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Balance between education- and research-oriented publications from a Brazilian University Hospital 56
Mendonça de Araujo,K.; Mourão,P.A.S.; Leta,J..
We analyzed the trends of scientific output of the University Hospital, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. A total of 1420 publications were classified according to pattern and visibility. Most were non-research publications with domestic visibility. With time, there was a tendency to shift from non-research (or education-oriented) publications with domestic visibility to research publications with international visibility. This change may reflect new academic attitudes within the institution concerning the objectives of the hospital and the establishment of scientific research activities. The emphasis of this University Hospital had been on the training of new physicians. However, more recently, the production of new knowledge has been incorporated as...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: University Hospital; Scientific publications; Publication visibility; Pattern of publications; Bibliometrics.
Ano: 2005 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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