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Comparison between single port videolaparoscopy and miniceliotomy with snock hook ovariohysterectomy techniques in bitches Ciência Rural
Coutinho,Alexandre José; Gasser,Beatriz; Rodriguez,Mariana Garcia Kako; Uscategui,Ricardo Andres Ramirez; Santos,Victor José Correia; Tiosso,Caio de Faria; Barros,Felipe Farias Pereira da Câmara; Toniollo,Gilson Hélio.
ABSTRACT: In order to use and study minimally invasive techniques to reduce side effects of ovarian-hysterectomy (OHE) in bitches, the aim of this study was to compare time, surgical complications, pain and postoperative inflammatory response, caused by single port videolaparoscopic OHE and traditional miniceliotomy with snook hook. Twenty-four healthy bitches were randomly divided in two groups: videolaparoscopy (Video) and miniceliotomy (MiniLap). Surgical time and complications, pain, need for analgesic rescue, C-reactive protein concentration, glycaemia and voluntary food ingestion were evaluated during 24 hours following the procedure and compared statistically. Surgical time (38±7min), surgical complications (17%), postoperative pain intensity, need...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Videosurgery; C-reactive protein; Glycaemia; Postoperative pain; Surgical complications.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Comparison between three techniques for videosinuscopy in cattle Ciência Rural
Basso,Fernando Zanlorenzi; Busato,Eduarda Maciel; Silva,Jéssica Rodrigues da; Guedes,Rogério Luizari; Barros Filho,Ivan Roque de; Dornbusch,Peterson Triches.
ABSTRACT: Cattle have extensive paranasal sinuses that are susceptible to disease, most commonly sinusitis. The sinuscopy can be used to evaluate these structures, although there are no descriptions of this region for endoscopic anatomy, especially regarding the trocar position and the most appropriate type of endoscope. This study aimed to standardize the surgical approaches to sinuscopy in cattle by comparing the use of three endoscopes. Four accesses by trephination (one hole for each of the maxillary and frontal sinuses) were made in eight heads of slaughtered cattle. Each hole was inspected with three endoscopes: a 10mm flexible colonoscope with up to 180º of angulation, a 10mm 0° laparoscope and a 4mm 30º arthroscope. It was observed that all regions...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Endoscopy; Videosurgery; Nasal sinus; Sinusitis; Bovine.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Laparoscopic repair of congenital pleuroperitoneal hernia using a polypropylene mesh in a dog Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Hartmann,H.F.; Basso,P.C.; Faria,K.L.; Oliveira,M.T.; Souza,F.W.; Garcia,É.V.; Feranti,J.P.S.; Silva,M.A.M.; Brun,M.V..
ABSTRACT Pleuroperitoneal hernias are the most uncommon type of diaphragmatic hernias in dogs and cats. The treatment of choice is surgery and may involve the use of prosthetic implant through celiotomy. In the current report, laparoscopic repair of a congenital pleuroperitoneal hernia using polypropylene mesh in a dog is described. The surgery was feasible. Appropriate reduction of the hernia was carried out and no complications were noted.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Diaphragmatic hernia; Congenital defect; Videosurgery; Canine.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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