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Kennedy, P. Lynn; Atici, Cemal.
Complete agricultural trade liberalization between the United States and the European Union is examined with respect to the agricultural sector. A static, partial equilibrium model, distinguishing among the European Union, the United States, and a politically passive rest of the world, is used to simulate agricultural free trade. The results of this research reveal how European Union and United States adoption of free trade affects domestic and world prices, production, consumption, self-sufficiency, and welfare.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural policy; European Union; Trade liberalization; United States; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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A time series analysis of bulk tank somatic cell counts of dairy herds located in Brazil and the United States Ciência Rural
Rodrigues,Liz Gonçalves; Aquino,Maria Helena Cosendey de; Silva,Márcio Roberto; Mendonça,Letícia Caldas; Mendonça,Juliana França Monteiro de; Souza,Guilherme Nunes de.
ABSTRACT: Bulk tank somatic cell counts (BTSCC) is widely used to monitore the mammary gland health at the herd and regional level. The BTSCC time series from specific regions or countries can be used to compare the mammary gland health and estimate the trend of subclinical mastitis at the regional level. Three time series of BTSCC from dairy herds located in the USA and the Southeastern Brazil were evaluated from 1995 to 2014. Descriptive statistics and a linear regression model were used to evaluate the data of the BTSCC time series. The mean of annual geometric mean of BTSCC (AGM) and the percentage of dairy herds with a BTSCC greater than 400,000 cells mL-1 (%>400) were significantly different (P<0.05) according to the countries and the times...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bulk tank somatic cell counts; Time series; Bovine mastitis; Brazil; United States.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Diersen, Matthew A.; Wilson, William W.; Dahl, Bruce L.; Satyanarayana, Vidyashankara.
The value of credit guarantee programs has recently been called into question. Credit guarantees are important marketing tools in the world wheat market, both to develop new markets and to compete in existing markets. This study examines the additionality of export credit guarantees. Empirical demand models were developed and estimated using pooled data among importing countries. Models were estimated for each of the principal exporting countries providing export credit guarantees: the United States, Canada and France. Additionality of credit guarantees were also contrasted to the Export Enhancement Program. Positive additionality was found for CCC guarantees, indicating that the GSM programs have resulted in additional exports that would not have...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Additionality; Export Credit Guarantees; Price Subsidy; GSM-102; EEP; Canada; United States; France; Agricultural Finance; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Diersen, Matthew A.; Wilson, William W.; Dahl, Bruce L.; Satyanarayana, Vidyashankara.
The value of credit guarantee programs has recently been called into question. Credit guarantees are important marketing tools in the world wheat market, both to develop new markets and to compete in existing markets. This study examines the additionality of export credit guarantees. Empirical demand models were developed and estimated using pooled data among importing countries. Models were estimated for each of the principal exporting countries providing export credit guarantees: the United States, Canada and France. Additionality of credit guarantees were also contrasted to the Export Enhancement Program. Positive additionality was found for CCC guarantees, indicating that the GSM programs have resulted in additional exports that would not have...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Additionality; Export Credit Guarantees; Price Subsidy; GSM-102; EEP; Canada; United States; France; Agricultural Finance; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Akanji, O.O..
AGOA directs the President of the United States to convene an annual meeting between the U.S. government and representatives of eligible African countries and to prepare an annual report to Congress on U.S. trade and investment policies with sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Currently, Angola, Gabon, Nigeria and South Africa- accounted for the bulk (84 percent) of U.S. total imports from SSA. Since the passage of AGOA, the business climate has improved for non-agricultural exports and growth in these sectors has made relatively low direct benefits to Africa’s poor. Consequently, expanding AGOA’s application to African agriculture would have a significant impact on reducing hunger and poverty and therefore, on improving overall conditions in SSA. As a result of...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Africa; AGOA; United States; Agriculture; International Development.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Mirus, Rolf; Tanerguclu, Hande.
