recent innovation in survey methodology has been the advent of web-based surveys. While popular in many other disciplines, to date, very few non-market valuation studies have employed the Internet as a survey tool. A primary concern of non-market valuation practitioners is the potential sampling biases associated with web-based surveys and the effect this may have on valuation estimates. In this paper the results of two travel cost surveys, one conducted...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Web-surveys; Sample bias; Travel cost method; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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World Heritage Listing of Australian Natural Sites: Effects on Tourism, Economic Value and Conservation 31
Tisdell, Clement A..
This article is primarily concerned with the economic consequences of World Heritage listing for the valuation of natural properties and the economic impacts of this listing. Australian data is used to throw light on this subject. Conceptual problems that arise in valuation are explored and several neglected limitations of the travel cost method for estimating the demand for visits to natural sites are mentioned. The importance of economic impact analysis in this context (especially its political ramifications) is given attention. The use of World Heritage listing for political purposes is discussed. It is argued that World Heritage listing favours the long-term conservation of natural properties.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Conservation of natural areas; Economic impact analysis; Economic valuation; Tourism; Travel cost method; World Heritage listing.; Environmental Economics and Policy; L83; Q26; Q57.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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トラベルコスト法による帯広市八千代公共育成牧場のレクリエーション便益評価 19
川瀬, 智太郎; 澤田, 学; 耕野, 拓一.
公共育成牧場は,預託家畜の育成や飼料生産・供給によって地域の畜産振興に貢献する 一方,牧場への訪問者に,放牧景観や動物・自然とのふれあいの場を提供している。この ような非農業的利用に対しては対価が支払われていないため,公共育成牧場が来訪者にど の程度のレクリエーション便益を提供しているか,よく知られていない。 小稿は,帯広市八千代公共育成牧場を対象に,現地アンケート調査により収集したデー タに個人トラベルコスト法を適用して,公共育成牧場の提供しているレクリエーション便 益を金額評価し,その推計結果の含意を考察した。分析の結果,八千代公共育成牧場が訪 問者にもたらしているレクリエーション便益は,少なく見積もっても,訪問1回当たり約 3千円,年間総額で約1億2千万円にのぼると推計された。さらに,レストランやパークゴ ルフ場の設置,アイスクリーム販売が同牧場のレクリエーション価値を高めていることも 明らかにされた。 The main role of public ranch is to encourage regional livestock farming by keeping their cattle for livestock farmers and raising the livestock for a given period. Recently, the multi-functional roles of public ranch such as development of favorable landscape, supply of recreational space and provision of educational opportunities through children's...
Palavras-chave: 公共育成牧場; レクリエーション便益; トラベルコスト法; 切断ポアソン回帰モデル; Public ranch; Recreational benefit; Travel cost method; Truncated Poisson regression model.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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