Registros recuperados: 32 | |
Zhang, Xiaobo; Rockmore, Marc; Chamberlin, Jordan. |
This paper considers vulnerability reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) from a more aggregated macro viewpoint. We focus on risk related to agriculture, since vulnerability and agriculture are intimately linked in SSA due to the location of the poor, their dependence on agriculture and the inherent risks of an agricultural livelihood. We argue that agricultural growth is one of the most effective means for improving permanent incomes and reducing vulnerability. However, agriculture is not homogeneous, and the inherent risks vary across countries and regions. Therefore, we also discuss appropriate investment strategies and policy instruments for different sets of risks. |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Africa; Agriculture; Vulnerability; Typology; International Development. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/42365 |
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Nkhata, Bimo Abraham; Water Research Node, Monash South Africa; bimo.nkhata@monash.edu; Mosimane, Alfons; Centre for Environment, Agriculture and Development, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; alfons.mosimane@gmail.com; Downsborough, Linda; Water Research Node, Monash South Africa; Linda.Downsborough@monash.edu; Breen, Charles; Centre for Environment, Agriculture and Development, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; breenc@telkomsa.net; Roux, Dirk J; Water Research Node, Monash South Africa; dirk.roux@monash.edu. |
This study explores and interprets relevant literature to construct a typology of benefit sharing arrangements for the governance of social-ecological systems in developing countries. The typology comprises three generic categories of benefit sharing arrangements: collaborative, market-oriented, and egalitarian. We contend that the three categories provide a useful basis for exploring and classifying the different societal arrangements required for governance of social-ecological systems. The typology we present is founded on a related set of explicit assumptions that can be used to explore and better understand the linkages among ecosystem services, benefit sharing, and governance. Issues that are strongly related to sustainability in developing countries... |
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Synthesis |
Palavras-chave: Benefit sharing; Developing countries; Ecosystem services; Governance; Social-ecological systems; Typology. |
Ano: 2012 |
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Yu, Bingxin; You, Liangzhi; Fan, Shenggen. |
The recent surge in food prices around the world may reverse the gains of reducing hunger and poverty in the recent years. This paper employs factor and sequential typology analysis using data for 175 countries to identify groups of countries categorized according to four measures of food security: utilization, availability, accessibility and stability. Nine indicators are used for this study: calories intake, protein intake, fat intake, food production, the ratio of total exports to food imports, soil fertility, length of growing period, coefficient of variation of length of growing period and urbanization. The analysis first identifies 5 distinct food security groups characterized by food intake then further split these groups based on similarities and... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Food security; Factor analysis; Agricultural potential; Typology; Trade; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; International Development; C0; F0; O1. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/51043 |
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Lazard, Jerome; Baruthio, Aurele; Mathe, Syndhia; Rey-valette, Helene; Chia, Eduardo; Aubin, Joel; Clement, Olivier; Morissens, Pierre; Mikolasek, Olivier; Legendre, Marc; Levang, Patrice; Blancheton, Jean-paul; Rene, Francois. |
The new sustainable development data repository requires new analysis grids, in particular for factors accounted for in productive system typologies. This paper, based on the aquaculture example, analyses the diversity in aquaculture systems with respect to sustainable development. Various typologies are obtained by evaluating structural and functional approaches integrating variables related to production and regulation systems and to the territorial insertion of fish farms. Categories have been defined on a scale based on a set of five sites, which are representative of a wider range of aquaculture systems. Use of these categories goes beyond the local typologies and prepares a generic meta-typology classification for the systems. This generic... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Typology; Sustainable development; Aquaculture. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2009/publication-6560.pdf |
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Leaute, Jean-pierre. |
This document presents a comparative assessment of six triennal analysis carried out between 1986 and 2002, on 1300 boats, on average, from the 35 ports of Southern Bay of Biscay fishing fleets (from Loire river to Spanish border). Fisheries statistics allow the identification of different fishing practices and fishing boats associated with them within the fleets. In order to allow comparison and analysis of the evolution that has taken place during the study period, the same variables (gears used, landed species) and multivariate analysis procedures have been used to produce groupings of vessels. Over the period, 11 components, on average, have been identified, grouped in two entities, mobile and fixed gears. If the discriminative characteristics... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Typologie; Flottilles de pêche; Composantes; Golfe de Gascogne; Analyse multivariée; Typology; Fishing fleet; Components; Bay of Biscay; Multivariate analysis. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00001/11234/7756.pdf |