The international involvement of Alberta-based businesses covers trade in goods, trade in services, and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), both inward and outward. Increasingly FDI is linked to trade in goods and services. Indeed, the export of services like consulting or construction engineering tends to involve the setting up of supporting facilities abroad (outward FDI), and exports of goods frequently necessitate the provision of maintenance services in their wake, either across the border or through an office abroad. Data on outward FDI by Alberta-based firms are not available, nor are data on exports of services by province of origin. Therefore an analysis of what has been happening to Alberta’s international commercial relations is of necessity...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Alberta; NAFTA; FTA; Free trade agreement; Free trade; Imports; Exports; Mexico; United States; Israel; Chile; Costa Rica; Energy sector; FDI; Investment; International Relations/Trade; Political Economy; Public Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Mirus, Rolf; Emter, Nicholas A..
The period of free trade from 1989 to 2008 coincided with a strong expansion of Alberta’s exports. Our review shows that several factors contributed to this success. In addition to favorable trends in energy and commodity prices, the improved access to the US and Mexican markets that resulted from the CUSFTA and NAFTA are shown to be major causes of the positive development of Alberta’s exports. In particular, the significant increase in manufacturing exports can be attributed to the free trade agreements because manufacturing products face higher tariffs in export markets than do raw materials and energy products. Alberta’s manufacturing sector, therefore, emerges as a major beneficiary of freer trade. As a result, Alberta’s economy has become more...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: NAFTA; FTA; Free Trade Areas; Preferential trade agreements; Imports; Exports; Alberta; United States; US; Trade patterns; Trade relations; Mexico; International Development; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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An Economic Analysis of the Impact of Food Prices and Other Factors on Adult Lifestyles: Choices of Physical Activity and Healthy Weight AgEcon
Chen, Yanni; Huffman, Wallace E..
This paper examines women’s and men’s decisions to participate in physical activity and to attain a healthy weight. These outcomes are hypothesized to be related to prices of food, drink and health care services and products, the respondent’s personal characteristics (such as education, reading food labels, adjusted family income, opportunity cost of time, occupation, marital status, race and ethnicity) and his or her BMI at age 25. These decisions are represented by a trivariate probit model that is fitted to data for adults in the NLSY79 panel with geocodes that have been augmented with local area food, drink and health care prices. Separate analyses are undertaken for men and women due to basic physiological differences. Results include: Women and men...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Physical Activity; Obesity; Food Prices; Adult; United States; Consumer/Household Economics; Health Economics and Policy; Labor and Human Capital; I10; D10; J24.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Carvalho, Rosemeiry Melo; Kolb, Pedro Carneiro.
Esse trabalho tem como objetivo estimar as equações de oferta e demanda de pescado comercializado entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos no período entre 1996 e 2006. As variáveis incluídas no modelo foram: quantidade comercializada, preço, renda per capita do americano e a taxa de câmbio do período. De acordo com os resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que a demanda e a oferta de pescado são elásticas, de modo que um aumento no preço do produto provoca variações mais que proporcionais na quantidade comercializada. Em relação à renda, verifica-se que, no mercado norte-americano, o pescado brasileiro é considerado um bem inferior. Desde o ano de 2003 o valor das exportações brasileiras de pescado para os Estados Unidos tem diminuído, podendo ser atribuído, a...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Pescado; Comércio internacional; Brasil; Estados Unidos; Fish; International trade; Brazil; United States; International Relations/Trade; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Atlas of Organics: Four maps of the world of organic agriculture Organic Eprints
Paull, John; Hennig, Benjamin.
This paper presents four maps of the world of organic agriculture. Density equalising maps (cartograms) have previously been published of the world of organic agriculture based on the reported hectares of certified organically managed agriculture land. The four maps in the present atlas of organic agriculture are visual presentations of current global organics data: (a) certified organic agriculture hectares; (b) certified organic wildculture hectares; (c) total certified organic production hectares (organic agriculture plus wildculture plus forestry plus aquaculture); (d) certified organic producers. Australia dominates in the world map of the organic agriculture hectares, Europe is strongly represented, and Africa is weakly represented. Finland dominates...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Farming Systems; Africa; Asia; Australia; China; European Union; India; Latin America; North America; United Kingdom; United States; World; Knowledge management; Europe.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Bilateral Trade and Economic Growth: The Empirical Evidence Between U.S. and South Korea AgEcon
Kang, Hyunsoo; Kennedy, P. Lynn.
