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A sinusoidal equation as an alternative to classical growth functions to describe growth profiles in turkeys Animal Sciences
Kuhi, Hassan Darmani; Lopez, Secundino; France, James; Mohit, Ardeshir; Shabanpour, Arezu; Hosssein-Zadeh, Navid Ghavi; Falahi, Saeed.
Because of the relatively long growing cycle and the high cost of research into turkey production and nutrition, the potential benefits from modelling growth in this avian species are considerable. Though there are many studies aimed at evaluating animal growth models, the number of studies targeting growth models in turkeys is quite limited. In this paper we present a sinusoidal function to describe the evolution of growth in turkeys as a function of time based on data published by Aviagen. The new function was evaluated with regard to its ability to describe the relationship between body weight and age in turkeys and was compared to four standard growth functions: the Gompertz, logistic, Lopez, and Richards. The results of this study show that the new...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Growth functions; Sinusoidal equation; Turkeys.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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An alternative for antibiotic se in poultry: probiotics Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Over the past 50 years, there has been increasing amounts of antibiotics used prophylactically and as growth promoters. Today, there is a consumer and governmental outcry to eliminate that practice from poultry and livestock production. Evidence has been accumulated to show that there is a link between risk of zoonotic disease and growth promoting antibiotic usage in livestock and poultry. Therefore, alternatives to the use of growth promoting antibiotics must be found to promote growth or production at or near the genetic potential of the modern day broiler, turkey, and egg producer. The use of probiotics has many potential benefits and include modified host metabolism, immuno-stimulation, anti-inflammatory reactions, exclusion and killing of pathogens in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Antibiotics; Antibiotic resistance; Benefits; Characteristics; Chickens; Defined culture; Functions; History; Human health risk; Mechanism of action; Probiotics; Turkeys; Undefined culture; Zoonotic disease.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Caracterización fenotípica, manejo y usos del pavo doméstico (Meleagris gallopavo, gallopavo) en la comunidad indígena de Kapola en la Sierra Nororiental del Estado de Puebla, México. Colegio de Postgraduados
Estrada Mora, Alejandro.
Los objetivos del estudio fueron conocer el manejo, los usos y las características fenotípicas de los pavos en la comunidad indígena de Kapola. La metodología se basó en la aplicación de un cuestionario mediante entrevista personal a todos aquellos habitantes que tuvieran pavos en edad reproductiva (N═40 familias) así como en la caracterización de aquellas variables referidas en los descriptores de la FAO para especies avícolas. Los resultados indican que el uso principal de los pavos en la comunidad de Kapola es para establecer una distinción en las relaciones sociales dentro de las fiestas tradicionales; como elemento de ahorro y como ingrediente dentro de la dieta. El manejo es elemental y consiste en alimentarlos a base de maíz, masa, nixtamal y...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Guajolotes; Zoometría; Recurso genético; Biodiversidad; Turkeys; Zoometry; Genetic resource; Biodiversity.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Consolidação do custo de produção do produtor de perus em Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. Infoteca-e
O presente documento apresenta a consolidação do custo do avicultor para a produção de perus em Uberlândia, no ano de 2013. A metodologia utilizada baseia-se nos seguintes critérios: definição dos sistemas de produção mais representativos, levantamento de coeficientes técnicos e preços de mercado por meio de painel com especialistas e profissionais que atuam na cadeia produtiva e visitas às granjas produtoras. Estiveram presentes à reunião que definiu os parâmetros de cálculo representantes da Embrapa Suínos e Aves, do Sindicato da Indústria das Carnes (SINDICARNES) e da Associação dos Granjeiros Integrados do Triângulo Mineiro e Planalto. As visitas e a reunião ocorreram na semana de 14 a 21 de outubro de 2013.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Produção animal; Peru; Custo; Poultry production; Turkeys; Production costs.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Industrialization and Contracting in U.S. Agriculture AgEcon
Ahearn, Mary Clare; Korb, Penelope J.; Banker, David E..
This paper examines the industrialization process of U.S. agriculture by examining the trends in the number of farms, the concentration of production during the last decade, and the dynamics of farm survivability, entry, and exit underlying aggregate statistics. We next examine vertical coordination as part of the industrialization process and highlight contracting in the poultry industry. The analysis provides evidence that production is continuing to be concentrated on a smaller number of farms at a relatively rapid rate, in spite of the stability in the number of farms. Although contracting clearly dominates the broiler industry, it is less prevalent in egg and turkey production, where other forms of vertical coordination are likely established.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Broilers; Contracting; Eggs; Industrialization; Poultry; Structural change; Turkeys; Vertical integration; D23; D40; L11; L14 L22; L23; Q12.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Influence of feed form and corn particle size on nutrient digestibility and energy utilization by young turkeys R. Bras. Zootec.
Favero,André; Maiorka,Alex; Silva,Ana Vitória Fischer da; Valle,Fabio Luiz de Paula; Santos,Samuel Augusto dos; Muramatsu,Keysuke.
