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Adaptation et essai d’un chalut pélagique a très grandes mailles a quatre faces egales pour une puissance de 650 c.v. OceanDocs
Bdioui, M.; M'Rabet, R..
Le présent travail concerne l’adaptation et l’essai d’un chalut pélagique japonais de très grandes mailles et à quatre faces égales dans les pêcheries tunisiennes. Le fil élémentaire composant les alèzes de filets est en Dyneema. Les essais de ce modèle de chalut, conçu pour un bateau d’une puissance motrice de 650 C.V, ont montré qu’il est adapté aux pêcheries de la région nord de la Tunisie et qu’il est efficace pour la capture des petits poissons pélagiques de grande profondeur notamment la sardine et l’anchois. Par ailleurs, les rendements de ce modèle de chalut sont importants grâce à ses ouvertures, horizontale et verticale, d’environ 35mètres. Les captures sont composées à plus de 99% d’espèces pélagiques.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Trawl nets; Gear research; Marine fisheries; Mesh selectivity; Pelagic fisheries; Trawlers; Pelagic fisheries.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Artes y métodos de pesca desarrollados en el Canal de Beagle, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. OceanDocs
Izzo, A.; Isla, M.; Salvini, L.; Bartozzetti, J.D.; Garcia, J.C.; Roth, R.R.; Prado, L.; Ercoli, R..
This paper deals with the design and application of different fishing gears tested in the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) with the supervision of the technical personnel of INIDEP Fishing Gear Group, the support of the General Directorate of Natural Resources (known today as SRNyAH) of Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur Province and the participation of local fishermen. Activities started as a result of an agreement between the INIDEP and the SRNyAH ratified in 1994. The fishing gear tested, which consist of two paired midwater trawl nets, a gill net, a surrounding net, a bottom lingline, a pot for kingklip and a line of octopus traps may be used in vessels ranging from 30 to 120 HP in coastal waters, channels and inland...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Gillnets; Trap nets; Line fishing; Trawl nets; Artisanal fishing; Gillnets; Line fishing; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Evaluación experimental bioeconómica de cambios en la tecnología de captura de camarón con redes de arrastre en aguas someras del Pacífico colombiano OceanDocs
Rico-Mejía, F.; Rueda, M..
Con la activa participación del sector industrial pesquero, se evaluaron los efectos biológicos y económicos de cambios tecnológicos en redes de arrastre para camarón en aguas someras del Pacífico colombiano en términos de reducir la fauna acompañante y el consumo de combustible. Se usaron dos embarcaciones simultáneamente en faenas de pesca experimental que compararon el desempeño de una red prototipo y de la red convencional usada por la flota, cuantificando en ambos casos los efectos del dispositivo excluidor de tortugas (DET) y de dos subáreas de pesca (centro-norte y centro-sur). Las variables de desempeño pesquero usadas para evaluar el efecto de cambios en la tecnología de pesca sobre la captura objetivo (CO) y la fauna acompañante [captura...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Trawl nets; Fishing technology; Biodiversity; Fishery economics; Biodiversity; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Evaluación experimental de dispositivos excluidores de fauna acompañante en redes de arrastre para camarón de aguas someras en el Pacífico colombiano OceanDocs
Girón, A.; Rico, F.; Rueda, M..
Se evaluaron los efectos de la introducción de dispositivos excluidores de fauna acompañante en la flota de arrastre camaronera de aguas someras del Pacífico colombiano, mediante un experimento de pesca que involucró al sector pesquero industrial. Siguiendo las condiciones de pesca comercial, seevaluó el dispositivo excluidor de tortugas (DET), el dispositivo excluidor de peces "Ojo de pescado" (OP) y la combinación de ambos dispositivos (DET+OP). Las variables usadas para evaluar los efectos de los dispositivos sobre los distintos componentes de la captura [captura objetivo (CO), captura incidental (CI) y el descarte (D)], fueron la abundancia relativa y la distribución de tallas de los individuos. Los efectos de los factores tipo de dispositivo, áreas de...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Trawl nets; By catch.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Experiencias de selectividad en los copos de las redes de arrastre y desarrollo en dispositivos selectivos con grillas en la pesquería Argentina. OceanDocs
Ercoli, R.; Izzo, A.; Salvini, L.; Garcia, J.C.; Bartozzetti, J.D.; Roth, R.R..
