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Architecture of tree species of different strata developing in environments with the same light intensity in a semideciduous forest in southern Brazil 39
Batista,Natália de Almeida; Bianchini,Edmilson; Carvalho,Eloisa de Souza; Pimenta,José Antonio.
We aimed to answer the following questions related to the architecture of individuals 0.5-3.0 m in height belonging to understory or canopy/emergent layer tree species: "Is there a difference between individuals belonging to different strata developing in environments with the same light intensity, in terms of their architecture?"; and "Given the same light intensity, do understory species exhibit less crown plasticity than do canopy/emergent layer species?" Thirteen architectural variables were evaluated in 80 individuals per species. We found that understory species showed greater increases in stem thickness and leaf number, as well as wider, deeper crowns, longer branches, greater self-shading and less crown plasticity. Stems and crowns were more...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Resource allocation; Canopy; Allometric relationships; Understory.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Birds associated with treefall gaps in a lowland forest in southwestern Brazilian Amazonia 36
LIMA,Jônatas; GUILHERME,Edson.
ABSTRACT Natural communities are dynamic systems in time and space. The spatial distribution of plants and animals tends to coincide with the availability of resources needed for the survival and reproduction of each species. Natural treefall gaps offer a number of resources that influence the distribution of birds within the forest. We compared the understory bird assemblages of natural treefall gaps (15 sampling points) with those found in the adjacent forest (15 points) in the Humaitá Forest Reserve in southwestern Brazilian Amazonia. We used mist-nets to sample birds and obtained 700 captures of 105 species. Species richness, number of individuals, and species composition were all similar between gaps and forest, although six species presented some...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Tropical forests; Amazon region; Forest fragment; Understory.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Forest structure and species composition along a successional gradient of Lowland Atlantic Forest in Southern Brazil 49
Marques,Márcia C.M.; Zwiener,Victor P.; Ramos,Fernando M.; Borgo,Marília; Marques,Renato.
The Lowland Forest is one of the most disturbed and fragile ecosystems in the Atlantic Forest biome, yet little is known regarding its successional trajectory and resilience. We evaluated changes in species assemblages and forest structure of the canopy and understory along a successional gradient (young 21-yrs old forest, immature 34-yrs old forest and late successional 59-yrs old forest) aiming to assess changes in species composition and successional trajectory of different strata of secondary forests. A 0.1 ha plot (ten 10x10 m sub-plots) from each forest stand was surveyed for trees and shrubs with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 4.8 cm (canopy) and for individuals with heights ≥ 1 m and DBH < 4.8 cm (understory). A total of 3,619 individuals...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Canopy; Chronosequence; Restinga; Understory.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Forested habitat preferences by Chilean citizens: Implications for biodiversity conservation in Pinus radiata plantations 97
The need for conservation outside protected areas has prompted the modification of productive practices to allow the maintenance of wild biota in productive landscapes such as those associated to timber production. Forest plantations could cooperate in conserving biodiversity outside protected areas if they have a developed understory. However, the success of the production changes depends on the social support they receive. Therefore, we evaluate Chilean citizens' preference for five habitats of different types of forest management. In addition, we assessed perceptions regarding the relationship between pine plantations and native wildlife through surveys administered in Chillán, Santiago and six rural localities in the VII and VIII region. Despite there...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Chile; Habitat evaluation; Pine plantations; Understory.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Light environment influences the flood tolerance in Cordia americana (L.) Gottschling &amp; J.S.Mill. 42
Abstract The subtropical riverine forests present a variation in soil water availability throughout the year, following precipitation seasonality. The objective of this work was to evaluate the responses of Cordia americana to different light intensities combined with soil flooding. Seedlings were acclimated to light treatments, with full sun and shade conditions. Sun and shade plants were subjected to soil flooding during periods of 10 (short) and 30 (longer) days. After 10 days, flooded plants had a higher root dry mass accumulation and soluble sugars content, regardless of the light condition. Shade plants presented higher shoot soluble sugars content in relation to the sun plants. After 30 days, a higher shoot soluble sugar content was observed in sun...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Subtropical climate; Soluble sugars; Understory; Water stress.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Ontogeny, allometry and architecture of Psychotria tenuinervis (Rubiaceae) 39
Rosseto,Vanessa; Carneiro,Magda Silva; Ramos,Flavio Nunes; Santos,Flavio Antonio Maës dos.
We evaluated the ontogeny of the understory shrub Psychotria tenuinervis Müll.Arg., considering morphological and morphometric characters. Four ontogenetic stages were identified: seedling, juvenile, immature and adult (vegetative and reproductive phases). Size measurements and allometric relationships of the stem and crown were compared between the immature and adult stages. Diameter and total height of the stem, as well as crown depth and width, increased throughout the ontogenetic stages and differed among immature, vegetative adult and reproductive adult individuals. The number of branches was lower in immature individuals than in vegetative and reproductive adult individuals but did not differ between the last two. The bifurcation ratio did not vary...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Allometry; Architecture; Branching pattern; Ontogenetic stages; Understory.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Reptiles in Monterey pine plantations of the Coastal Range of Central Chile 97
Uribe,Sandra V; Estades,Cristián F.
