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A biophysical model of S. aurita early life history in the northern Gulf of Guinea ArchiMer
Kone, Vamara; Lett, Christophe; Penven, Pierrick; Bourles, Bernard; Djakoure, Sandrine.
S. aurita is the most abundant small pelagic fish in the northern Gulf of Guinea. Its reproduction and recruitment depend crucially on environmental conditions. We developed a biophysical model of S. aurita early life history by coupling offline an individual-based model with the regional oceanic modeling system (ROMS). We used this model to investigate the main factors driving variability in eggs and larval dispersal and survival in the northern Gulf of Guinea. Precisely, individuals were released from different spawning areas along the coast and tracked for a period of 28 days corresponding to their planktonic phase. Individuals that remained in the coastal recruitment areas at an age more than 7 days, at which they can supposedly actively retain...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrodynamic model; Individual-based model; S. aurita early life stage; Recruitment; Upwelling; Northern Gulf of Guinea.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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A numerical modeling study of the Southern Senegal upwelling shelf: Circulation and upwelling source waters ArchiMer
Ndoye, S; Capet, Xavier; Estrade, Philippe; Machu, Eric; Kounta, L; Sow, B; Diakhate, M; Gayet, At.
The regional ocean circulation along the Southern Senegal shelf is studied using a numerical model for varying forcing fields during the upwelling season (November-May). The main objective is to study the shelf circulation of the marine environment in the Southern Senegal Upwelling Shelf (SSUS), the Lagrangian pathways by which waters are transported to the surface in the upwelling tongue and the fate of these waters. Model results are compared with hydrographic measurements during UPSEN2-ECOAO survey and satellite images datasets. The upwelling source waters and also the warm nearshore waters are analyzed, from a Lagrangian point of view, by computing the paths of particles that are passively advected by the regional ocean model velocity field (ROMS). It...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Upwelling; Ocean circulation; Modeling; Coastal dynamics; Shelf; ROMS..
Ano: 2018 URL:
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A numerical modelling study of upwelling filaments off the NW African coast ArchiMer
Stevens, I; Johnson, J.
A fine resolution (1/12degrees x 1/12degrees) primitive equation limited area model is constructed for the region off NW Africa in the eastern North Atlantic to examine the generation of cool upwelling filaments. A seasonal shift in the trade wind pattern leads to coastal upwelling and an equatorward coastal current. The filaments form at four preferred locations along the NW African coast between 25degreesN and 35degreesN, the largest filament being at Cape Ghir. The generation mechanism for the filaments is similar to the one proposed for filaments in the California current system. As a result of baroclinic instability meanders develop on the coastal current and transport cool upwelled water offshore to form the filaments. During the relaxation phase of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modèle numérique; Upwelling; Meso-échelle; Afrique Nord-Ouest; Cape Ghir; Numerical model; Coastal upwelling; Mesoscale features; NW Africa; Cape Ghir.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Adaptive features of a bacteriolytic enzyme from the style of the mussel Choromytilus meridionalis in response to environmental fluctuations. ArchiMer
Seiderer, L; Robb, F.
The extracellular digestive apparatus of bivalve molluscs consists of a crystalline style containing diverse degradative enzymes which are released during rotation and dissolution of the style. This paper reviews the occurrence of a temperature-regulated bacteriolytic enzyme in the black mussel Choromytilus meridionalis , which is an inhabitant of coastal reefs on the south and south west coast of South Africa. This agent is unable to lyse Micrococcus luteus or Escherichia coli , both of which are susceptible to lysis by a true lysozyme. It appears to have a restricted spectrum of activity which includes both free-living and kelp-associated gram-negative bacteria. In addition, the level of activity varies dramatically according to the environmental water...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Choromytilus meridionalis; Bivalvia; Digestive system; Bacteria; Upwelling; Environmental effects; Adaptations; Bacteriocides; Marine molluscs; Enzymatic activity.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Algas marinas benticas indicadoras de un area afectada por aguas de surgencia frente a la Costa Caribe de Colombia OceanDocs
Bula-Meyer, G..
