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An Examination of New Food Product Development Processes: A Comparative Case Study of Two Hazelnut Candy Manufacturers AgEcon
Woods, Timothy A.; Demiralay, Aslihan.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Product development; Trends; Agribusiness; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Are litter, plastic and microplastic quantities increasing in the ocean? ArchiMer
Galgani, Francois; Brien, Aleke Stoefen-o; Weis, Judith; Ioakeimidis, Christos; Schuyler, Qamar; Makarenko, Iryna; Griffiths, Huw; Bondareff, Joan; Vethaak, Dick; Deidun, Alan; Sobral, Paula; Topouzelis, Konstantinos; Vlahos, Penny; Lana, Fernanda; Hassellov, Martin; Gerigny, Olivia; Arsonina, Bera; Ambulkar, Archis; Azzaro, Maurizio; Bebianno, Maria João.
Whilst both plastic production and inputs at sea have increased since the 1950s, several modelling studies predict a further increase in the coming years in these respective quantities. We compiled scientific literature on trends in marine litter, consisting largely of plastic and microplastics in the ocean, understanding that monitoring programs or assessments for these aspects are varied, frequently focusing on limited components of the marine environment in different locations, and covering a wide spectrum of marine litter types, with limited standardization. Here we discuss how trends in the amounts of litter in the marine environment can be compared with the information provided by models. Increasing amounts of plastic are found in some regions,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Plastic pollution; Marine litter; Microplastics; Trends; Monitoring.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Bedreigde en verdwenen bijen in Nederland (Apidae s.l.) basisrapport met voorstel voor de rode lijst Naturalis
Peeters, T.M.J.; Reemer, M..
Bedreigde en verdwenen bijen in Nederland (Apidae s.l.) basisrapport met voorstel voor de rode lijst Dit rapport bevat het voorstel voor een Rode Lijst van de Nederlandse bijen (Apidae s.l.). De Rode Lijst werd samengesteld door Stichting EIS-Nederland in opdracht van het Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij. De Rode-Lijststatus is bepaald aan de hand van een combinatie van een zeldzaamheids- en een trendcriterium. De zeldzaamheid werd bepaald met het aantal atlasblokken (5x5 km) waarin een soort is aangetroffen in de periode 1970-2001 (actuele periode). De trend werd bepaald door de status in de actuele periode te vergelijken met de status in de periode voor 1970 (referentieperiode). Van de 338 in Nederland aangetroffen bijensoorten komen...
Tipo: Book (monograph) Palavras-chave: Nederland; Verspreiding; Beschermin; Trends; Rode lijst; 42.75.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Bedreigde en verdwenen land- en zoetwaterweekdieren in Nederland (Mollusca) basisrapport met voorstel voor de rode lijst Naturalis
Bruyne, R. de; Wallbrink, H.; Gmelig Meyling, A..
Bedreigde en verdwenen land- en zoetwaterweekdieren in Nederland (Mollusca) basisrapport met voorstel voor de rode lijst Dit rapport bevat het voorstel voor een Rode Lijst voor Nederlandse terrestrische en aquatische weekdieren. Voor de vertegenwoordigers van het fylum Mollusca wordt behalve de naam ‘weekdieren’, ook ‘mollusken’ gebruikt, of ‘schelpdieren’. In de lijst is een onderverdeling gemaakt in terrestrische mollusken (landslakken) en aquatische mollusken (waterslakken en twee– kleppigen). In de laatste categorie vallen alle soorten uit zoet, binnendijks water. De mariene aquatische soorten zijn, uitgezonderd enkele in binnendijks brak water voorkomende soorten, buiten beschouwing gebleven. Indien gesproken wordt van aquatische mollusken, wordt...
Tipo: Book (monograph) Palavras-chave: Nederland; Rode lijst; Bescherming; Trends; 42.73.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Changes in ranges of hoverflies in the Netherlands in the 20th century (Diptera: Syrphidae) Naturalis
Reemer, M.; Smit, J.T.; Steenis, W. van.