BACKGROUND: In Chile, most of the timber industry depends on Monterey pine (Pinus radíala (D. Don.)) plantations, which now cover more than 1.5 million ha. In spite of the intensive management of these plantations, they are home to a large number of wildlife species. One of the least known groups in this type of environment are reptiles. For this reason, we conducted a study on the distribution and abundance of reptiles at plantations of different ages in seven sites in the Coastal Range of Central Chile. RESULTS: From seven species that could be potentially found in the study region, a total of five species were recorded, with Liolaemus lemniscatus (Gravenhorst) being the most abundant (with up to 160 ind*ha-1). Detectability of species was similar in...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Abundance; Detectability; Habitat use; Understory; Plantation; Lizard.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Richness of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) depends on the area and habitat structure in semideciduous forest remnants 76
Teles,Thiago S.; Ribeiro,Danilo B.; Raizer,Josué; Linzmeier,Adelita M..
ABSTRACT The total area of a habitat patch can increase the local species richness both directly (through balance between immigration and extinction) and indirectly (by increasing the habitat heterogeneity and/or as an effect of sample effort). More heterogeneous environments present a wider variety of resources and conditions, allowing species to coexist through niche differentiation. This study shows that the diversity of Chrysomelidae depends on the area and habitat structure of semideciduous forest remnants. We sampled 16 remnants with Malaise traps in August 2012 to March 2013. In order to characterize the habitat, the area, structural heterogeneity of the understory, coverage and canopy height were measured. These variables were used in a path...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Canopy; Leaf beetle; Phytophaga; Understory.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Seasonal variation in gas exchange by plants of Erythroxylum simonis Plowman 39
Ribeiro,João Everthon da Silva; Barbosa,Ana Jéssica Soares; Lopes,Sérgio de Faria; Pereira,Walter Esfrain; Albuquerque,Manoel Bandeira de.
ABSTRACT Erythroxylum simonisis an understory species found in Northeast Brazil. Due to its shaded habitat,E. simonisis subjected to seasonal oscillations of the environment, to which it must respond ecophysiologically. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of seasonality on the ecophysiology ofE. simonis in a fragment of Seasonal Semideciduous Forest. Leaf area index, visible sky fraction and photosynthetically active radiation were measured for 10 individuals during the dry and rainy seasons. Soil moisture, temperature and monthly precipitation were measured, as well as photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, internal CO2concentration, transpiration, instantaneous water use efficiency, instantaneous carboxylation efficiency and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Responses; Photosynthetic rate; Seasonal changes; Seasonal Semideciduous Forest; Understory.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Structure and composition of the ground-herb community in a terra-firme Central Amazonian forest 36
Costa,Flávia Regina Capellotto.
The herb community of tropical forests is very little known, with few studies addressing its structure quantitatively. Even with this scarce body of information, it is clear that the ground herbs are a rich group, comprising 14 to 40% of the species found in total species counts in tropical forests. The present study had the objective of increasing the knowledge about the structure and composition of the ground-herb community and to compare the sites for which there are similar studies. The study was conducted in a tropical non-inundated and evergreen forest 90 km north of Manaus, AM. Ground herbs were surveyed in 22 transects of 40 m², distributed in five plots of 4 ha. The inventoried community was composed of 35 species, distributed in 24 genera and 18...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amazonia; Community structure; Herbs; Tropical forest; Understory.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Weeds under the canopies of tree species submitted to different planting densities and intercropping 87
Souza,A.D; Silva,P.S.L; Oliveira,O.F; Dantas,I.M; Morais,P.L.D.
Assessing the growth and floristic composition of species that grow under the canopy of trees is important for weed control (WC). The objective of this study was to assess two experiments (E1 and E2), when the trees were two years and one year of age, respectively. In E1, sabiá (S) and gliricidia (G) were submitted to planting densities from 400 to 1.200 plants ha-1. In E2, growing systems consisting of S, G, and neem (N) combinations were compared: SSS, GGG, NNN, GSG, NSN, SGS, NGN, SNS, and GNG (each letter represents a row of plants). A random block design was adopted, with three (E1) and four (E2) replicates. In E1, treatments were arranged as split-plots (species in plots). In E2, the degrees of freedom for treatments (8) were partitioned into growing...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mimosa caesalpiinifolia; Gliricidia sepium; Azadirachta indica; Growth; Floristic composition; Understory.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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