El presente articulo os el resultado de un estudio realizado para establecer la relación entre ciertos factores medioambien tales y la flora béntica del litoral Canbt de Colombia. Para propósito di! este estudio, esta franja costera ha sido dividida en dos Áreas. El Área 1 se encuentra entre Cabo Tiburón y la desembocadura del Rio Magdalena, estando caracterizada por aguas cálidas con muy pequeñas fluctuaciones de la temperatura del agua superficial. El Área 2 se extiende desde la desembocad tira del Rio Magdalena hasta Castilletes, y sus aguas se encuentran afectadas por una surgencía costera (Upwellmg), cuyo núcleo se localiza al oeste de la Península de la Guajira. Como resultado de este "upwelling" se presentan variaciones considerables en los...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Algae; Upwelling; Outcrops; Cold water masses; Algae; Http://
Ano: 1977 URL:
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An Assessment of How Coastal Communities Can Become Involved and Benefit from the BCLME Programme. I. Report of the Angolan visit OceanDocs
The Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) flanks the coastal areas of Angola, Namibia and South Africa, representing a unique upwelling ecosystem. Striving to establish effective management of the BCLME, the BCLME Programme is a multi-sectoral initiative funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and further financial and in-kind contributions from the three member countries. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) implements the Programme and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is the executing agency. Communities in the coastal areas of Angola, Namibia and South Africa depend on the coastal and inshore resource for their survival and livelihood and therefore have a large stake in the management of this Large...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Ecosystems; Upwelling.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Análisis de cambios en los afloramientos en el Pacífico ecuatorial este, durante eventos El Niño Oscilación del Sur OceanDocs
Perugachi Salamea, C..
The ocean reanalysis Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) 2.2.4 is used to explore the changes in upwelling from normal conditions to either El Niño or La Niña conditions. Physical and termodynamics variables from the reanalysis are used to explore the structure and behaviour of El Niño Southern Oscillaion (ENSO) events. The results of this analysis show that sea surface temperature (SST), entrainment velocity, wind stress, mixed layer depth, wind stress curl, and heat content anomalies are in general agreement with ENSO theory. Interestingly, the distribution of upwelling based on the entrainment velocity is very patchy, which led us to explore zonal and meridional sections of vertical velocity. We used three methods to compute changes in upwelling...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Upwelling; El Nino phenomena; Surface temperature; Thermodynamics.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Análisis de cambios en los afloramientos en el Pacífico ecuatorial este, durante eventos El Niño Oscilación del Sur OceanDocs
Perugachi Salamea, C..
The ocean reanalysis Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) 2.2.4 is used to explore the changes in upwelling from normal conditions to either El Niño or La Niña conditions. Physical and thermodynamic variables from the reanalysis are used to explore the structure and behaviour of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. The results of this analysis show that sea surface temperature (SST), entrainment velocity, wind stress, mixed layer depth, wind stress curl, and heat content anomalies are in general agreement with ENSO theory. Interestingly, the distribution of upwelling based on the entrainment velocity is very patchy, which led us to explore zonal and meridional sections of vertical velocity. We used three methods to compute changes in upwelling...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Upwelling; El Nino phenomena; Surface temperature; Thermodynamics.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Areas de mayor productividad biológica (clorofila "a") en el Pacífico Ecuatorial (82°W-92°W) durante 1988-1999 y su relación con eventos El Niño OceanDocs
Torres, G..
El objetivo de la presente investigación, fue diagnosticar las áreas de mayor productividad biológica en base a Clorofila "a" superficial y subsuperficial, durante la década 1989-1999 para la región del Pacífico Tropical (Ecuador).
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Biological production; Chlorophylls; Upwelling; Biomass; Water masses; Nutrients (mineral); El Nino phenomena; Cruises; Biological production; Biomass; Chlorophylls.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Assessment of an environmental barrier to transport of ichthyoplankton from the southern to OceanDocs
Lett, Christophe; Veitch, Jennifer; Van der Lingen, Carl D.; Hutchings, Larry.
