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Initiation of gas-hydrate pockmark in deep-water Nigeria: Geo-mechanical analysis and modelling 5
Riboulot, Vincent; Sultan, Nabil; Imbert, P.; Ker, Stephan.
A review of recent literature shows that two geomorphologically different types of pockmarks, contribute to gas seepage at the seafloor. Type-1 pockmarks are defined as seafloor craters associated to fluid seepage and are the most classical type referred to as “pockmarks” in the literature. In contrast, Type-2 pockmarks reveal a complex seafloor morphology that may result from the formation/decomposition of gas hydrates in underlying sedimentary layers. Interpretation of very-high-resolution seismic data, sedimentological analyses and geotechnical measurements acquired from the Eastern Niger Submarine Delta reveal that Type-2 pockmarks are associated to the presence at depth of a conical body of massive gas hydrates. Based on acquired data, theoretical...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pockmarks; Gas hydrates; VHR seismic data; Piezocone; Numerical modelling; Niger Delta.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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