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External controls on turbidite sedimentation on the glacially-influenced Armorican margin (Bay of Biscay, western European margin) ArchiMer
Toucanne, Samuel; Zaragosi, Sebastien; Bourillet, Jean-francois; Dennielou, Bernard; Jorry, Stephan; Jouet, Gwenael; Cremer, Michel.
Sequence stratigraphic models predict increased sediment delivery to deep-water areas during sea-level lowstand. The Armorican margin (Bay of Biscay, western European margin) is an interesting area to test this hypothesis because the margin has a wide continental shelf, still partly flooded during sea-level lowstand, and the Armorican turbidite system has experienced fluctuating sediment fluxes since the last glacial period. The stratigraphic response of the Armorican turbidite system to sea-level oscillations and climate changes was assessed for the last 35,000 years through the study of the Guilcher, Crozon and Audierne levees. Millenial-timescale resolution chronostratigraphy allowed us to reconstruct the sediment accumulation and turbidite frequency,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Armorican margin; Bay of Biscay; Turbidite systems; Turbidity currents; Levee growth; External forcing; Deglaciation; Source-to-sink.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Reconstruction des transferts sédimentaires en provenance du système glaciaire de Mer d'Irlande et du paléofleuve Manche au cours des derniers cycles climatiques ArchiMer
Toucanne, Samuel.
The Pleistocene has been period of fluctuating climate accompanied by prominent sea-level lowstands during the glacial intervals, when massive continental ice sheets extended from mountainous to lowland European areas. The retreat of the shoreline on the extensive present-day shallow continental shelf of the southern part of the British Isles induced the appearance of the 'Fleuve Manche' palaeoriver, one of the largest systems that drained the European continent. Sedimentary records from the Bay of Biscay offer an independent record allowing the reconstruction of the freshwater and sediment discharges of the 'Fleuve Manche', and the possibility of detecting the imprint of surrounding ice-sheet oscillations and attendant modification of hinterland drainage...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Land sea correlations; European fluvial system; Glacial Irish Sea system; 'Fleuve Manche' palaeoriver; Ice sheets; Glaciations; Climate; Pleistocene; Turbidite systems; Sediment transfer; Bay of Biscay; Corrélations terre mer; Réseau de drainage européen; Système glaciaire de Mer d'Irlande; Fleuve Manche; Calottes glaciaires; Glaciations; Climat; Pléistocène; Systèmes turbiditiques; Transferts sédimentaires; Golfe de Gascogne.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Response of Cenozoic turbidite system to tectonic activity and sea-level change off the Zambezi Delta ArchiMer
Castelino, Jude A.; Reichert, Christian; Jokat, Wilfried.
Submarine fans and turbidite systems are important and sensitive features located offshore from river deltas that archive tectonic events, regional climate, sea level variations and erosional process. Very little is known about the sedimentary structure of the 1800 km long and 400 km wide Mozambique Fan, which is fed by the Zambezi and spreads out into the Mozambique Channel. New multichannel seismic profiles in the Mozambique Basin reveal multiple feeder systems of the upper fan that have been active concurrently or consecutively since Late Cretaceous. We identify two buried, ancient turbidite systems off Mozambique in addition to the previously known Zambezi-Channel system and another hypothesized active system. The oldest part of the upper fan, located...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mozambique Fan; Turbidite systems; Late Cretaceous bottom current; Beira High Channel-levee system; African Uplift; Zambezi River.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Seismic stratigraphy and depositional architecture of Neogene intraslope basins, offshore western Niger Delta ArchiMer
Chima, Kelvin I.; Do Couto, Damien; Leroux, Estelle; Gardin, Silvia; Hoggmascall, Nick; Rabineau, Marina; Granjeon, Didier; Gorini, Christian.
Located on a divergent margin dominated by gravity tectonics above overpressured marine shales, the Niger Delta slope has been described as having a stepped profile characterized by ‘filled ponded basins’ that are prone to erosion and sediment bypass. Previous studies based on 3D seismic data have described the depositional architecture of the western Niger Delta's upper slope, but calibration of the seismic facies is lacking and the timing of major changes in sedimentary record remains elusive. In this study, seismic sequence-stratigraphy, 3D geomorphological analyses of high-resolution 3D seismic data, and bio/chronostratigraphic analyses from four boreholes, enabled the identification and characterization of the depositional architecture in Neogene...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: West Africa; Niger Delta; Seismic sequence stratigraphy; Filled ponded basins; Mass-transport deposits; Turbidite systems; Chronostratigraphy.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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