The Lüderitz upwelling cell and Orange River cone (LUCORC) area, a transboundary region between South Africa and Namibia, is considered to be an environmental barrier to transport of ichthyoplankton from the southern to the northern Benguela upwelling ecosystems. We use environmental data and modelling to assess the potential mechanisms responsible for this barrier: environmental data were extracted from the 1 × 1° World Ocean Atlas 2001 database and used to build maps of annual mean salinity, temperature, chlorophyll, dissolved oxygen and nutrient concentrations; outputs of a regional circulation model were used in an individual-based model to assess the transport of passive particles from the southern to the northern Benguela. The data show no clear...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Ichthyoplankton; Upwelling; Modelling; Coastal oceanography; Trade winds; Salinity; Hydrodynamics; Cartesian coordinates; Chlorophylls.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Benguela Niños and Benguela Niñas in forced ocean simulation from 1958 to 2015 ArchiMer
Imbol Koungue, Rodrigue Anicet; Rouault, Mathieu; Illig, Serena; Brandt, Peter; Jouanno, Julien.
A systematic study of Benguela Niño and Benguela Niña events during 1958 to 2015 including those that developed before the satellite era (1982) is carried out using an ocean general circulation model in combination with a linear equatorial model. Altogether, 21 strong warm and cold anomalous coastal events are identified among which 6 undocumented extreme coastal events are reported. Results suggest that most of these extreme coastal events including the newly identified ones are linked to remote equatorial forcing via mode 2 equatorial Kelvin waves. The latter propagates after approaching the African coast poleward as coastally trapped waves leading surface temperature anomalies along the Angola‐Benguela current system by 1 month. 1‐2 months before the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benguela Ninos; Benguela Ninas; Equatorial Kelvin waves; Upwelling; South Atlantic anticyclone.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Biologie et dynamique des populations d’Anchois (Engraulis encrasicolus) des côtes mauritaniennes. OceanDocs
Ba, I.S..
Résumé: Cette étude traite de la biologie et de la dynamique des populations d’anchois (Engraulis encrasicolus) des côtes mauritaniennes. Après un bref rappel des conditions climatiques et hydrobiologiques de la région, une tentative de mise en évidence de race ou population locale a montré que cette espèce pourrait être rattachée à la population méridionale atlantique du Golfe de Gascogne. En Mauritanie, l’Anchois n’est pêché que de façon accessoire. Les captures les plus abondantes sont réalisées de mai à Septembre essentiellement dans la zone nord où l’on observe un upwelling permanent. Pour évaluer la taille du stock, des estimations de biomasse par échointégration ont été effectuées, mais celles-ci n’ont pas permis de donner un ordre de grandeur...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Anchovy fisheries; Upwelling; Population dynamics; Mortality.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Bio-oceanografía en el entorno de la isla de La Plata, durante agosto/2001 OceanDocs
Torres, G.; Calderón, T.; Calderón, G.; Franco, V.; Correa, C..
El objetivo de la presente investigación, fue dar un comprensivo entendimiento de las condiciones bio-oceanográficas del fitoplancton-zooplancton-ictioplancton, y las interacciones con el medio circundante (físico, químico), procesos que son complicados cuando involucran aspectos hidrográficos costeros como áreas de afloramiento, áreas de pesca y áreas de soporte alimentario para los diferentes recursos marinos costeros planctónicos-bentónicos y aves-mamíferos marinos.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Marine ecology; Phytoplankton; Zooplankton; Ichthyoplankton; Upwelling; Biological production; Marine resources; Cruises; Oceanic islands; Coastal zone; Marine resources; Phytoplankton; Zooplankton; Biological production; Marine ecology; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Características oceangráficas químicas al este de las Islas Galápagos durante abril 1995 OceanDocs
Pérez, E.; Chalén, N.; Macías, P..
During april 1995 hydrochemical research in a vertical column on the east side of the Galápagos Islands (Cruise T95/04/01) onboard of the INP R/V Tohallí indicated that concentrations of ammonium, nitrate, phosphate and chlorophyll-a were found stratified from the surface to deeper layers, on the other hand the maximum levels of nitrite and silicate were detected 70 m below the thermocline. The apparent oxygen use (AOU) varied from 1 to over 3 below the thermocline, this would indicate an oxidating environment due to the high levels of nitrate, phosphate, silicate and low concentrations of dissolved Oxygen (ca. 90-134[µM]) and ammonium (<0,1[µM]). According to the high salinity average (35,0 ups), nutritive elements (nitrate 15,6 [µM], silicate 13,1...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Chemical composition; Oceanography; Upwelling; Oceanic islands; Chemical composition; Oceanography; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Características oceanográficas de la región insular - Ecuador OceanDocs
Lucero, M..