Changes in ranges of hoverflies in the Netherlands in the 20th century (Diptera: Syrphidae) In July 2001 the database of the Netherlands Syrphidae Recording Scheme contained approximately 200 000 records of Syrphidae. This database was used to examine changes in the hoverfly fauna of the Netherlands during the 20th century. The dataset was divided into two parts, before and since 1988, containing equal numbers of records. This revealed that there is a significant increase in the distribution of hoverfly species with saproxylic larvae. Probably this is a consequence of the changes in woodland management that have taken place in the past 20 years. Another result of the trend analysis is the conclusion that there is a high proportion of southern species...
Tipo: Article in monograph or in proceedings Palavras-chave: Syrphidae; Trends; Netherlands; Saproxylic species; Climate change; 42.75.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Deep temperature variability in Drake Passage ArchiMer
Firing, Yvonne L.; Mcdonagh, Elaine L.; King, Brian A.; Desbruyeres, Damien.
Observations made on 21 occupations between 1993 and 2016 of GO-SHIP line SR1b in eastern Drake Passage show an average temperature of 0.53 degrees C deeper than 2000 dbar, with no significant trend, but substantial year-to-year variability (standard deviation 0.08 degrees C). Using a neutral density framework to decompose the temperature variability into isopycnal displacement (heave) and isopycnal property change components shows that approximately 95% of the year-to-year variance in deep temperature is due to heave. Changes on isopycnals make a small contribution to year-to-year variability but contribute a significant trend of -1.40.6 m degrees C per year, largest for density ((n))>28.1, south of the Polar Front (PF). The heave component is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Temperature; Trends; Southern Ocean.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Distribution and spatio-temporal biomass trends of red mullets across the Mediterranean ArchiMer
Tserpes, George; Massutí, Enric; Fiorentino, Fabio; Facchini, Maria Teresa; Viva, Claudio; Jadaud, Angelique; Joksimovic, Aleksandar; Pesci, Paola; Piccinetti, Corrado; Sion, Letizia; Thasitis, Ioannis; Vrgoc, Nedo.
The present work examines the spatio-temporal biomass trends of Mullus barbatus and Mullus surmuletus in the Mediterranean Sea through the analysis of a time series of data coming from the Mediterranean International Trawl Surveys (MEDITS), accomplished annually from 1994 to 2015. The biomass of both species showed clear declining trends below 150 to 200 m depth, which were steeper in the case of M. barbatus. Increases in temporal biomass trends were observed for M. barbatus from 2008 onward in most geographic sub-areas (GSAs), while stability was mostly observed for M. surmuletus. For both species, dynamic factor analysis revealed similarities among neighbouring GSAs and the subsequent cluster analysis identified two major GSA groups corresponding to the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Red mullet; Striped red mullet; Distribution; Trends; Mediterranean.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Dynamics of an estuarine ecosystem: Long-term trends in the macrobenthic communities of Chesapeake bay, (1985-1993) ArchiMer
Dauer, Dm.
Long-term trends in subtidal macrobenthic communities of the lower Chesapeake Bay, USA, were examined using data collected quarterly (March, June, September and December) fr om 1985 through 1993 at 16 stations along a salinity gradient from tidal freshwater regions of the major tributaries (James, York and Rappahannock rivers) to the polyhaline region of the mainstem of Chesapeake Bay. In March 1989 two stations were added to the program in the mesohaline region of the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River, a region characterized by contaminated sediments. A non-parametric trend analysis procedure was applied to five parameters characterizing macrobenthic community structure: community biomass, species richness, abundance of individuals, proportion of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chesapeake Bay; Benthos; Trends; Estuary; Eutrophication.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Dynamics of an estuarine ecosystem - The Chesapeake Bay experience: Statistical approaches and water quality patterns ArchiMer
Alden, Rw.
