Registros recuperados: 23 | |
Harrison, R. Wes; Ozayan, Aylin; Meyers, Samuel P.. |
Attributes for two value-added seafood products derived from underutilized crawfish are analyzed using conjoint data from seafood restaurants in the southern region of the United States. Preferences for the products' form, price, and flavor attributes were tested. Statistical tests revealed that the attribute interactions were not significant, and part-worth utilities for all main effects were estimated using an additive preference model. Results indicate that the new crawfish products should be marketed as a high-quality fresh soup base or seafood stuffing, priced between 30% and 50% of the cost of fresh crawfish tail meat. |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Conjoint analysis; Seafood; Value added; Marketing. |
Ano: 1998 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/15552 |
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Furtan, William Hartley; Sauer, Johannes. |
This paper empirically investigates the determinants of firms’ performance in the agri-food sector by using recent survey data for Denmark. Treating sales per employee as a proxy for value addition we estimate several bootstrapped regression models to draw conclusions on the marginal effects of potential performance determinants such as the form and nature of ownership, stage of the food chain and commodity sector, new product development, staff quality, firms’ competitive stance, and elements of firms’ strategy. To draw robust inferences we apply, besides the ordinary heteroscedasticity corrected Tobit ML-estimator, a nonparametric least absolute deviations estimator (LAD/CLAD) based on a quantile regression procedure. The results indicate that we cannot... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Value added; Innovation; Organizational type; Agribusiness; Q13; O31; O33. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/6422 |
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Furtan, William Hartley; Sauer, Johannes. |
This paper investigates empirically the determinants of firms’ performance in the agrifood sector by using recent survey data for Denmark. Treating sales per employee as a proxy for value added we estimate several bootstrapped regression models to draw conclusions on the marginal effects of potential performance determinants such as the form and nature of ownership, stage of the food chain and commodity sector, new product development, staff quality, firms’ competitive stance, and elements of firms’ strategy. To draw robust inferences we apply, besides the ordinary heteroscedasticity corrected Tobit ML-estimator, a nonparametric least absolute deviations estimator (LAD/CLAD) based on a quantile regression... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Value added; Innovation; Organizational type; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Q13; O31; O33. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/36851 |
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Kalaydjian, Regis; Daures, Fabienne; Gaignon, Jean-louis; Girard, Sophie; Guyader, Olivier; Matte, Isabelle; Mongruel, Remi; Perez, Jose; Thebaud, Olivier. |
The report presents a survey of marine related activities in France, highlighting recent past trends, present situation and future outlook. The commercial sector includes marine resource exploitation, manufacturing branches and services. The public sector includes the Navy, State services, environmental protection and research. A summary identifies the main factors in the development of marine activities. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Outlook; Employment; Value added; Marine; Economy; Perspectives; Emploi; Valeur ajoutée; Maritime; Économie. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2006/rapport-3919.pdf |
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Kalaydjian, Regis. |
Launched ten years ago, the biennial publication of the French Maritime Economical Data (DEMF) analyses French maritime activities in their diversity. It assesses their economical importance based on a number of indicators updated on a regular basis. This synthesis of the DEMF 2007 draws the main aspects of the French maritime activities in the form of sectorial index cards providing production, employment and budget data over recent years. The "merchant" sector includes the exploitation of marine resources, the manufacturing and services. The public sector includes Navy, public action, education, coastal environment protection and marine research. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Outlooks; Employment; Value added; Maritime; Economy; Perspectives; Emploi; Valeur ajoutée; Maritime; Economie. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2007/rapport-6175.pdf |
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Kalaydjian, Regis; Girard, Sophie. |
The "French Maritime Economic Data" report is periodically published by Ifremer since 1997. It presents an economic assessment of the French maritime activities, their position in the national economy and in the world competition, as well as the significance of non market public services. Maritime activities in the industrial sector are assessed using a standard metrics to facilitate the periodical update of the report: turnover, gross value added, employment, number of enterprises, exports. These indicators are expressed at national level. The public sector is described by annual budgets, number of staff and personnel costs, broken down into the different public policy functions. Regional indicators are provided on activities whenever relevant and... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Economie; Concurrence; Croissance; Emploi; Environnement; Europe; France; Industrie; Marin; Maritime; Valeur ajoutée; Secteur public; Services.; Economy; Competition; Employment; Environment; Europe; France; Growth; Industry; Marine; Maritime; Public sector; Value added; Services.. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00388/49962/50614.pdf |
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Nicholson, Charles F.; Stephenson, Mark W.. |
Federal, state and local governments have funded various efforts to support value added agriculture, often implicitly assuming that the enterprises would be profitable and that the transition from commodity producer to producer-processor-marketer-distributor would be relatively easy. Some analysts (e.g., Streeter and Bills; 2003a, 2003b) have questioned both of these assumptions, noting that available aggregate data do not allow assessment of the financial performance of value-added enterprises. Our study collected detailed financial information from 27 value-added dairy enterprises with cows, goats or sheep in three states. These businesses processed and marketed cheese, fluid milk products and yogurt; 17 had begun processing during the previous three... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Small-scale dairy processing; Value added; Financial performance; Profitability; Agricultural Finance. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/9732 |
