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Assessing the Accuracy of High Resolution Digital Surface Models Computed by PhotoScan((R)) and MicMac((R)) in Sub-Optimal Survey Conditions ArchiMer
Jaud, Marion; Passot, Sophie; Le Bivic, Rejanne; Delacourt, Christophe; Grandjean, Philippe; Le Dantec, Nicolas.
For monitoring purposes and in the context of geomorphological research, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) appear to be a promising solution to provide multi-temporal Digital Surface Models (DSMs) and orthophotographs. There are a variety of photogrammetric software tools available for UAV-based data. The objective of this study is to investigate the level of accuracy that can be achieved using two of these software tools: Agisoft PhotoScan((R)) Pro and an open-source alternative, IGN((c)) MicMac((R)), in sub-optimal survey conditions (rugged terrain, with a large variety of morphological features covering a range of roughness sizes, poor GPS reception). A set of UAV images has been taken by a hexacopter drone above the Riviere des Remparts, a river on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Image processing; SfM photogrammetry software; Digital Surface Model; UAV; Orthophoto; Accuracy assessment.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Assessing Water Erosion Processes in Degraded Area Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Siqueira Junior,Paulo; Silva,Marx Leandro Naves; Cândido,Bernardo Moreira; Avalos,Fabio Arnaldo Pomar; Batista,Pedro Velloso Gomes; Curi,Nilton; Lima,Wellington de; Quinton,John Norman.
ABSTRACT The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Structure from Motion (SfM) techniques can contribute to increase the accessibility, accuracy, and resolution of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) used for soil erosion monitoring. This study aimed to evaluate the use of four DEMs obtained over a year to monitor erosion processes in an erosion-degraded area, with occurrence of rill and gully erosions, and its correlation with accumulated rainfall during the studied period. The DEMs of Geomorphic Change Detection (GCD) of horizontal and vertical resolutions of 0.10 and 0.06 m were obtained. It was possible to detect events of erosion and deposition volumes of the order of 2 m3, with a volumetric error of ∼50 %, in rills and gullies in the initial stage...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gully; UAV; Digital elevation model; Structure-from-motion.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Gomes,Amanda P. A.; Queiroz,Daniel M. de; Valente,Domingos S. M.; Pinto,Francisco de A. de C.; Rosas,Jorge T. F..
ABSTRACT There exist two options for digital cameras that can capture the near-infrared (NIR) band. Conventional red–green–blue (RGB, visible bands) cameras with a single sensor provide NIR band visibility based on the removal of the internal NIR-blocking filter. Alternatively, multisensor cameras exist that have a specific sensor for each band. The modified RGB cameras are of a lower price. In this context, the objective of this study was to compare the performance of a modified RGB camera with that of a multisensor camera for obtaining the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in an area with coffee cultivations. A multispectral camera with five sensors and another camera with only one sensor were used. The NDVI of the coffee field was also...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Precision agriculture; UAV; Radiometric calibration; Modified RGB camera.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Diachronic UAV Photogrammetry of a Sandy Beach in Brittany (France) for a Long-Term Coastal Observatory ArchiMer
Jaud, Marion; Delacourt, Christophe; Le Dantec, Nicolas; Allemand, Pascal; Ammann, Jerome; Grandjean, Philippe; Nouaille, Henri; Prunier, Christophe; Cuq, Veronique; Augereau, Emmanuel; Cocquempot, Lucie; Floc'H, France.