A long-term water quality monitoring program has been established in the Virginian waters of the Chesapeake Bay. To date, over eight years of data have been analyzed to characterize spatio-temporal patterns and long-term trends in water quality. Complementary multivariate statistical procedures were employed to define spatial and seasonal patterns, while a series of non-parametric trend analyses were used for determining overall, site-specific, and season-specific long-term trends for water quality variables in the tributaries and mainstem of the Bay. Particular attention was focused on determining the effect of river flow on the trends, because flow rates in some of the tributaries have changed dramatically since the beginning of the monitoring program....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Water quality; Monitoring; Statistics; Trends; Flow.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Dynamics of an estuarine ecosystem: The influence of flow patterns on phytoplankton trends in the Chesapeake Bay ArchiMer
Marshall, Hg; Alden, Rw.
Long term trends in the phytoplankton of the lower Chesapeake Bay were identified using flow corrected and uncorrected data sets, with 22 of 23 significant trends similar under both conditions. The major trends between 1985-1992 were for: 1) reduced phytoplankton concentrations; 2) decreasing numbers of phytoplankton taxa during spring, summer and fall months; and 3) seasonally mixed trends for diatom abundance in waters below the pycnocline, with spring months having decreasing densities, and increasing abundance trends in November and December. The flow patterns had different effects on the trends. Flow diminished the magnitude of the trends for total phytplankton concentrations, so these trends were greater in the flow corrected data. There were mixed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phytoplankton; Chesapeake Bay; Trends; Flow.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Ecological indicators to capture the effects of fishing on biodiversity and conservation status of marine ecosystems ArchiMer
Coll, M.; Shannon, L. J.; Kleisner, K. M.; Juan-jorda, M. J.; Bundy, A.; Akoglu, A. G.; Banaru, Daniela; Boldt, J. L.; Borges, M. F.; Cook, A.; Diallo, I.; Fu, C.; Fox, C.; Gascuel, D.; Gurney, L. J.; Hattab, T.; Heymans, J. J.; Jouffre, D.; Knight, B. R.; Kucukavsar, S.; Large, S. I.; Lynam, C.; Machias, A.; Marshall, K. N.; Masski, H.; Ojaveer, H.; Piroddi, C.; Tam, J.; Thiao, D.; Thiaw, M.; Torres, M. A.; Travers-trolet, Morgane; Tsagarakis, K.; Tuck, I.; Van Der Meeren, G. I.; Yemane, D.; Zador, S. G.; Shin, Y. -j..
IndiSeas (“Indicators for the Seas”) is a collaborative international working group that was established in 2005 to evaluate the status of exploited marine ecosystems using a suite of indicators in a comparative framework. An initial shortlist of seven ecological indicators was selected to quantify the effects of fishing on the broader ecosystem using several criteria (i.e., ecological meaning, sensitivity to fishing, data availability, management objectives and public awareness). The suite comprised: (i) the inverse coefficient of variation of total biomass of surveyed species, (ii) mean fish length in the surveyed community, (iii) mean maximum life span of surveyed fish species, (iv) proportion of predatory fish in the surveyed community, (v) proportion...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecological indicators; Marine ecosystems; Biodiversity; Redundancy; Trends; States; Fishing impacts; Conservation.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Estimación de un modelo econométrico simultáneo para el mercado de huevo en México (1960-2007). Colegio de Postgraduados
Guillén Alvarado, Rosa Angélica.
En este trabajo consiste en realizar una predicción de precios del huevo en México con datos de 1960 a 2003 y posteriormente se obtuvo la predicción de precios hasta el 2007, mismo que se tomas los precios nominales del huevo y el índice nacional de precios al consumidor para calcular los precios reales y obtener la desestacionalización de los precios, posteriormente con el apoyo del programa de SAS, se establece un modelo econométrico con el que se calcula la tendencia de mejor ajuste. El modelo cuadrático tiene un buen ajuste dado por el coeficiente de determinación (R2 =0.9432) y sus parámetros de acuerdo con la razón de t son significativos al 99% de probabilidad. Tomando en consideración la tendencia estimada, el índice estacional, el índice cíclico...
