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Akubude, VIVIAN Chimezie; Maduako, Josaphat; Egwuonwu, Celestine; Ajala, Elijah Olawale; Olaniyan, Adesoji Matthew; Ozumba, Isaac Chinedu; Nwosu, Caesar.
The relative abundance of almond seed in several tropical regions of the world coupled with the little knowledge of its utilization in vegetable oil production prompted the need for this review. The aim is to review almond oil expression through different extraction/expression approach, the economic and health benefits of almond oil, and the challenges and prospects of almond oil extraction in Nigeria. This review covers the recent significant materials found in the literature on almond seed and oil extraction/expression. Almond oil is an essential oil packed with a lot of nutrients that are beneficial to human health. Therefore, it is important to devise better approach for maximum oil extraction/ expression.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Almond seed; Vegetable oil; Oil expression methods; Nutritional content..
Ano: 2020 URL:
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An ethanol-based process to simultaneously extract and fractionate carotenoids from Mauritia flexuosa L. Pulp 94
Ribeiro,Bernardo Dias; Nascimento,Rafaella Ferreira; Barreto,Daniel Weingart; Coelho,Maria Alice Zarur; Freitas,Suely Pereira.
Mauritia vinifera (buriti) is a palm tree that grows wild in different areas of Brazil, particularly in the Amazonian region. The buriti oil is rich in carotenoids, especially in β-carotene. The growing interest in other natural sources of β-carotene has stimulated the industrial use of buriti as a raw material for pulp oil extraction. Most processes are based on the conventional technologies, involving drying and pressing the pulp for oil recovery and further separation of carotenoids in a liquid phase using organics solvents. In the present work, the ethanol-based process was evaluated for simultaneous carotenoids recovering and fractionating from buriti pulp. The raw material and ethanol, 1:4 ratio, were placed in an erlenmeyer flask and maintained at...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Beta-carotene; Vegetable oil; Ethanol; Buriti.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Rousu, Matthew C.; Huffman, Wallace E.; Shogren, Jason F.; Tegene, Abebayehu.
Genetically modified (GM) foods have caused many controversies. One important controversy relates to tolerance - the impurity rate that is tolerated before a commodity must be labeled as genetically modified. Currently, the United States does not have a specific tolerance or threshold level for GM foods. This paper uses experimental auctions to determine consumers' acceptance of non-GM foods with zero, 1 percent, and 5 percent tolerance for genetically modified material. Our results indicate that consumers would pay less for food that tolerates GM material, but the discount is not significantly different for foods with 1-percent and 5-percent GM content.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Genetically modified (GM) foods; Contamination thresholds; Laboratory auctions; Nth-price auction; Vegetable oil; Tortilla chips; Russet potatoes; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Characterization of the Physicochemical Properties of Different Biodiesel Samples 52
Vertonha,Maria Thais; Delgado,Leonardo Almeida; Lukasievicz,Gustavo Vinicius Bassi.
ABSTRACT For combustion engines to perform well, it is necessary that the fuel used be of high quality. Fuel quality can be analyzed through different physicochemical properties. This study presents comparisons between the values presented in literature, legislation and those obtained through experimental tests of different biodiesel samples. Biodiesel is a promising alternative of renewable energy obtained from raw material. The properties observed in this study are: Viscosity, density, cloud point, pour point and calorific value. The data explored by this work aims to bring solidification to the methodologies and equipment necessary for a better characterization of biodiesel.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biodiesel; Vegetable oil; Animal fat; ANP.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Combined replacement of fish meal and oil in practical diets for fast growing juveniles of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.): Networking of systemic and local components of GH/IGF axis 5
Benedito Palos, L; Saera Vila, A; Calduch Giner, J; Kaushik, Sadasivam; Perez Sanchez, J.
Growth performance and growth regulatory pathways were examined in juvenile gilthead sea bream fed diets containing largely plant-based ingredients. Four isonitrogenous and isolipidic extruded diets with a low level (20%) of fish meal inclusion were formulated with graded levels of a vegetable oil mixture (17:58:25 of rapeseed: linseed: palm oils) replacing fish oil at 33, 66 and 100% (33VO, 66VO and VO diets). All diets were supplemented with lysine (0.55%) and contained soy lecithin (1%). Daily growth coefficients and feed efficiency over the course of an 11-week trial were almost identical in fish fed the FO, 33VO and 66VO diets. The VO diet reduced feed intake and growth without significant effects in proximate whole body composition, nitrogen or...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Contaminants; Endocrine disrupters; Insulin like growth factors; Growth hormone receptors; Growth hormone; Plant proteins; Vegetable oil; Fish oil; Sparidae.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Consumer Willingness to Pay for Genetically Modified Food Labels in a Market with Diverse Information: Evidence from Experimental Auctions 31
Huffman, Wallace E.; Shogren, Jason F.; Rousu, Matthew C.; Tegene, Abebayehu.
