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Eutrophication in a tropical pond: Understanding the bacterioplankton and phytoplankton dynamics during a vibriosis outbreak using flow cytometric analyses 5
Lucas, Ronan; Courties, C.; Herbland, Alain; Goulletquer, Philippe; Marteau, Anne-laure; Lemonnier, Hugues.
In tropical shrimp ponds, the increasing of feed input, concomitantly with the stocking shrimp biomass, induces an eutrophication of the ecosystem. Although difficult to maintain, its stability is required to guarantee the success of the culture. A 110-day period of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton stock and dynamics in an earthen pond (1.2 ha area, 1 m depth) was monitored using flow cytometry to provide baseline information on community characteristics and ecosystem instability. Seven autotrophic cell types were identified over the whole sampling period. Prokaryotic cells included Synechococcus sp., a group named UNK which presented an atypical new flow cytometric signature and picoeukaryotes (PEUK). Nanophytoplankton cells were represented by 4...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tropical shrimp aquaculture; Ecosystem shift; Phytoplankton; Bacterioplankton; Vibrio; Flow cytometry.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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