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Gonçalves Martins,Johnny Wesley; Pratesi,Riccardo; China Bezerra,Armando José.
Vertebral arteries ascend lateral to the cervical spine. Although non-contrasting tomographic studies have attempted to determine the anatomical relationship between these arteries and the spine, the presence and position of the former have yet to be clearly demonstrated. This study was thus aimed to determine the position of the vertebral arteries in relation to the midline, anterior and posterior planes of the vertebral body of each cervical vertebrae. Twenty six adult patients, without lesions that could distort normal anatomy, were employed as subjects and 52 vertebral arteries were analyzed. Two-dimensional computerized tomographies scans were conducted following the injection of an intra-venous contrast. Statistical analyses evaluated the differences...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Vertebral artery; Sinal column; Computerized tomography.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Anatomical Variations of the Foramen Transversarium in Cervical Vertebrae International Journal of Morphology
Molinet Guerra,Marcia; Robles Fuentes,Patricio; Roa,Ignacio.
The cervical vertebrae are recognized mainly by the presence of the foramen transversarium, which is crossed by the vertebral artery and vein, accompanied by sympathetic fibers. The main objective of this study was to observe and describe the anatomy and variations in the foramen transversarium. 121 cervical vertebrae were analyzed, including the macroscopic characteristics, shape and diameter and presence of the foramen transversarium, as well as the accessory foramen transversarium. All cervical vertebrae presented the foramen transversarium, with a mean diameter of 5.60 mm and a mean diameter of 4.40 mm on the right and 5.92 mm - 5.56 mm on the left, respectively. With regard to shape classification according to Taitz et al. (1978), 90.08 % presented...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Cervical vertebra; Foramen transversarium; Accessory foramen; Vertebral artery.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Evaluation of the Vertebral Artery by 3D Digital Subtraction Angiography International Journal of Morphology
Tetiker,Hasan; Çimen,Mehmet; Kosar,Mehmet Ilkay.
The objective of the present study is to determine origin, entry level to the transverse foramen and diameter according to sex and side through 3D angiographic images of seventy-nine vertebral arteries obtained using DSA imaging method. During radiological evaluation, axial, coronal and sagittal images of the artery were used. Data of our study was uploaded to SPSS 14.0 program and significance test and Mann Whitney-U test of the difference between two means were used to evaluate the data. While 76 of the vertebral arteries (96.2%) were originating from the subclavian artery, 3 of them (3.8%) were directly originating from aortic arch. In 67 of 76 the vertebral arteries originating from the subclavian artery were entering through C6, 6 through C7, 2...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Vertebral artery; Transverse foramen; Digital subtraction angiography.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Morphometry and Variations of Bony Ponticles of the Atlas Vertebrae (C1) in Kenyans International Journal of Morphology
Karau Bundi,P; Ogeng´o,J. A; Hassanali,J; Odula,P. O.
Atlas bridges, the bony outgrowths over the third segment of the vertebral artery are associated with compression of the artery and nerves. There are limited studies comparing morphometry of the complete atlas bridges and that of the ipsilateral transverse foramen. Bilateral and gender differences in the morphometry of the complete bridges remain relatively unexplored. One hundred and two atlas vertebrae (49 male and 53 female) obtained from the Osteology Department of the National Museums of Kenya were used for this study. The presence of complete posterior atlas bridge (retroarticular canal) and lateral bridge (supratransverse foramen) was noted. Measurements were taken for the diameters of foramina, and the ipsilateral transverse foramina and their...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Atlas bridges; Vertebral artery; Compression; Kenyans.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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MR Angiography Imaging of Absence Vertebral Artery Causing of Pulsatile Tinnitus: A Case Report International Journal of Morphology
Tuncer,Mehmet Cudi; Akgül,Yekta Helbest; Karabulut,Özlen.
Absence of the vertebral artery is rare, and incidentally encountered in radiological imaging technics. We reported a 74 years old man suffering from pulsatile tinnitus with absence of the left vertebral artery. The purpose of the case report is the description absence of the vertebral artery causing of pulsatile tinnitus, in order to offer useful data to anatomists, otorhinolaryngologist, radiologists, vascular, head and neck surgeons.
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Arterial agenesis; Vertebral artery; Anatomical variations; MR angiography.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Tracheal Compression by Aberrant Brachiocephalic Trunk Accompanying Variant Origin of the Vertebral Artery International Journal of Morphology
Yang,Kiwook; Park,Jae-Hee; Moon,Yong-Suk; Kim,Hong-Tae; Lee,Jae-Ho.
The aorta is the main arterial trunk in the human body, however, its variation was extremely variable. During an educational dissection, aberrant branching pattern of aortic arch was found in a Korean cadaver. The brachiocephalic trunk (innominate artery) originated from the aortic arch at the left side of the trachea. It crossed the trachea and divided into the right common carotid and subclavian arteries. The left vertebral artery originated from the aortic arch between the origins of the left common carotid artery and the left subclavian artery, then the left vertebral artery coursed upward to the transverse foramen of the C7. The author describes this previously novel case report with aberrant brachiocephalic trunk and left vertebral arteries and...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Aberrant brachiocephalic trunk; Aortic arch; Tracheal compression; Variation; Vertebral artery.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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