With the continuing controversy over genetically modified (GM) foods, some groups advocate mandatory labeling of these products, while other groups oppose labeling. An important issue is how GM labels affect consumers' willingness to pay for these food products in the market. Using a statistically based economics experiment with adult consumers as subjects, we examine how willingness to pay changes for three food products--vegetable oil, tortilla chips, and potatoes--when GM labels are introduced. Participants in the experiments discounted GM-labeled foods by approximately 14% relative to their standard-labeled counterparts. The evidence also showed that sequencing of food labels affects willingness to pay, and that randomizing treatments is an important...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Consumer demand; Corn chips; Experimental economics; Food labels; Genetic modification; GM foods; Laboratory auctions; Potatoes; Vegetable oil; Willingness to pay; Consumer/Household Economics.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Consumers’ Purchasing Intentions for Vegetable Oil in the Presence of Generic or Specific Information on Genetic Modification 31
Hu, Wuyang; Chen, Kevin Z..
In combination with the emergence of genetically modified (GM) food, there has been an urgent call for GM labeling to provide relevant information disclosure. Using data collected in Beijing, China, this study attempts to address the issue of whether different types of information may have distinct impacts on consumers’ stated purchasing decisions. Three types of information are used in this study: one is generic and the other two are linked with two important implications of GM technology—human health and the environment. Results verify that consumers’ purchasing decisions are affected by different types of information through their attitudes and personal characteristics. This finding has potential implications for establishing various GM marketing...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: China; Genetically modified (GM) food; Labeling information; Probit model; Vegetable oil; Agribusiness; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Cottonseed oil in diets for growing broilers 96
Aguiar,Vânia de Sousa Lima; Dourado,Leilane Rocha Barros; Lopes,João Batista; Machado,Luciana Pereira; Nascimento,Daphinne Cardoso Nagib do; Silva,Danilo Rodrigo Silva e; Santos,Edna Teles dos; Farias,Leonardo Atta.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of three levels of crude cottonseed oil on performance, organ weights, and blood parameters of growing broilers. Carcass and cut yields after 33 and 42 days of age and the economic viability of the diets were also evaluated. Male broilers of the Ross line were distributed in a completely randomized design, in a 4 × 2 factorial arrangement (0, 2, 4, and 6% inclusion of cottonseed oil, with and without ferrous sulfate) with five replicates. In the period from 22 to 33 days, quadratic and increasing linear effects were observed on feed intake and weight gain, respectively. Feed conversion during the same period was better with the addition of ferrous sulfate. The addition of ferrous sulfate...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gossypol; Poultry; Vegetable oil.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Determination of tocopherols and physicochemical properties of faveleira (Cnidoscolus quercifolius) seed oil extracted using different methods 116
RIBEIRO,Penha Patrícia Cabral; SILVA,Denise Maria de Lima e; DANTAS,Mariana Mesquita; RIBEIRO,Karla Danielly da Silva; DIMENSTEIN,Roberto; DAMASCENO,Karla Suzanne Florentino da Silva Chaves.
Abstract This study aims to evaluate the physicochemical properties and tocopherol content in faveleira seed oil extracted using three methods (Bligh-Dyer, Soxhlet extractor, and cold-pressing). Each of the methods generated different yield percentages, with cold-pressing producing the least amount of oil. However, the cold-pressing method produced better quality oil with more desirable properties, including low acidity (1.56 ± 0.01% oleic acid) and low peroxide value (0.45 ± 0.09 mEq/1000 g). Cold-pressing resulted in higher quantities of tocopherols: 0.59 ± 0.12 mg/100 g of alpha-tocopherol and 20.97 ± 1.15 mg/100 g of beta + gamma-tocopherol. Faveleira seed oil, when extracted by cold-pressing, maintains better physicochemical quality, with the highest...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Oilseed; Vegetable oil; Physicochemical characteristics; Vitamin E.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Dietary net energy plans for barrows from 25 to 100 kg body weight 96
Marçal,Danilo Alves; Kiefer,Charles; Nascimento,Karina Márcia Ribeiro de Souza; Bonin,Marina de Nadai; Corassa,Anderson; Alencar,Stephan Alexander da Silva; Santos,Alexandre Pereira dos; Rodrigues,Gabriela Puhl.