In the dual context of coastal hazard intensification and the growing number of stakes exposed to these hazards, coastal observatories are in demand to provide a structured framework dedicated to long-term monitoring. This article describes the drone-based photogrammetry monitoring performed since 2006 on Porsmilin Beach (Brittany, France) in the framework of the DYNALIT (Littoral and Coastline Dynamics) observatory, focusing on data quality and the consistency of long-term time series under the influence of multiple technological evolutions: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) platforms with the arrival of electric multirotor drones, processing tools with the development of structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry, and operational modes of survey. A study...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: UAV; SfM photogrammetry; Coastal observatory; Beach monitoring.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Estimativa da biomassa de milho por imagens RGB de drones. Infoteca-e
A biomassa é um parâmetro agronômico estratégico utilizado para indicar o status de crescimento da cultura, por causa dos efeitos das práticas de manejo agrícola. A metodologia convencional para se obter a biomassa ocorre por métodos destrutivos, que requerem a colheita manual das plantas, pesagem e secagem em estufa, inviabilizando as medidas em grandes áreas de produção. Como alternativa, recomendam-se técnicas de sensoriamento remoto com imagens aéreas adquiridas por drones, com boa precisão, economia de tempo e mão de obra. O estudo teve como objetivo a proposição e validação de modelos de estimativa da biomassa seca de plantas de milho, usando-se a altura das plantas extraída de modelos digitais de superfície (CSM) gerados de imagens aéreas de câmera...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Estrutura de planta; UAV; CSM; Sensoriamento Remoto; Agricultura de Precisão; Zea Mays; Precision agriculture; Plant architecture.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Mapping of mudflats with UAV images in La Bocana de Iscuandé, Colombian Pacific coast Boletín de Investigaciones
Mina-Cartagena,Camilo F.; Fuentes,José E.; González,Richard Johnston.
ABSTRACT Conservation planning for marine-coastal environments requires updated and detailed maps; the aim of this work is to generate detailed maps for two mudflats in the Iscuandé River Delta (Bocana de Iscuandé) in the Colombian Pacific Coast (Department of Nariño). These are important areas for fauna, especially migratory shorebirds. To address this problem, this study investigated the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as an alternative for collecting detailed mapping information in areas of difficult access using photogrammetric methods and a geographic information system (GIS). UAV images were used to generate maps with a high level of detail at a scale of 1:10,000 that include detailed information about environments such as mudflats and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: UAV; Geographic information system; Tidal mudflats; Shorebirds; Colombian Pacific.
Ano: 2022 URL:
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Measurement of nitrogen content in rice by inversion of hyperspectral reflectance data from an unmanned aerial vehicle Ciência Rural
Wen,Du; Tongyu,Xu; Fenghua,Yu; Chunling,Chen.
ABSTRACT: The Nitrogen content of rice leaves has a significant effect on growth quality and crop yield. We proposed and demonstrated a non-invasive method for the quantitative inversion of rice nitrogen content based on hyperspectral remote sensing data collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Rice canopy albedo images were acquired by a hyperspectral imager onboard an M600-UAV platform. The radiation calibration method was then used to process these data and the reflectance of canopy leaves was acquired. Experimental validation was conducted using the rice field of Shenyang Agricultural University, which was classified into 4 fertilizer levels: zero nitrogen, low nitrogen, normal nitrogen, and high nitrogen. Gaussian process regression (GPR) was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: UAV; Hyperspectral remote sensing; Machine learning; Nitrogen content.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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The basics for a permanent observatory of shoreline evolution in tropical environments; lessons from back-reef beaches in La Reunion Island ArchiMer
Mahabot, Marie-myriam; Jaud, Marion; Pennober, Gwenaelle; Le Dantec, Nicolas; Troadec, Roland; Suanez, Serge; Delacourt, Christophe.
Under natural and anthropogenic pressure, the coastal regions are evolving rapidly (population growth, erosion, modification of services, etc.), and some of these changes increase their vulnerability. Monitoring the evolution of the coastal regions has thus become essential to understand how they respond to the various pressures and to define how their resilience could be increased. Among other outcomes, such monitoring should provide continuous, high-resolution data on the spatial and temporal evolution of the coastal areas, especially the shoreline zone. One appropriate way to acquire long, continuous, time series of data is to set up a permanent observatory in the zone to be monitored. This paper aims to provide recommendations and a methodological...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carbonate beaches; Coral reef; Coastal observatory; UAV; TLS; Bathymetric Lidar.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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