La información analizada en este trabajo corresponde a datos obtenidos durante algunos cruceros oceanográficos efectuados en diferentes épocas del año alrededor de las Islas Galápagos, así como también información disponible durante eventos anómalos como El Niño y La Niña.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Temperature measurement; Current data; Upwelling; Multiship expeditions; Oceanic islands; Surface temperature; Salinity measurement.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Características oceanográficas de la surgencia frente a la Ensenada de Gaira, Departamento de Magdalena, época seca menor de 2006. OceanDocs
Arévalo-Martínez, D.L.; Franco-Herrera, A..
Con el propósito de determinar la influencia de la dinámica del acoplamiento océano-atmósfera sobre la presencia de eventos de surgencia por transporte de Ekman y por acción de vientos continentales, así como el posible efecto de fertilización mediante el aporte de nutrientes inorgánicos de dicho proceso sobre las aguas costeras de la ensenada de Gaira, departamento de Magdalena, durante el período climático seco menor de 2006, se realizaron mediciones de variables atmosféricas, oceanográficas y biológicas, mediante la implementación del método Eureliano. En total se efectuaron cuatro muestreos, entre los cuales dos presentaron condiciones océano-atmosféricas que evidencian la ocurrencia de eventos de surgencia en las 48 horas previas, ante la presencia de...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Upwelling; Trade winds; Nutrients (mineral); Chlorophylls; Chlorophylls; Http://
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Caractéristiques climatiques des côtes de Mauritanie pendant la période 1940-1982 OceanDocs
Tchernichkov, P. P.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Climate; Upwelling.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Case Study Of Small Pelagic Fish Resources In Northwest Africa OceanDocs
Samb, B..
The marine waters off Northwest Africa are very productive because of the active upwelling that takes place at different intensities along the coast and which supports important fish resources (among which the small pelagics are the most abundant). The fishery sector plays an important role in the economies of the different countries of the region. Despite their relatively low commercial value, the pelagic fish are dominating the catches and is important to both the industrial and artisanal sectors. Several assessment studies of these resources have been carried out,and the management recommendations given calls for a control of effort in the mackerel and horsemackerel fisheries, whereas a catch level not to be exceeded has been defined for sardinella. The...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Pelagic fish; Upwelling.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Coastal upwelling in the eastern Gulf of California ArchiMer
Lluch-cota, Salvador Emilio.
Understanding and quantifying upwelling is of great importance for marine resource management. Direct measurement of this process is extremely difficult and observed time-series do not exist. However, proxies are commonly derived from different data; most commonly wind-derived. A local wind-derived coastal upwelling index (CUI) is reported for the period 1970-1996 and is considered representative for the eastern central Gulf of California, an important fishing area where no proxies exist. The index is well related to pigment concentration distribution, surface water temperature, and population dynamics of important fish resources over the seasonal time-scale. There is a biological response to ENSO activity not reflected by this index, indicating that...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Upwelling; Golfe de Californie; Variabilité saisonnière; Changement climatique; Upwelling; Gulf of California; Seasonality; Climate change.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Composition en cires, triglycérides, protéines et sucres du mésozooplancton ArchiMer
Alayse-danet, Anne-marie; Daniel, Jean-yves; Le Coz, Jean-rene.
Analyses effectuées sur le zooplancton total des pêches verticales au WP2 et sur des animaux triés à partir des pêches horizontales (Campagne RCA sur les côtes Atlantiques du Portugal). On ne signale pas de différence significative entre la composition biochimique des populations du large et de la côte
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zooplancton; Milieu marin; Composition chimique; Glucide; Cire animale; Triglycéride; Protéine; Océan Atlantique Nord; Upwelling; Méiofaune; Portugal; France; Zone côtière; Zooplankton; Marine environment; Chemical composition; Carbohydrate; Animal wax; Triglyceride; Proteins; North Atlantic; Upwelling; Meiofauna; Portugal; France; Coastal zone.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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