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Berthou, Patrick; Chevaillier, P; Jezequel, Michele. |
Introduction: Setting up a policy of coastal fisheries management goes through a preliminary stage of understanding the dynamics of the fishing fleets as much as their tactics. Small fleets, such as those of the Côtes d'Armor, are characterised by: - the boats' home ports are scattered widely, - the heterogeneousness of the types of vessels and fishing gear used, - the versatility of the fishing units, - the plurispecificity of the exploited resource, - the flexibility of operating strategies, that is, the fishing owners' ability to change occupation. However, this flexibility is limited by the availability of the resource, by the market, by the investments granted (boats, fishing materiel), as well as by "cultural" context and know-how. This... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Saint Brieux Bay; Fishery management; Typology; Fishing vessel. |
Ano: 1990 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1990/rapport-1555.pdf |
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Lazard, Jerome; Baruthio, Aurele; Mathe, Syndhia; Rey-valette, Helene; Chia, Eduardo; Clement, Olivier; Aubin, Joel; Morissens, Pierre; Mikolasek, Olivier; Legendre, Marc; Levang, Patrice; Blancheton, Jean-paul; Rene, Francois. |
Initiatives for the sustainable development of aquaculture have so far focused on the production of codes of conduct, of best management practices, of standards etc., most of which have been developed by international organisations, the industrial sector and non governmental organisations. They were, to a large extent, produced using a "top down" process and inspired by models from intensive industrial shrimp and sea fish farming (mainly salmon). However, most of global aquaculture production comes from small-and medium-sized farms, essentially in Asia which contributes 92% of the total world aquaculture production volume. The objective of this article is to define the contours of systemic typologies that are able to express the sustainability conditions... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Sustainable development; Sustainable aquaculture; Typology; Social representations. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00011/12227/9009.pdf |
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Lango Reynoso, Verónica. |
El mercado de la tilapia de la región Sotavento del Estado de Veracruz, México se caracteriza por tener una producción y venta locales, en el cual participan agentes que la trasladan a sus lugares de origen y la ofrecen viva al consumidor; utilizando sistemas de acuicultura para su mantenimiento. Sin embargo no existe evidencia que permita identificar las características que los distinguen y su grado de influencia en la cadena productiva. El objetivo de la investigación fue el de identificar las características de los agentes minoristas que participan en el mercado de tilapia viva en la región para construir una tipología que los distinga. Para extraer la información de las poblaciones de productores de tilapia y comercializadores de tilapia viva, se... |
Palavras-chave: Comercialización; Punto de venta; Indice tecnológico; Tipología; Marketing; Point of sale; Index technology; Typology; Maestría; Agroecosistemas tropicales. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10521/700 |
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Planque, Benjamin; Lazure, Pascal; Jegou, Anne-marie. |
A complex set of hydrodynamical structures co-exist over the Bay of Biscay continental shelf. These structures, which can spread over a limited spatial range (10s of km) and last for periods ranging from days to months, influence the rates and nature of biological production. They need to be accurately described before the mechanisms linking hydrodynamics to production can be unraveled. Such description generally requires not only 3D observations of hydrological fields (temperature, salinity, density), but also a description of how these fields vary with time. This is hardly achievable with current means of field observation but can be mimicked by hydrodynamic model simulations. Using simulations from a 3D hydrodynamic model, we developed a methodology... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay; Hydrology; Hydrodynamic model; Spring; Typology. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/10933/7575.pdf |
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Escobedo Garrido, Jose Sergio. |
The study conducted in 2007, introduced by objective: to identify the degree of structuring that records the productive systems of sheep and analysis the main features of communication and coordination with economic actors within the link in production in 5 communities Chignahuapan, Puebla, Under the dynamic of a questionnaire which was assessed by the system SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), determined by a stratified random sample. Detecting a typology of producers of sheep, with business and social visions, which is determined by the incorporation, and development objectives in this livestock, we also determined that the organization formally established located in these communities presents a constantly changing. For the foregoing is... |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Typology; Structure; Organization; Producer.; Agribusiness. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/56558 |