A digestibility trial with 16 to 21-day-old turkeys was conducted to study the effects of feed form and corn particle size on the coefficient of total intestinal tract apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM), nitrogen (N), ether extract (EE), aparent metabolizable energy (AME) and aparent metabolizable energy corrected by nitrogen balance (AMEn). A completely randomized experimental design in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement - two feed forms (crumble and micropellet) and three average particle sizes of the corn (380, 606, 806 µm) - was applied. Three hundred and sixty 1-d-old B.U.T 9 male turkey poults were distributed into 36 cages, 6 replications of 10 birds, each one per treatment. Overall care of birds complied with welfare directive from the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fat; Metabolizable energy; Micropellet; Pellet; Protein; Turkeys.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Cheney, Laura Martin; Brown, A. Blake; Yamano, Takashi; Masterovsky, Michael.
Factors unique to the turkey industry suggest that conclusions concerning market structure and demand specification drawn from aggregate poultry data cannot necessarily be extrapolated to the turkey industry. The Wu-Hausman endogeneity test is used to examine demand specifications and industry structure specifically for turkey meat. In contrast to general poultry, quantity-not price-is found to be predetermined in demand models that use annual turkey data. Quarterly demand analysis suggests this result stems from biological cycles that limit a producer's ability to react to price change and the use of a weighted average for determining price and quantity.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Demand analysis; Endogeneity; Market structure; Poultry industry; Turkeys; Demand and Price Analysis; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Some Physical, Morphological, and Mechanical Characteristics of Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) Eggs Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Galic,A; Pliestic,S; Janjecic,Z; Bedekovic,D; Filipovic,D; Kovacev,I; Copec,K.
ABSTRACT The physical, morphological, and mechanical characteristics of eggs play an important role in the processes of embryo development and hatching. Some physical, morphological, and mechanical characteristics of turkey (Meleagris gallopavo; Zagorje breed) eggs collected during two laying cycles from same turkey hens were determined in this study. The average values of length, width, geometric mean diameter, weight, surface area, volume, sphericity, eggshell thickness, and eggshell density were determined as 66.61 mm, 46.84 mm, 52.66 mm, 77.74 g, 8712.42 mm2, 76553.49 mm3, 79.31%, 0.354 mm and 3.13 g cm-3, respectively. Eggs collected during second laying cycle were, on average, larger and heavier in comparison with those collected during first cycle....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Breaking strength; Egg composition; Egg dimensions; Eggshell strength shape index; Turkeys.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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The Influence of Probiotic Bacteria (Bacillus Toyoi) on Livability and Performance of Young Meat-Type Turkeys Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Batkowska,J; Brodacki,A; Tomczyk,G.
ABSTRACT The aim of study was to determine the impact of a probiotic preparation containing live bacteria Bacillus cereus var. toyoi on the performance of turkeys in order to define the effective dose of the preparation and to evaluate its influence on poults' livability in the first month of life. Three hundred and sixty B.U.T. 9 male turkey were divided into three groups. The control group (I) was fed a diet with no probiotic additive, and groups II and III were given a probiotic product containing 0.2x109 and 1x109 B. toyoi CFU/kg of feed respectively. Body weight was recorded in weeks 1, 6, and 18. Livability, feed conversion ratio, and European Efficiency Factor (EEF) were estimated. In experiment II, the impact of a standardized probiotic dose on...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bacillus toyoi; Poults mortality; Probiotics; Turkeys.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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ผลของเอนไซม์ย่อยเยื่อใยที่ใช้กากมะเขือเทศเป็นแหล่งเยื่อใย ต่อคุณภาพซากในไก่งวง Thai Agricultural
Kessara Ampaporn; Smerjai Bureenok; Kraisit Vasupen; Chalermpon Yuangklang; Benya Seanmahayak.
In this study, the influence of fibrolytic enzymes in diet contained tomato pomace as a fiber sources on carcass quality of 2 month old turkeys was assessed. A total of 24 birds were arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD). The birds were assigned to 4 dietary treatments: control diet (T1), control diet + 0.2% of fibrolytic enzymes (T2), control diet + 10% of tomato pomace (T3), and control diet + 0.2% of fibrolytic enzymes + 10% of tomato pomace (T4). The results were shown that the carcass quality and breast weight of all groups were no t difference (P>0.05). For meat color, the redness color (a* value) and yellowness color (b* value) of breast were higher in birds fed control diet + 10% of tomato pomace (T3) and control diet + 0.2% of...
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Turkeys; Tomato pomace; Animal feeding; Supplementation; Fiber source; Protein source; Control diet; Digestion; Fibrolytic enzymes; Growth rate; Carcass quality; ไก่งวง; กากมะเขื่อเทศ; อาหารสัตว์; อาหารเสริม; วัตถุดิบอาหารสัตว์; แหล่งเยื่อใยในอาหาร; แหล่งโปรตีน; คุณค่าทางโภชนะ; การย่อยอาหาร; เอนไซม์ย่อยเยื่อใย; สมรรถภาพการผลิต; คุณภาพซาก.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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