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Screening of mucoadhesive vaginal gel formulations 60
Andrade,Ana Ochoa; Parente,María Emma; Ares,Gastón.
Rational design of vaginal drug delivery formulations requires special attention to vehicle properties that optimize vaginal coating and retention. The aim of the present work was to perform a screening of mucoadhesive vaginal gels formulated with carbomer or carrageenan in binary combination with a second polymer (carbomer, guar or xanthan gum). The gels were characterised using in vitroadhesion, spreadability and leakage potential studies, as well as rheological measurements (stress and frequency sweep tests) and the effect of dilution with simulated vaginal fluid (SVF) on spreadability. Results were analysed using analysis of variance and multiple factor analysis. The combination of polymers enhanced adhesion of both primary gelling agents, carbomer and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mucoadhesive vaginal gels/screening; Xanthan gum/use/vaginal products; Mucoadhesion; Vaginal products/rheology; Vaginal products/spreadability; Natural products/use/vaginal gels.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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