Palavras-chave: Ciclos; Huevo; Tendencia; Predicción de precios; Cycles; Egg; Trends; Price forecast; Economía; Maestría.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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General description of some meteo-marine variables of surface waters adjacent to the Palmer Archipelago, Antarctic Peninsula, during 1979-2018 based on Era5 data Boletín de Investigaciones
Hernández Duarte,Margorie Alexandra; Villegas Bolaños,Nancy Liliana; Concha Perdomo,Ana Elena.
ABSTRACT Aspatial and temporal description of meteo-marine parameters for 1979-2018 period of the marine region surrounding the Palmer Archipelago, located West of the Antarctic Peninsula (WAP), is presented. The used information was extracted from the ERA5 reanalysis. Air Temperature (Ta), Total Precipitation (TP) and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) showed a general increase over the last 40 years in the study region. The highest increase of Ta, TP and SST values were recorded north of Gerlache Strait, followed by Bismarck Strait. It was evidenced that Sea Ice Cover (SIC) has decreased mostly north of Palmer Archipelago. The existence of a local differentiation of meteo-marine conditions around the Palmer Archipelago was identified. The climatology of five...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Climatology; Trends; Sea ice cover; Gerlache Strait; Bismarck Strait..
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Global wave height trends and variability from new multi-mission satellite altimeter products, reanalyses and wave buoys ArchiMer
Timmermans, B.w.; Gommenginger, C.p.; Dodet, Guillaume; Bidlot, J.-r..
Long‐term changes in ocean surface waves are relevant to society and climate research. Significant wave height climatologies and trends over 1992‐2017 are intercompared in four recent high‐quality global datasets using a consistent methodology. For two products based on satellite altimetry, including one from the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative for Sea State, regional differences in mean climatology are linked to low and high sea states. Trends from the altimetry products, and two reanalysis and hindcast datasets, show general similarity in spatial variation and magnitude but with major differences in equatorial regions and the Indian Ocean. Discrepancies between altimetry products likely arise from differences in calibration and quality...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea state; Wave height; Trends; Altimetry; Satellite wave observations; Dataset intercomparison.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Dahl, Bruce L.; Wilson, William W..
Questions have emerged in the United States and Canada regarding the role and function of quality in international markets. One has been the definition and composition of different market segments, with a particular focus on higher quality customers. In this study, trends in U.S. wheat exports are analyzed by class, grade, protein, and market segment. Analysis shows trends toward increases in exports of higher grades of Hard Amber Durum (HAD) and Hard Red Spring (HRS); whereas, exports of higher quality grades for Hard Red Winter (HRW) appear to be moderate. Exports of HRS, HRW, and HAD show increases in proportion of exports shipped at higher protein levels and increases in the proportion of exports where protein is specified. Cluster analysis for...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Trends; Wheat quality; Grades; Classes; Protein; Hard Red Spring; Hard Red Winter; Hard Amber Durum; Market segments; Crop Production/Industries; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Investigation of spatiotemporal patterns in mean temperature and mean trophic level of MEDITS survey catches in the Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Peristeraki, Panagiota; Bitetto, Isabella; Carbonara, Pierluigi; Carlucci, Roberto; Certain, Gregoire; De Carlo, Francesco; Gristina, Michele; Kamidis, Nikos; Pesci, Paola; Stagioni, Marco; Valls, María; Tserpes, George.
Mean temperature (MTC) and mean trophic level (MTL) spatiotemporal patterns of MEDITS survey catches were examined in 13 geographic statistical areas (GSAs) of the Mediterranean between 1994 and 2016. The study aimed to detect changes in the demersal community structure related to anthropogenic impacts. A generalized additive modelling approach was used to examine the effects of year and GSA on the MTC and MTL indexes and on bottom temperature by haul. For the MTC index, the year was significant only in 4 GSAs, while for MTL it was significant in 5. Higher MTC values were observed in central and eastern areas. Bottom temperature increased after 2010, and also from west to east and from north to south. Our results indicate that the recently observed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mean temperature of the catch; Trophic level; Bottom temperature; Trends; Mediterranean; Fishing pressure; Sea warming; Climate change.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Modelación de eventos extremos usando la distribución Dagum. Colegio de Postgraduados
Sexto Monroy, Benjamin.