ABSTRACT This experiment was conducted to evaluate growth performance and carcass characteristics of barrows from 25 to 100 kg fed diets with different dietary net energy (NE) levels. Seventy-two barrows with initial body weight (BW) of 25.19±2.13 kg were allotted using a completely randomized block design to one of six dietary NE treatments (2300, 2380, 2460, 2540, 2620, and 2700 kcal kg−1), which had two pigs per replicate and six replicates per treatment. Diets were formulated to be fed in three phases (25 to 60, 60 to 70, and 70 to 100 kg BW). The six different dietary NE densities were met by adding soybean oil in place of the inert ingredient (kaolin) to a corn-soybean meal-based diet. Increasing dietary NE decreased average daily feed intake and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Carcass quality; Fat; Feed intake; Swine; Vegetable oil.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Distribuição vertical da composição química e da uniformidade no tamanho de grãos em plantas de soja de tipo de crescimento determinado e indeterminado. 14
CARRÃO-PANIZZI, M. C.; LEITE, R. S.; OLIVEIRA, M. C. N. de; MANDARINO, J. M. G. (in memoriam); BOSCATO, B. dos S. da S..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Soja; Óleo Vegetal; Proteína Vegetal; Ácido Graxo; Soybeans; Vegetable oil; Vegetable protein; Fatty acids.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Effect of Dietary Frying Fat, Vegetable Oil and Calcium Soaps Of Palm Oil on the Productive Behavior and Carcass Yield of Broiler Chickens 89
Villanueva-Lopez,DA; Infante-Rodríguez,F; Nájera-Pedraza,OG; Barrios-García,HB; Salinas-Chavira,J.
ABSTRACT Vegetable oils (VO) and animal fats are conventional lipid sources used in feed formulations. Frying fats (FF) and calcium soaps of palm oil (CaSPO) are low-cost lipid sources. This study evaluated the productive performance of broiler chickens fed diets with CaSPO in substitution for VO or FF. Two hundred, 1-day old male broiler chickens were allocated in a randomized design with factorial arrangement (22). Diets included 2 lipid sources (FF and VO) and 2 CaSPO levels (0 and 50%). The study had two phases (starter and finisher) of 21 days each. For the starter phase there was no effect (p>0.05) of dietary treatments on the chickens’ productive performance. For the finisher phase birds fed diets with FF had higher feed intake and feed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Broiler chicken; Calcium soaps; Palm oil; Recycled fat; Vegetable oil.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Effets d’une alimentation végétale sur la biosynthèse des acides gras et le métabolisme du bar européen (Dicentrarchus labrax) 5
Geay, Florian.
In the context of the fish farming industry needing to substitute the animal food (meal and oil) by vegetable ingredients, the main objective of this thesis was to study the long-term effects of a diet exclusively composed by plant products on the metabolism of the european sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and more particularly, on its capacity to biosynthesis the Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids (HUFA) from the PolyUnsaturated Fatty acids (PUFA) brought by this vegetal diet. Our transcriptomic approaches showed that the use of a plant food disrupted the lipids metabolism (cholesterol and fatty acids) and the energy metabolism (carbohydrates, amino acids) in the liver, but also affected other physiological processes such as the immune system. In spite of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Nutrition; Métabolisme; Lipides; Désaturase; Delat-6-désaturase (D6D); Huile végétale; Farine végétale; Acides gras à longues chaînes carbonées polyinsaturés (AGLPI); Aquaculture; Nutrition; Metabolism; Lipids; Desaturase; Fatty acids desaturase 2 (fads2); Vegetable oil; Vegetable meal; Highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA).
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Etude du comportement à court terme de produits chimiques flottants après leur déversement en mer et recherche d'un indicateur d'exposition biologique 5
Mamaca, Emina.
Large volumes of chemicals are produced each year. Shipment of these chemicals by boats and barge transiting along coastal marine route are numerous. Recent examples of chemical spills as Eiwa Maru (2002) sinking with 5000 T of xylène from 20 nm of Tokyo and less far from our coastline the Ievoli Sun (2000) which sank and release 1000 T of styren has raised concern about the general lack of information of the fate of chemicals at sea and the impact on fauna and flora. The goal of this study is to characterize the behaviour of some selected chemicals at sea in order to evaluate the cinetic of natural dispersion, emulsification and evaporation. This study is done in three scale : in laboratory with a new methodologie created for this purpose, in a pilot...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: NRRT; Biomarker; Field trial; Emulsification; Natural dispersion; Vegetable oil; Chemicals; NRRT; Biomarqueur; Experimentation en mer; Émulsification; Dispersion naturelle; Huiles végétales; Produits chimiques.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Evaluation of emulsifier stability of biosurfactant produced by Saccharomyces lipolytica CCT-0913 52
Lima,Álvaro Silva; Alegre,Ranulfo Monte.
Surface-active compounds of biological origin are widely used for many industries (cosmetic, food, petrochemical). The Saccharomyces lipolytica CCT-0913 was able to grow and produce a biosurfactant on 5% (v/v) diesel-oil at pH 5.0 and 32ºC. The cell-free broth emulsified and stabilized the oil-in-water emulsion through a first order kinetics. The results showed that the initial pH value and temperature influenced the emulsifier stability (ES), which was the time when oil was separated. The biosurfactant presented different stabilization properties for vegetable and mineral oil in water solution, despite the highest values of the ES occurring with vegetable oil. The biosurfactant presented smallest ES when compared to commercial surfactants; however, this...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biosurfactant; Emulsifier stability; Fermentation; Vegetable oil; Diesel oil.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Extração de óleo do mesocarpo de bacaba. 14
ÁLVARES, V. de S.; SOUZA, J. M. L. de.
