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Angiosperm flora used by meliponine guilds (Apidae, Meliponina) occurring at rainforest edges in the state of Ceará, Brazil 42
Information about the use of floristic resources of the immediate edges of ombrophilous forest (Atlantic rainforest) fragments by stingless bees is not readily available in the scientific literature. Considering the importance of these plant species for local guilds of stingless bees, this study aimed to identify and characterize the flora of the immediate borders of four Atlantic rainforest fragments situated in Baturité massif, state of Ceará, used as food resource by stingless bees. We studied the growth-form of the plants, the floristic similarity between edges and the effect of rainfall on the flowering, and suggested simple techniques for handling these areas. We compiled a total of 82 plant species with a predominance of tree and shrub form. There...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Deciduous forest; Floristics; Fragmented habitat; Stingless bee; Trophic resource.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Écologie de la reproduction de l’huître Crassostrea gigas en lagune méditerranéenne 5
Lagarde, Franck.
The Mediterranean lagoons host many anthropogenic uses including shellfish aquaculture since the beginning of the 20th century. Imported in 1970, the cupped oyster, Crassostrea gigas, has adapted perfectly and has allowed an important development of oyster’s industry until 2008, the year of occurence of spat outbreak related to the emergence of an Ostreid Herpes-virus μvar. The scarcity of spat and the speculation on this product changed regionally cultural practices and the supply of juveniles, with in particular the wish of developing a local activity of spat collection. However the cycle of reproduction of the species and the recruitment of juveniles were poorly known in lagoon environments. In this context, the objective of this thesis is to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître; Écologie larvaire; Ressource trophique; Connectivité; Recrutement; Lagune côtière; Oyster; Larval ecology; Trophic resource; Connectivity; Recruitment; Coastal lagoon.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Heterotrophic protists as a trophic link between picocyanobacteria and the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera in the Takapoto lagoon (Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia) 5
Loret, Pascale; Le Gall, Solange; Dupuy, Christine; Blanchot, Jean; Pastoureaud, Annie; Delesalle, Bruno; Caisey, Xavier; Jonquieres, Gerard.
Pearl oysters are farmed in oligotrophic tropical atoll lagoons where planktonic communities are dominated by production from cyanobacteria smaller than 2 pm. Paradoxically, the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera only retains particles larger than 2 Pm. In this study, we assess the relative contribution of hetero/mixotrophic microbiota to the available planktonic resource. In Takapoto Atoll, picocyanobacteria are the dominant biomass (20 mug C l(-1)). The carbon biomass of ciliates and dinoflagellates ranges from 1 to 24 and 0.5 to 5 mug C l(-1) respectively, with a mean of 6 mug C l(-1) for ciliates and 2 mug C l(-1) for dinoflagellates. The possible retention by P. margaritifera on a natural protist suspension was investigated. Due to its high clearance...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Trophic resource; Picoplankton; Pinctada margaritifera; Pearl oysters; Atoll lagoon; Protists.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Integration of shellfish farming activies in three French coastal environments : Mont Saint-Michel Bay, Gulf of Morbihan, and Marennes-Oleron Bay 5
Mazurie, Joseph; Le Mao, Patrick; Camus, Patrick; Bacher, Cedric; Goulletquer, Philippe.
Integration of shellfish farming along the French shoreline (around 5500 km) has been progressive, as marine bivalve culture is a traditional activity in our country. The history of mussel culture relates that the "bouchot" technique (intertidal culture on wooden poles, producing annually around 60,000 tons) was developed as early as the XIIIth century, by a refugee attempting to capture birds by sticking branches of brushwood along the shore. The European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis, already appreciated at the Roman period, was first cultivated in France after Victor Coste introduced the technique of spat collection at the end of the XIXth century. The Pacific cupped oyster, genus Crassostrea, now the most-cultivated in France (around 120,000 tons marketed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Trophic capacity; Trophic resource; Nature conservation; Coastal zone management; Biodiversity; Mytilus edulis; Mussels; Integration; Ostrea edulis; Crassostrea gigas; Oysters.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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