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Vargas,Diego Prado de; Nörnberg,José Laerte; Mello,Renius de Oliveira; Scheibler,Rudolf Brand; Mello,Fernanda Cristina Breda; Rizzo,Fábio Antunes; Bellato,Tatiana Kátia Bertussi. |
ABSTRACT: Milk supply chain in Brazil exhibits significant production system heterogeneity in all federal units. Thus, the objective of this study was to form homogeneous groups of bovine milk production units based on the chemical and microbiological quality of the milk via multivariate statistical techniques. A total of 1,541 milk producing units (MPUs), corresponding to 44,089 samples, were analyzed. The first three principal components accounted for 81.38% of the total variation in the data. Principal component 1 (PC1) was associated with the chemical quality of milk (fat, protein [PROT] and total dry extract [TDE] content), while PC2 and PC3 were associated with microbiological quality (somatic cell count [SCC] and total bacterial count [TBC]). The... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Fat; Lactose; Protein; Total dry extract; Typology. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0103-84782018000400653 |
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Davidson, Julie L.; Discipline of Geography and Spatial Sciences, School of Land and Food, University of Tasmania, Tasmania, Australia; Julie.Davidson@utas.edu.au; Jacobson, Chris; Sustainability Research Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia; cjacobso@usc.edu.au; Lyth, Anna; Sustainability Research Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia; Discipline of Geography and Spatial Sciences, School of Land and Food, University of Tasmania, Tasmania, Australia; Anna.Lyth@utas.edu.au; Dedekorkut-Howes, Aysin; Griffith School of Environment & Urban Research Program, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia; a.dedekorkut@griffith.edu.au; Baldwin, Claudia L.; Sustainability Research Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia; CBaldwin@usc.edu.au; Ellison, Joanna C.; Discipline of Geography and Spatial Sciences, School of Land and Food, University of Tasmania, Tasmania, Australia; Joanna.Ellison@utas.edu.au; Holbrook, Neil J.; Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia; ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia; Centre for Marine Socioecology, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia; neil.holbrook@utas.edu.au; Howes, Michael J.; Griffith School of Environment & Urban Research Program, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia; m.howes@griffith.edu.au; Serrao-Neumann, Silvia; Griffith School of Environment & Urban Research Program, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia; CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, Monash University, Victoria, Australia; s.serrao-neumann@griffith.edu.au; Singh-Peterson, Lila; Australian Centre for Pacific Island Research, University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia; lsinghpe@usc.edu.au; Smith, Timothy F.; Sustainability Research Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia; tim.smith@usc.edu.au. |
In the context of accelerated global change, the concept of resilience, with its roots in ecological theory and complex adaptive systems, has emerged as the favored framework for understanding and responding to the dynamics of change. Its transfer from ecological to social contexts, however, has led to the concept being interpreted in multiple ways across numerous disciplines causing significant challenges for its practical application. The aim of this paper is to improve conceptual clarity within resilience thinking so that resilience can be interpreted and articulated in ways that enhance its utility and explanatory power, not only theoretically but also operationally. We argue that the current confusion and ambiguity within resilience thinking is... |
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Synthesis |
Palavras-chave: Climate change; Complex adaptive systems; Conceptual clarity; Policy making; Resilience; Typology. |
Ano: 2016 |
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Lemoine, Michel; Giret, Marc. |
From Normandy to Belgium bordary, the coastal fishery became during the ten last years a significant social and economic actor, which mostly lives by predominant exploitation of eastern Channel. Recently discovering a situation of resource overexploitation and a difficult cohabitation between "métiers", these coastal fleets are in the heart of various preoccupations of managment at regional, national and european levels. Since 1985, a coordinated programme including Boulogne and Ouistreham allowed to progress in the knowledge of complex fisheries through: improvement of statistics, characterisation of coastal fleets and their activity, assessment of the knowledge on the resources. This synthesis describes, for 1987-88, the quality of the regional landings... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Typologie; Pêcheries artisanales; Flottilles; Ressources; Manche Est; Métiers; Typology; Fisheries; Fleets; Living resources; Channel; "Métiers". |
Ano: 1990 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00503/61452/65200.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 32 | |