Major results and difficulties which resulted from experiences in species and per size selectivity for the Argentine fishery are described. Codend selectivity and grid sorting devices trials were carried out. The use of grids not only reduced by-catch of hake in the shrimp fishery but also improved juveniles selectivity in the hake fishery as compared to mesh selectivity. No changes in fishing gears or in fishing manoeuvres were necessary. It was concluded that, to achieve a better rational exploitation of fishing resources, it is necessary to enhance selectivity of fishing gears. Deeper knowledge and further training of crews on Argentine fleets is also encouraged.
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Gear selectivity; Trawl nets; Mesh selectivity; Gadoid fisheries; Gear research.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Influencia de la cantidad de captura en la selectividad de mallas diamante y cuadrada en redes de arrastre para la merluza común (Merluccius hubbsi) e implicancias sobre el potencial de descarte OceanDocs
Ehrhardt, N.M.; Ercoli, R.; Garcia, J.C.; Bartozzetti, J.D.; Izzo, A..
The hake, Merluccius hubbsi, fishery is the most important amongst the argentinean demersal fisheries. Fishery management schemes have been adopted to control high discard levels of undersized fish historically observed in the fishery. Controls have consissted in establishing closed areas to fishing and implementation of minimum mesh size in bottom trawls to allow escapement of fish less than 33 cm in length. Offical fishery regulations establish a 120 mm inside codend mesh size in all hake traws. This work reports on the dynamics of hake selection in bottom trawls as a function of the relative abundance of the resource as well as loading levels imposed on the fishing gear. The analyses include the response to selection by square mesh panels attached to...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Mesh selectivity; Trawl nets; Bottom trawls; Discards.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Manual técnico del dispositivo para el escape de juveniles de peces en las redes de arrastre DEJUPA aplicado a la merluza. OceanDocs
Ercoli, R.; Salvini, L.; Garcia, J.C.; Izzo, A.; Roth, R.R.; Bartozzetti, J.D..
This Technical Manual has been developed to frame, assemble and apply the single grid sorting device (DEJUPA). It is addressed to professionals, technicians in fishing gears, skippers, owners and fishermen. The Manual presents three DEJUPA sizes in function of the main engine power: less than 300 HP, between 300 and 800 HP and more than 800 HP.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Trawl nets; Gear selectivity.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Redes de arrstre de gran abertura vertical y alta velocidad empleadas en la pesca comercial de la region austral del Atlantico Sudoccidental. OceanDocs
Martini, L..
Fishing activities with trawl nets used by the commercial fleet in the continental slope of the Southwest Atlantic are quite different from those developed in the Argentine shelf because, in the former, depths are very variable and slopes are more marked: therefore, fishing procedures are quite different. In this work, the most important differences are described: fish species, fishing gear, type of vessel and machinery on deck, as well as the training and experience of skippers.
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Trawl nets; Commercial fishing; Fishing technology; Demersal fisheries; Demersal fisheries; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Techniques de pêches ArchiMer
Nedelec, Claude; Portier, Marcel; Prado, Joël.
This paper constitutes a practical hand-book prepared for the international stage of fishing technology (Nantes, 1978, May 31 to June 30). The authors give many data on the fishing technology, on the fishing gear classification, the behaviour of fish in relation with the fishing gear, the environomental effects on fishing gear and methods and on fish behaviour effects on the fishing methods. They explain the conception and the construction of the principal models of fishing gear, the conception and the equipment of fishing boats. They also give explications on the detection and the attraction of fish. They expound the organisation and the planification of a fishing technology service.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pisces; Attracting techniques; Fishing vessels; Line fishing; Trawl nets; Seine nets; Lift nets; Gillnets; Fishing nets; Manuals; Fishing gear; Catching methods.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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