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Systematic notes on Asian birds. 18. Some nomenclatural issues relating to Japanese taxa described in the Planches Coloriées (1820-1839) and Fauna Japonica, Aves (1844-1850) Naturalis
Dekker, R.W.R.J.; Dickinson, E.C.; Morioka, H..
The application and dating of names of several Japanese taxa collected by von Siebold and described by Temminck or by Temminck & Schlegel are explored, and decisions on nomenclature, and on lectotype selection, are explained.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Japanese taxa; Type-specimens; Temminck; Von Siebold; Lectotype selection; 42.83.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Systematic notes on Asian birds. 19. Type material from Japan in The Natural History Museum, Tring, U.K. Naturalis
Dickinson, E.C.; Morioka, H.; Walters, M..
The Natural History Museum, Tring, holds type material from Japan upon which names were based by Gould, Gurney, Hargitt, Ingram, Mathews, Oates, Seebohm, Sharpe, Swinhoe, Tristram and Vigors. In most cases selected types, which are not necessarily lectotypes, have been listed by Warren (1966) or Warren & Harrison (1971), but we provide here information that has come to light during preparatory work on a list of types of all Japanese taxa. We have located types for a number of taxa for which they had not been identified or segregated, and lectotypes are here designated for three taxa to safeguard current nomenclatural practice.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Japanese taxa; Type-specimens; Lectotypes; Revision; Picidae; 42.83.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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