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Assessment of the economic impact of sorghum variety S 35 in Chad Open Agri
Palavras-chave: Variable costs; Sorghum; Diffusion; Extension activities; Sowing date; Fixed costs; Repellents; Seed dressing; Farm inputs; Costs.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Cost and Benefit Analysis of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) Management Technology in Georgia. AgEcon
Fonsah, Esendugue Greg; Ferrer, Myra Clarisse R.; Riley, David G.; Sparks, Stormy; Langston, David.
Recent trend depicts that tomatoes and tomatoes products rank 2nd most important vegetable crop in the United States after potatoes and potatoes products contributing 20 percent of total vegetable production. More-so, tomato is equally ranked 2nd in the United States in terms of production value, generating $1.3 billion after head lettuce that contributed $1.4 billion in the same time period. In 2006, 422,000 acres of tomatoes were planted in the United States. Tomato is equally an important economic crop in the state of Georgia. In 2008, it ranked 14th in the Georgia vegetable acreage as 3,985 acres were planted. It also ranked 6th in terms of farm gate value in the same time period generating $51.2 million. Thrips-vectored tomato spotted wilt virus...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Tomatoes production; Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV); Inputs; Fixed cost; Variable costs; Profitability; Cost and benefit.; Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance; Crop Production/Industries; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Financial Economics; Health Economics and Policy; Marketing; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Risk and Uncertainty; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Improved cultivars of pearl millet in Tamil Nadu: adoption, impact, and returns to research investment Open Agri
Palavras-chave: Millets; Hybrids; Production functions; Private sector; Variable costs; Grain; Fixed costs; Sampling; Breeds (animals); Products.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Returns to research and diffusion investments on wilt resistance in pigeonpea Open Agri
Palavras-chave: Pigeonpeas; Diffusion; Sowing rates; Variable costs; Seed production; Land management; Genotypes; Agricultural statistics; Budgets; Sampling.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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The income generating capacity of vegetable forcing model farms AgEcon
Tegla, Zsolt; Varga, Erika; Hagen, Istvan Zsombor.
Within the branch of horticultural production, vegetable forcing can play a very significant role in the future employment of the rural labour force, due to its less seasonal employment and high workforce demand. Taking the ecological endowments of Hungary into consideration the farms of the South Great Plains may play a decisive role in this. During our research we examined eight model hydro-cultured vegetable forcing farms that are competitive due to their income-generating capacity and are suitable for further development. We concluded that pepper forcing farms of 1 ha generated €138,980 SGM, tomato forcing farms €129,486 SGM and cucumber forcing farms €121,641 SGM. By dividing the Standard Gross Margin by €1,200 we found that the farms examined...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Production value; Variable costs; ESU; Vegetable forcing; Income; Agribusiness; Farm Management; Production Economics.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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