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Disentangling the influences of habitat structure and limnological predictors on stream fish communities of a coastal basin, southeastern Brazil 83
Ferreira,Fabio Cop; Silva,André Teixeira da; Gonçalves,Cristina da Silva; Petrere Jr.,Miguel.
In stream environments habitat structure and limnological factors interact regulating patterns of energy and material transfer and affecting fish communities. In the coastal basins of Southeastern Brazil, limnological and structural characteristics differ between clear and blackwaters streams. The former have a diversity of substrate types, higher water velocities, and lower water conductivity, while the latter have sandy substrate, tea-colored and acidic waters, and low water velocities. In this study, we verified the relative importance of habitat structure and limnological variables in predicting patterns of variation in stream fish communities. Eight first to third order streams were sampled in the coastal plain of Itanhaém River basin. We captured 34...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Blackwater streams; Clearwater streams; East basin; Restinga forest; Variance partitioning.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Drivers of floristic variation in biogeographic transitions: insights from the ecotone between the largest biogeographic domains of South America 39
Souza,Loana Araújo Silva; Eisenlohr,Pedro V..
ABSTRACT Ecological transitions usually represent vulnerable ecosystems and high biodiversity. Investigating their drivers is important from both biogeographic and conservationist perspectives. One of these transitions is situated between the two largest biogeographic domains of South America - the Amazon and the Cerrado. We evaluated variation in tree floristic composition throughout this transition and assessed which factors explain this variation. We used 17,240 records of occurrences of 2,530 tree species from the NeotropTree database. We investigated variation in floristic composition using UPGMA cluster analysis with bootstrap resampling and NMDS ordination, and modeled the distribution of species in relation to environmental and spatial predictors...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biogeographical patterns; Ecological transitions; Ecotone; Floristic variation; Tb-RDA; Variance partitioning; Vegetation types.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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More than environmental control at local scales: do spatial processes play an important role in floristic variation in subtropical forests? 39
Maçaneiro,João Paulo de; Oliveira,Laio Zimermann; Seubert,Rafaela Cristina; Eisenlohr,Pedro V.; Schorn,Lauri Amândio.
ABSTRACT The effect of environmental variables on the plant species distribution in the Atlantic Forest raises the interest of researchers, but few studies, mainly at local scales, analyzed the influence of spatial factors on the environment and species distribution. Linear models and spatial correlograms were used to evaluate whether environment and space may predict variations in species composition of trees and shrubs in a Subtropical Rainforest remnant. The study area was divided in 25 plots of 400 m², systematically distributed, where individuals with DBH ≥ 5 cm were measured. Elevation and slope were the most important predictors of the floristic variations, but space, generally neglected in researches on South American's vegetation, had a relevant...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atlantic Forest; Environmental gradient; Linear models; Species distribution; Variance partitioning.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Recent changes in ichthyoplanktonic assemblages of the eastern English Channel 5
Di Pane, Julien; Koubbi, Philippe; Giraldo, Carolina; Lefebvre, Valerie; Caboche, Josselin; Marchal, Paul; Loots, Christophe.
ish assemblages vary through time in both abundance and diversity, often due to changes in climate. The potential consequences of these changes on the larval phase need to be considered. In the Eastern English Channel, fish larvae of 30 taxa, from surveys conducted during spring in the nineties and in 2017 with bongo nets, were used to investigate seasonal and interannual changes in larval assemblages with different statistical tests and multivariate analyses (Outlying Mean Index, Principal Coordinate Analysis and variance partitioning). The major change observed was significant lower abundances in 2017 (in April and May) compared to the nineties. Most of the dominant taxa were two to three-fold less abundant in 2017 than the 1990s. We suggest that the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fish larvae; Temporal variations; Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation; Outlying Mean Index; Variance partitioning; English Channel.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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