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Determination of diet in Manila clams by spatial analysis of stable isotopes 5
Dang, C.; Sauriau, Pierre-guy; Savoye, N.; Caill-milly, Nathalie; Martinez, P.; Millaret, C.; Haure, Joel; De Montaudouin, X..
Spatial changes in the dietary regime of Ruditapes philippinarum from intertidal sediments of Arcachon Bay were depicted by analyzing stable isotope ratios in both its adductor muscles and potential trophic sources. Manila clams were collected from 50 sites in May to June 2006. Dietary reconstruction was based on the IsoSource mixing model, considering trophic enrichments of 3.5%. for carbon and 3.0%. for nitrogen, which were determined experimentally. delta C-13 and delta N-15 values, respectively, averaged -28.2 and 5.2 parts per thousand for riverine particulate organic matter (POM), -20.6 and 4.7 parts per thousand for inner bay phytoplankton, -21.0 and 5.6%. for outer bay phytoplankton, -16.8 and 4.8 parts per thousand. for microphytobenthos, -18.4...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SW France; Arcachon Bay; Spatial variability; Mixing model; Trophic sources; C and N stable isotopes; Muscle; Ruditapes philippinarum.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Dynamique des populations de palourdes japonaises (Ruditapes philippinarum) dans le bassin d'Arcachon : conséquences sur la gestion des populations exploitées 5
Dang, Cecile.
The Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum was introduced into Arcachon Bay at the beginning of the 1980s for aquaculture purposes. It rapidly naturalized in all intertidal flats of the lagoon. Nowadays, Arcachon Bay ranks at the first French place in terms of exploitable stock. However, recent stock assessments have shown an unbalance size structure with a deficit in juvenile and adult clams (> 38 mm shell length). These alarming patterns asked many questions on the sustainability of Manila clam populations within Arcachon Bay and have motivated the present thesis. This study aimed to better understand the population dynamics of this species and also some factors controlling this dynamic. The final objective was to improve the Manila clam fishing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Management; Trophic sources; Pathogens; Population dynamics; Ruditapes philippinarum; Gestion; Resources trophiques; Pathogènes; Dynamique de population; Ruditapes philippinarum.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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