En el presente trabajo se implementa la modelación de valores extremos con la metodolog ía "block maxima", específicamente en niveles m áximos diarios de ozono de la estaci ón Pedregal de la Cd. de M éxico de los años 2001 a 2008, usando la distribución Dagum que es de cola pesada y es usada generalmente como distribuci ón de ingreso, pero tiene un antecedente en el campo meteorol ógico, donde fue usado para modelar la cantidad de precipitaci ón pluvial. Una visualizaci ón general de los datos, hecha gr áficamente, revela una tendencia a la baja de los niveles m áximos diarios de ozono, por lo cual se decide realizar el an álisis por año. Mediante la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov se prueba si las observaciones de cada año siguen la distribución Dagum. El...
Palavras-chave: Tendencia; Ozono; Valor Extremo; VGAM; Trends; Ozone; Extreme Value; Maestría; Estadística.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Modelación de eventos extremos usando la distribución Dagum. Colegio de Postgraduados
Sexto Monroy, Benjamín.
En el presente trabajo se implementa la modelación de valores extremos con la metodolog ía "block maxima", específicamente en niveles m áximos diarios de ozono de la estaci ón Pedregal de la Cd. de M éxico de los años 2001 a 2008, usando la distribución Dagum que es de cola pesada y es usada generalmente como distribuci ón de ingreso, pero tiene un antecedente en el campo meteorol ógico, donde fue usado para modelar la cantidad de precipitaci ón pluvial. Una visualizaci ón general de los datos, hecha gr áficamente, revela una tendencia a la baja de los niveles m áximos diarios de ozono, por lo cual se decide realizar el an álisis por año. Mediante la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov se prueba si las observaciones de cada año siguen la distribución Dagum. El...
Palavras-chave: Tendencia; Ozono; Valor Extremo; VGAM; Trends; Ozone; Extreme Value; Maestría; Estadística.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Modelación de la frecuencia e intensidad de ciclones tropicales usando el proceso poisson no homogéneo. Colegio de Postgraduados
Carrillo Negrete, Oswaldo Ismael.
En este trabajo se modela el número de huracanes y su asociación con la Temperatura de la Superficie Marina (SST por sus siglas en ingles), mediante un Proceso Poisson No Homogéneo (PPNH). Se utilizaron métodos no paramétricos y paramétricos, los cuales estiman la función de intensidad del proceso. En las aproximaciones no paramétricas se utilizaron Núcleos y Onduletas. En el caso de los métodos paramétricos se proponen dos modelos, el primero modela el número de huracanes basado en una función exponencial polinomial y el segundo se basa en un PPNH bidimensional en función de la covariable SST. En ambas estimaciones paramétricas se verificaron los supuestos de exponencialidad e independencia. Con la finalidad de ilustrar la aplicabilidad del modelo propuesto,...
Palavras-chave: Proceso poisson; Tendencias; Ciclones tropicales; Actividad ciclónica; Poisson process; Trends; Tropical cyclones; Cyclonic activity; Maestría; Estadística.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Modernization trends in the dairy industry: milk quality monitoring by somatic cell counts MV&Z
Langoni, Hélio.
The dairy industry suffers heavy losses as a result of mastitis, the main infection of dairy cattle. Itsmultiple etiology makes prophylaxis very difficult. The present study reflects the importance ofmastitis control, and discusses aspects of the somatic cell counts in the monitoring of the mammarygland's health, with the objective of obtaining better quality milk, with less infection risks forconsumers, because both milk and dairy products can transmit zoonosis agents.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mastitis; Somatic cells; Trends; Monitoring mastites; Células somáticas; Tendências; Monitoramento.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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