This paper analyzes the relationships between bilateral trade and economic growth in the U.S. and Korean economies. Using quarterly data from 1990 to 2008, the theoretical procedures utilize Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) models under the static model assumption, an Impulse Response Function (IRF) and Forecast Error Variation Decomposition (FEVD) under the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model, and Granger causality tests. Empirical results indicate a causal relationship between bilateral export growth and economic growth for the U.S. and Korean economies. The export-led growth (ELG) hypothesis is strongly supported by the results of Granger causality tests on Korean exports.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Export-led growth; Bilateral trade; Granger causality; South Korea; United States; International Relations/Trade; Political Economy; Production Economics.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Climate Change Meets Trade in Promoting Green Growth: Potential Conflicts and Synergies AgEcon
Zhang, ZhongXiang.
To date, border adjustment measures in the form of emissions allowance requirements (EAR) under the U.S. proposed cap-and-trade regime are the most concrete unilateral trade measure put forward to level the carbon playing field. If improperly implemented, such measures could disturb the world trade order and trigger a trade war. Because of these potentially far-reaching impacts, this paper focuses on this type of unilateral border adjustment, which requires importers to acquire and surrender emissions allowances corresponding to the embedded carbon contents in their goods from countries that have not taken climate actions comparable to that of home country. This discussion is mainly on the legality of unilateral EAR under the WTO rules. Given that the...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Post-2012 climate negotiations; Border carbon adjustments; Carbon tariffs; Emissions allowance requirements; Cap-and-trade regime; Lieberman-Warner bill; Waxman-Markey bill; World Trade Organization; Kyoto Protocol; Developing countries; United States; Environmental Economics and Policy; F18; Q48; Q54; Q56; Q58.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Climate Policy in the United States and Japan: A Workshop Summary AgEcon
Pizer, William A.; Tamura, Kentaro.
Resources for the Future and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (Japan) convened a one-and-one-half day workshop on domestic and international climate policy on February 12–-13, 2004 in Washington, D.C. On the first day, 55 participants heard presentations from 14 speakers and discussed domestic activities, economics, and politics. The second day featured a smaller group of 27 participants hearing six informal sets of comments and discussing opportunities for international collaboration. Participants included government officials from the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and other U.S. administration and congressional staff; representatives from business and environmental groups; and academic...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Climate change; Global warming; United States; Japan; Kyoto; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Climate Policy in the United States and Japan: Prospects in 2005 and Beyond, Workshop Summary AgEcon
Pizer, William A.; Tamura, Kentaro.
Resources for the Future and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies convened a one and one-half day workshop on domestic and international climate policy May 11-12, 2005, in Tokyo, Japan. The first day included 49 participants hearing presentations from 13 speakers and discussing domestic activities, economics, and politics. The second day included a smaller group of participants listening to a panel of four experts and discussing opportunities for future international climate regimes. Participants included government officials from the Japanese Ministry of the Environment; the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; the U.S. Department of State; and the Massachusetts Department of Commonwealth...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Climate change; Global warming; United States; Japan; Kyoto; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Competition between the U.S. and West Africa in International Cotton Trade: A Focus on Import Demand in China AgEcon
Muhammad, Andrew; McPhail, Lihong Lu; Kiawu, James.
We estimate the demand for imported cotton in China and assess the competitiveness of cotton-exporting countries. Given the assertion that African cotton producers are ill affected by U.S. cotton subsidies, our focus is the price competition between the C4 countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali) and United States in China. Demand estimates are used to project how U.S. prices affect China’s imports by country. In comparing demand projections, results show that the relationship between the United States and the C4 has more to do with how U.S. prices can affect global prices rather than any substitute or competitive relationship in the Chinese market.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Africa; China; Cotton; Demand; Imports; United States; Demand and Price Analysis; International Relations/Trade; F17; Q11; Q17.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Competiveness of Latin American Exports in the U.S. Banana Market AgEcon
Muhammad, Andrew; Fonsah, Esendugue Greg; Zahniser, Steven.
