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Actividad antioxidante y citotóxica de extractos de Pilea dauciodora Wedd (Urticaceae) 98
Garro,Alejandro; Cardona,Wilson; Rojano,Benjamín; Robledo,Sara M; Alzate,Fernando.
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Pilea dauciodora Wedd; Urticaceae; Citotoxicidad; Antioxidantes.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Eight new species and a new name in the genus Elatostema (Urticaceae) on Mount Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia 16
Beaman, R.S.; Cellinese, N..
The genus Elatostema J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. (Urticaceae) is a large Palaeotropical group with perhaps 300 or more species. Eight new species are described here, six of which are endemic to Mt Kinabalu, and a new name is established.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Urticaceae; Elatostema; Mt Kinabalu; Sabah; Borneo; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Nomenclatural corrections to the taxonomic revision of The Old World species of Boehmeria (Urticaceae, tribus Boehmerieae) by Wilmot-Dear & Friis (2013) 16
Wilmot-Dear, C.M.; Friis, I.; Govaerts, R.H.A..
This nomenclatural note, a sequel to a recently published taxonomic revision of the Old World species of the genus Boehmeria (Urticaceae), establishes: 1) a holotype of B. maugereti, synonym of taxon no. 8b in the revision (B. clidemioides var. diffusa); 2) B. zollingeriana Wedd. var. blinii (H.Lév.) C.J.Chen in Chen et al. (2003) as the correct name for the variety named in the revision as B. zollingeriana var. podocarpa in Chen et al. (2003); 3) that the combination B. spicata, based on Urtica spicata, is not illegitimate, as stated in the revision in synonymy of B. japonica and in an attached note; 4) a corrected synonymy for B. splitgerbera and the designation of a lectotype for Splitgerbera japonica and its nomenclatural synonyms; and 5)...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Boehmeria; Nomenclature; Typification; Urticaceae.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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The Old World species of Boehmeria (Urticaceae, tribus Boehmerieae). A taxonomic revision 16
Wilmot-Dear, C.M.; Friis, I..
This is the second part of a world-wide revision of the genus Boehmeria, the previously-published part having dealt with the New World species. The Old World species are widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics from West Africa to islands in the Pacific Ocean and from Japan and China to Southern Africa, Madagascar and Australia, with the highest species richness in the Himalayas and their extension into China and Indochina. No indigenous species is common to both the Old and New World. The species represent taxonomic units of very different complexity: most species exhibit little infraspecific variation; in several others formal taxonomic infraspecific units can be recognised; however, in two, B. virgata and B. japonica, a highly complex variation...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Boehmeria; Conservation assessment; Descriptions; Distribution; Ecology; Keys; Old World; Taxon richness; Taxonomic revision; Urticaceae.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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The status of Cecropia (Urticaceae) introductions in Malesia: addressing the confusion 16
Conn, B.J.; Hadiah, J.T.; Webber, B.L..
As part of the great global movement of plants in the 18th and 19th centuries, many valuable and commercial plants were sent from the Neotropics to Europe as seeds or as live specimens. Cecropia (Urticaceae) was in cultivation in England in 1789, yet species delimitation was not well-understood until much later, long after subsequent introductions to other tropical regions where alien populations are now invasive. The earliest record of Cecropia being cultivated in Malesia is based on material of C. peltata thought to have been sent from the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew to ’s Lands Plantentuin (Buitenzorg) in Jawa, Indonesia, sometime between 1862 and early 1868. In 1902, C. peltata was first cultivated in the botanical gardens of Singapore and introduced to...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Alien; Cecropia; Indonesia; Invasion history; Jawa; Malaysia; Plant identification; Singapore; Urticaceae.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Urticaceae for the non-specialist: Identification in the Flora Malesiana region, Indochina and Thailand 16
Wilmot-Dear, C.M..
Urticaceae comprises five tribes. Most specimens can be identified to tribe, many to genus, by the nonspecialist. Keys are provided to the tribes and to the genera within each tribe, based on the more easily observable diagnostic characters. Additional notes to each genus are also given.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Diagnostic characters; Flora Malesiana; Genera; Indochina; Keys; Thailand; Tribes; Urticaceae.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Usefulness of morphological characters for infrageneric classification of Elatostema (Urticaceae) 16
Hadiah, J.T.; Conn, B.J..
In 1896, Hans Hallier was the first author to reduce the two genera Pellionia and Procris to subgeneric status within the genus Elatostema (Urticaceae). In 1935 and 1936, Hilde Schröter and Hubert Winkler proposed the following four subgenera: subg. Elatostema, subg. Elatostematoides, subg. Pellionia and subg. Weddellia, while maintaining Procris as a distinct genus. More recently, Wang (1980a) rejected Schröter and Winkler’s subgeneric classification of Elatostema and proposed a sectional and serial infrageneric classification of recognising as sections Androsyce, Elatostema, Laevisperma, Pellionioides and Weddellia (as ‘Weddelia’). He maintained both Pellionia and Procris as distinct genera. All previous researchers of Elatostema and related taxa...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Elatostema; Morphology; Phylogeny; Procris; Urticaceae.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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