O método de extração mecânica do mesocarpo desidratado dos frutos da bacabeira obtém maior rendimento e qualidade do óleo em relação ao método tradicional comumente utilizado na região. Dessa forma, torna-se uma opção viável para utilização dos recursos naturais das populações locais, além de não utilizar solventes químicos, que não são permitidos para uma produção orgânica. Esta publicação está de acordo com o Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 12 (Consumo e Produção Responsáveis). Os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) são uma coleção de 17 metas globais estabelecidas pela Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Oenocarpus bacaba; Jessenia; Aceite vegetal; Extracción; Selo ODS 12; Bacaba; Óleo Vegetal; Extração; Vegetable oil; Extraction.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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FRANÇA,Luiz F.; MEIRELES,M. Angela A..
Residual fibers from palm oil production are a good source of carotene, since they contain more than 5% of the original oil, with about 5000 ppm of carotenoids. As carotenoids are thermosensitive molecules, supercritical CO2 can be used for oil recovery, because this technique employs low temperatures. In this work results of oil extraction experiments from pressed palm oil fibers are shown. Fibers were from AGROPALMA, an industry which is located in Tailândia (Pará, Brazil). Extractions were carried out at 200, 250 and 300 bar and at temperatures of 45 and 55oC. Oil was analyzed by UV/vis spectrophotometry for total carotene determination. Results showed a large increase in extraction rate from 200 to 250 bar and a small variation from 250 to 300 bar. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Supercritical extraction; Vegetable oil; Palm oil; Extraction kinetics; Carotene.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Heating on the volatile composition and sensory aspects of extra-virgin olive oil 64
Nunes,Cleiton Antônio; Souza,Vanessa Rios de; Corrêa,Síntia Carla; Silva,Marília de Cássia da Costa e; Bastos,Sabrina Carvalho; Pinheiro,Ana Carla Marques.
The main ways by which extra-virgin olive oil is consumed include direct application on salads or as an ingredient in sauces, but it is also been used by some for cooking, including frying and baking. However, it has been reported that under heat stress, some nonglyceridic components of olive oil are degraded. So, the effect of heating (at 50, 100, 150, and 200 °C for 2 h) on the volatile composition and sensory aspects of extra-virgin olive oil were evaluated. Heating altered the volatile composition of extra-virgin olive oil, mainly at higher temperatures (above 150 °C). The main modifications were related to the formation of large amounts of oxidized compounds, particularly large chain aldehydes. Sensory aspects were also altered when the oil was heated...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vegetable oil; Sensory analysis; Chemical composition.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Improving diquat efficacy on grasses by adding adjuvants to the spray solution before use 87
Gitsopoulos,T.K.; Damalas,C.A.; Georgoulas,I..
The effect of five adjuvants (non-ionic surfactant, paraffinic oil, vegetable oil, mixture of fatty acids methyl esters plus surfactant blend, and organosilicone) on diquat efficacy was assessed on poverty brome, sterile oat, and Italian ryegrass in field and pot experiments. All tank mixtures with diquat increased diquat efficacy from 50-54% to 77-98% as for fresh weight reduction, indicating significant enhancement of diquat efficacy on grasses. The increased efficacy was most likely attributed to better droplet retention and diffusion on the leaf surfaces. When combined with non-ionic surfactant, diquat showed slightly more rapid control of grass weeds (i.e. symptoms were visible within a few hours after application).
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Non-ionic surfactant; Paraffinic oil; Vegetable oil; Fatty acids methyl esters; Organosilicone; Bipyridyliums.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Lignolytic enzymes produced by Trametes villosa ccb176 under different culture conditions 58
Yamanaka,Renata; Soares,Clarissa F.; Matheus,Dácio R.; Machado,Kátia M.G..
The expression of the enzymatic system produced by basidiomycetous fungi, which is involved in the degradation of xenobiotics, mainly depends on culture conditions, especially of the culture medium composition. Trametes villosa is a strain with a proven biotechnological potential for the degradation of organochlorine compounds and for the decolorization of textile dyes. The influence of glucose concentration, addition of a vegetable oil-surfactant emulsion, nature of the surfactant and the presence of manganese and copper on the growth, pH and production of laccase, total peroxidase and manganese-dependent peroxidase activities were evaluated. In general, acidification of the medium was observed, with the pH reaching a value close to 3.5 within the first...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Laccase; Metals; MnP; Vegetable oil; Surfactants.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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