U.S. banana demand differentiated by country of origin is estimated using the generalized dynamic Rotterdam model. Results indicate that dynamic factors play a significant role in determining the allocation of U.S. banana expenditures across exporting sources. Of particular interest is Guatemala’s increased share and Costa Rica’s decreased share of U.S. banana supply. A number of factors explained why Guatemala replaced Costa Rica as the leading U.S. supplier in 2007. (1) Guatemala is the least expensive source on average. (2) Habit persistence, adjustment costs, and other dynamic factors favor Guatemala’s exports. (3) Given increases in the relative price of Costa Rica’s bananas, the price competition between Costa Rica and Guatemala is highly...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Bananas; Imports; Demand; Latin America; United States; Demand and Price Analysis; International Relations/Trade; F14; Q11; Q13; Q17.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Dahl, Bruce L.; Wilson, William W..
Greater sophistication of buyers in the wheat market has increased demands for higher quality wheats and focused attention on the consistency of the quality of wheat purchased. In this study, the variability of wheat quality characteristics was examined at different stages of the marketing chain. Variability was measured by variety and at farm and export levels. Comparisons were made with Canada where similar data were available. Different measures of variability were utilized where data were available. Inter-year variability, intra-year variability, and within-lot variability of wheat quality characteristics were measured at different points in the wheat marketing chain in the United States and Canada. Variability of many characteristics was...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Quality; Consistency; Quality Variability; Wheat Export Quality; Farm Production Quality; Wheat Variety Quality; Canada; United States; Production Economics.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Dahl, Bruce L.; Wilson, William W..
Greater sophistication of buyers in the wheat market has increased demands for higher quality wheats and focused attention on the consistency of the quality of wheat purchased. In this study, the variability of wheat quality characteristics was examined at different stages of the marketing chain. Variability was measured by variety and at farm and export levels. Comparisons were made with Canada where similar data were available. Different measures of variability were utilized where data were available. Inter-year variability, intra-year variability, and within-lot variability of wheat quality characteristics were measured at different points in the wheat marketing chain in the United States and Canada. Variability of many characteristics was...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Quality; Consistency; Quality Variability; Wheat Export Quality; Farm Production Quality; Wheat Variety Quality; Canada; United States; Production Economics.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Cover crops and compost influence soil enzymes during 6 years of tillage-intensive, organic vegetable production Organic Eprints
Brennan, Eric B.; Acosta-Martinez, Veronica.
Soil enzymes are considered sensitive indicators of soil health but are not well understood in tillage-intensive vegetable systems. The activities of soil enzymes involved in nutrient cycling (β-glucosidase, β-glucosaminidase, alkaline phosphatase, dehydrogenase, aspartase, and L-asparaginase) were evaluated during 6 yr of commercial-scale production in five organic vegetable systems in Salinas, CA. The systems differed in yard-waste compost inputs (none or 15.2 Mg ha–1 yr–1), winter cover crop frequency (annually or every fourth year), and cover crop type (legume-rye, mustard, or rye). Large differences in cumulative organic matter input (7.4 to 136.8 Mg ha–1) from compost and cover crop shoots affected soil enzyme activities. With exception of aspartase,...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Composting and manuring; Biodiversity and ecosystem services; United States.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Debt, Trade, and Payments Issues of Developing Countries and U.S.-Mexican Economic Interdependencies AgEcon
Debt problems of developing countries seriously constrain their economic and social development as well as the prospects and pace of economic recovery in the developed countries. Debt and trade problems of Mexico are particularly important for the U.S. agricultural economy because of the size and importance of U.S.-Mexican agricultural trade. The importance of Mexico as a U.S. trading partner lends importance to research on Mexican supply, demand, and trade of agricultural commodities and on macroeconomic and monetary policies affecting Mexico's demand and capacity to import. The ninth meeting of the Consortium on Trade Research focused on the debt, trade, and payments problems of developing countries and on U.S.-Mexican economic relationships.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Debt; Trade; Mexico; United States; Agricultural policy; Research.; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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