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Kalaydjian, Regis; Daures, Fabienne; Girard, Sophie; Van Iseghem, Sylvie; Levrel, Harold; Mongruel, Remi. |
The report presents a survey of marine related activities in France and an assessment of their economic weight in terms of value added and employment estimates. A brief outline of the recent past and present economic situation of these activities, and of their position on international markets is given. The survey presents the commercial sector, including marine resource exploitation, manufacturing activities and services, followed by the public sector, including the Navy, state intervention at sea, coastal environment protection and marine sciences. A summary gives an overall estimation of marine value added and employment. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Economy; Marine; Value added; Employment; Industry; Services. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00050/16145/13628.pdf |
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Hennessy, David A.. |
Agricultural production is becoming more like manufacturing in the routinization of processes, the extent to which raw materials are processed, capital intensity, and its emphasis on throughput. Some ascribe the changes to demand-side factors while others look to technological innovations. Emphasizing cost seasonality as a reference indicator for nature's role in agricultural production, this paper develops a simple model that includes both supply and demand sides. We show how cost seasonality can impede product development to meet consumer needs and find that there may be a ceiling level of cost seasonality below which a non-seasonal equilibrium production profile occurs. Price seasonality is decreasing in cost seasonality. An increase in demand for... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Industrialization; Lifestyle changes; Regional production systems; Value added; Consumer/Household Economics; Marketing. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/18529 |
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Hodges, Alan W.; Mulkey, W. David. |
The state of Florida has large industries producing fruits and vegetables, sugar, livestock, dairy and meat products, seafood, ornamental plants, forest products, phosphate rock, and an array of associated industries that provide supporting inputs and services, and conduct processing and manufacturing. There are distinct differences in the regional distribution of Florida's agricultural and natural resource industries. Economic characteristics and impacts were evaluated for the state of Florida and for eight separate regions of Florida. Each region is comprised of a core metropolitan area and a number of surrounding counties, as defined by the US Commerce Department, Bureau of Economic Analysis, based on employee commuting patterns and other factors. The... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Florida; Agriculture and natural resource industries; Economic impact; Functional economic region; Output; Value added; Employment; Input-output models; Multiplier; Implan; Agribusiness; Public Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/15702 |
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Novak, Petr. |
The nowadays development in agribusiness can be characterised as shifting of power to the finalising levels and distribution in food commodity chains, which influence as well as form competitive environment of farm and also food-processing companies. The dependence of producers (farmers) on finalising stage is increasing, as well as the risk is transferred and the marked power is enforced in food commodity chains. Those factors are changing proportions, conditions of approach and share of individual stages of commodity chain on value added launched in final product. Possible approach to the identification of market power within food commodity chains is the approach based on price transmission analysis; inelastic price transmission (especially in case of... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Commodity chain; Market structure; Milk and milk products; Price transmission; Value added; Agribusiness; Livestock Production/Industries. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/7822 |
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Leistritz, F. Larry; Lambert, David K.; Coon, Randal C.. |
The purpose of this report is to assess the role of agriculture in the North Dakota economy. This analysis is both statewide and regional in perspective (data are provided for each of the state's eight planning regions). Key indicators used in the analysis include sales for final demand (i.e., sales to out-of-state markets), gross business volume (gross receipts), gross state product (value added), and direct employment for each economic sector. The analysis reveals that, although its role in the North Dakota economy has been reduced in a relative sense, agriculture remains a cornerstone of the state economy and remains the largest goods and services exporting sector. While agriculture accounts for smaller shares of state sales for final demand, gross... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Economic base; Value added; Economic indicators; Community/Rural/Urban Development. |
Ano: 2002 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/23095 |
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Leistritz, F. Larry; Lambert, David K.; Coon, Randal C.. |
The purpose of this report is to assess the role of agriculture in the North Dakota economy. This analysis is both statewide and regional in perspective (data are provided for each of the state's eight planning regions). Key indicators used in the analysis include sales for final demand (i.e., sales to out-of-state markets), gross business volume (gross receipts), gross state product (value added), and direct employment for each economic sector. The analysis reveals that, although its role in the North Dakota economy has been reduced in a relative sense, agriculture remains a cornerstone of the state economy and remains the largest goods and services exporting sector. While agriculture accounts for smaller shares of state sales for final demand, gross... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Economic base; Value added; Economic indicators; Community/Rural/Urban Development. |
Ano: 2002 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/23096 |
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Registros recuperados: 23 | |