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Biological characteristics of Heliothis virescens fed with Bt-soybean MON 87701 × MON 89788 and its conventional isoline Anais da ABC (AABC)
This study aimed to evaluate the larval biology of Heliothis virescens in soybean MON 87701 x MON 89788 and its isogenic non-Bt. In general, the impact of soybean MON 87701 x MON 89788 on H. virescens was evidenced in all bioassays, 100% larval mortality, independent of the structure (leaf or pod) consumed by the pest. The small larvae (1st and 3rdinstar) demonstrated that they were unable to damage fresh pods of soybean, regardless of whether Bt or not Bt. The large larvae (5th instar) fed on soybean MON 87701 x MON 89788 soybeans consumed three times less compared to larvae fed on non-Bt soybeans, and resulted in reduced longevity and larval survival. When soybean plants were infested with 5th instar larvae, H. virescens caused injuries in the steams of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Varietal resistance; Tobacco budworm; Soybean pests; Lepidoptera pests; Heliothinae.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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BRS A502: cultivar de arroz de terras altas com resistência ao acamamento e grãos de excelente qualidade industrial e culinária. Infoteca-e
A Embrapa e parceiros do Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Arroz de Terras Altas, disponibilizam uma nova cultivar de arroz, BRS A502. As principais características são a elevada resistência ao acamamento, ciclo médio, alto potencial produtivo e grãos de excelente qualidade industrial e culinária. BRS A502 é uma cultivar que pode ser utilizada em diversas condições de cultivo, incluindo a rotação e a sucessão de culturas em áreas sob agricultura intensiva (terras velhas) nas principais regiões produtoras do Brasil.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: BRS A502; Arroz; Oryza Sativa; Melhoramento Genético Vegetal; Qualidade; Culinária; Variedade Resistente; Rice; Cultivars; Varietal resistance; Plant breeding.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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BRS FC310: cultivar de feijoeiro-comum carioca, semiprecoce e com ampla resistência às doenças. Infoteca-e
MELO, L. C.; PEREIRA, H. S.; SOUZA, T. L. P. O. de; FARIA, L. C. de; AGUIAR, M. S. de; WENDLAND, A.; CARVALHO, H. W. L. de; ALMEIDA, V. M. de; MELO, C. L. P. de; COSTA, A. F. da; ITO, M. A.; PEREIRA FILHO, I. A.; POSSE, S. C. P.; MAGALDI, M. C. de S.; KNUPP, A. M.; CABRERA DIAZ, J. L.; COSTA, J. G. C. da; MARTINS, M.; GUIMARÃES, C. M.; VIANELLO, R. P.; MARANGON, M. A.; SARMENTO, P. H. L.; TRINDADE, N. L. S. R.; MELO, P. G. S.; BRAZ, A. J. B. P.; SOUZA, N. P. de; FARIA, J. C. de.
A cultivar BRS FC310 originou-se do cruzamento entre as linhagens GX 9792-251-2 e ESAL 693, realizado na Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, em Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO, em 2002, ano no qual a geração F1 da população foi semeada em telado. Em 2003, na safra de inverno, a geração F2 foi semeada em campo, em Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO, em bulk, e realizada a seleção para arquitetura de plantas. Na safra da seca de 2004 foi realizado o avanço da população na geração F3, em Ponta Grossa, PR, em bulk, para a seleção de plantas individuais baseada na resistência à antracnose, à ferrugem e ao crestamento-bacteriano-comum. Na safra de inverno, ainda em 2004, as progênies na geração F3:4 foram semeadas em Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO, em linhas individuais e feita a seleção...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: BRS FC310; Feijão; Phaseolus Vulgaris; Melhoramento Genético Vegetal; Variedade Resistente; Beans; Plant breeding; Varietal resistance.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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BRS FC409: cultivar de feijoeiro-comum com alto valor comercial e nutricional, resistência à murcha de Fusarium e à murcha de Curtobacterium. Infoteca-e
PEREIRA, H. S.; MELO, L. C.; SOUZA, T. L. P. O. de; FARIA, L. C. de; CABRERA DIAZ, J. L.; CARVALHO, H. W. L. de; MELO, C. L. P. de; COSTA, A. F. da; MAGALDI, M. C. de S.; KNUPP, A. M.; POSSE, S. C. P.; COSTA, J. G. C. da; WENDLAND, A.; ABREU, A. de F. B.; PEREIRA FILHO, I. A.; MARTINS, M.; ALBRECHT, J. C.; ALMEIDA, V. M. de; GUIMARÃES, C. M.; BRAZ, A. J. B. P.; MARANGON, M. A.; CARVALHO, A. J. de; MELO, P. G. S.; TRINDADE, N. L. S. R.; SOUZA, N. P. de; FARIA, J. C. de; CALGARO, M.; AGUIAR, M. S. de.
A cultivar de feijão-comum BRS FC409 tem grãos do tipo carioca, com alto valor comercial e nutricional, apresentando bom nível de resistência à murcha de Fusarium e à murcha de Curtobacterium, e resistência intermediária à antracnose, ao crestamento-bacteriano-comum e à mancha-angular. É indicada para semeadura nos seguintes estados e épocas de cultivo: época das águas, da seca e de inverno, nos estados de Goiás, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Mato Grosso, Tocantins e no Distrito Federal; época das águas e da seca, em Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Santa Catarina, São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul; e época das águas, em Sergipe, Alagoas e Pernambuco.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Murcha de Curtobacterium; Feijão; Phaseolus Vulgaris; Melhoramento Genético Vegetal; Variedade Resistente; Murcha de Fusarium; Beans; Plant breeding; Disease resistance; Varietal resistance.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Infestation of cassava genotypes by Neosilba perezi (Romero & Ruppell) (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) Neotropical Entomology
Gisloti,L; Prado,AP do.
