Auzende, Jean-marie; Ballu, Valerie; Batiza, R; Bideau, Daniel; Cormier, Mh; Fouquet, Yves; Geistdoerfer, Patrick; Lagabrielle, Yves; Sinton, J; Spadea, P. |
The submersible-study of four segments of the East Pacific Rise between 17 degrees and 18 degrees 40'S, where the spreading rate is greater than 150 mm/a, allows us to confirm the variability of the accretion processes. The segment between 17 degrees and 17 degrees 30'S shows an intense present-day magmatic activity. The one between 18 degrees 10' and 18 degrees 22'S shows a mainly tectonic activity. The segment between 18 degrees 22' and 18 degrees 37'S is an intermediate stage with an axial graben in which fresh lavas were emplaced by an extremely young eruption. On all the segments the hydrothermal activity exists ranging from shimmering water up to black smokers, It is associated with different stages of animal colonization. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Océan Pacifique; Dorsale ultra-rapide; Magmatisme; Tectonique; Hydrothermalisme.; PACIFIC OCEAN; ULTRA-FAST SPREADING RIDGE; MAGMATISM; TECTONICS; HYDROTHERMALISM. |
Ano: 1994 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00183/29458/27840.pdf |
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