The objectives of this work were to assess the infestation of ten genotypes of cassava by the shoot fly Neosilba perezi (Romero & Ruppell) and to investigate effects of plant age, temperature or precipitation on cassava plants infestation by the shoot fly. Thirty-two individuals of each cassava genotype were planted and analyzed every two weeks in order to calculate the percentage of plants infested by shoot fly larvae at each sampling event and per genotype. Infestation by the fly was different across the genotypes. Genotype IAC Caapora 105-66 and genotype IAC Cascuda were resistant to shoot fly infestation, whereas the genotype IAC 15 was the most susceptible to this insect. Plant age may have an influence on infestation by shoot flies. Advanced...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Manihot esculenta; Shoot fly; Cassava fly; Varietal resistance.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Infestation of the banana root borer among different banana plant genotypes Ciência Rural
Oliveira,Fernando Teixeira de; Neves,Pedro Manuel Oliveira Janeiro; Bortolotto,Orcial Ceolin.
ABSTRACT: In this study, we aimed to investigate Cosmopolites sordidus (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae ) infestation among different banana genotypes in a commercial banana orchard over the course of 30 months. Banana root borer infestation was compared in 20 banana genotypes, including five varieties and 15 hybrids. Overall, we observed that 94.17% of pest infestation cases occurred in the cortex region, and only 5.83% occurred in the central cylinder. Genotypes least sensitive to infestation were the Prata Anã (AAB) and Pacovan (AAB) varieties, where no damage was recorded. Among the hybrid genotypes, PV 9401 and BRS Fhia 18 showed intermediate levels of sensitivity, while BRS Tropical hybrids (AAAB), PA 9401 (AAAB), BRS Vitoria (AAAB), YB 4203 (AAAB), and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Musa spp.; Banana pests; Varietal resistance; Banana hybrids.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Larval development of Spodoptera eridania and Spodoptera frugiperda fed on fresh ear of field corn expressing the Bt proteins (Cry1F and Cry1F + Cry1A.105 + Cry2Ab2) Ciência Rural
Bortolotto,Orcial Ceolin; Bueno,Adeney de Freitas; Queiroz,Ana Paula de; Silva,Gabriela Vieira.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate extent of larval period, larval survival (%), food consumption, and pupal biomass of Spodoptera eridania and Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae ) fed on fresh ears of field corn expressing Bt proteins (Cry1F and Cry1F+Cry1A.105+Cry2Ab2). Larvae of Spodoptera spp. survived less than two days when they consumed Bt corncobs and showed 100% mortality. Spodoptera eridania reared on non-Bt corn cobs showed higher larval development (21.6 days) than S. frugiperda (18.4 days) and lower viability (56.4% and 80.2% for S. eridania and S. frugiperda , respectively). A higher amount of corn grains was consumed by S. eridania (5.4g) than by S. frugiperda (3.9g). In summary, this study demonstrated that...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biology; Integrated pest management; Fall armyworm; Southern armyworm; Varietal resistance.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Molecular and pathogenic variability of Drechslera isolates from oats Trop. Plant Pathol.
Severe epidemics of leaf blotch and black leaf spot of oat (Avena sativa) caused by Drechslera avenae and Drechslera sp., respectively, are frequently observed in the State of Paraná, Brazil. Although some morphological differences between the isolates causing two different symptoms were noticed, the genetic relationship between them was not clear. Twenty-four isolates of D. avenae and Drechslera sp, collected between 1996-98, were assessed for the genetic variability by molecular and pathogenic analyses. The amplification products using primer pair ITS4/ITS5 showed a fragment length of approximately 600 bp for all the isolates except for one black spot isolate, where the fragment length was approximately 550 bp. Restriction enzymes Hinf I and Taq I, that...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pyrenophora avenae; Avena sativa; Molecular characterization; Varietal resistance.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Resistance of Manihot esculenta and its intraspecific hybrids to the whitefly Aleurothrixus aepim (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) PAB
Lima,Willem Henrique; Ringenberg,Rudiney; Fancelli,Marilene; Ledo,Carlos Alberto da Silva.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the resistance of Manihot esculenta and its hybrids (M. esculenta x M. esculenta ssp. flabellifolia and M. esculenta x M. esculenta ssp. peruviana) to the whitefly (Aleurothrixus aepim). The trial was carried out in a greenhouse from October to December 2015, and it was based on a completely randomized design with eight treatments (eight genotypes). The evaluated variables and replicates were the following: duration of the developmental phases of the whitefly (nine replicates); nymphal viability (nine replicates); egg viability (five replicates); period of incubation (five replicates); and number of eggs (three replicates). Trichome counting (nine replicates) and the colorimetric analysis (nine...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Antibiosis; Antixenosis; Pests; Varietal resistance; Wild cassava.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Response of cattleya hybrids for Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cattleyae Foster BABT
Pedroso-de-Moraes,Cristiano; Souza,Marcelo Claro de; Ronconi,Cínthia Cristina; Marteline,Marco Aurélio.
The Cattleya genus has a great importance in the flower agro-business market. Fusarium wilts, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cattleyae, is considered one of the main factors of decline and death of plants of this genus. Using seven hybrids (intra and intergenerics) of Cattleya, tests of resistance and susceptibility to F. oxysporum were performed in conditions of greenhouse for 12 months, using, as evaluation criterion, a scale of the disease severity ranging from one (resistant) to eight (highly susceptible). High susceptibility to the fungus by Cattleya Nobile's Wax Toy, Cattleya Orquidacea's Mister Fast intrageneric hybrids and Potinara Orquidacea's Havana Brown intergeneric hybrid, related to Brassocattleya Orquidacea's Melody intergeneric hybrid,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fusarium wilts; Orchid; Varietal resistance.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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