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Influence of Treg cells and HBV genotype on sustained response and drug resistance in the treatment with nucleoside drugs 56
Zhang,Y.R.; Li,B.; Wang,C.X.; Zhou,N.; Qi,W.; Li,X.L.; Wu,L.Y.; Wei,S.F.; Zhang,Y.D..
We aimed to investigate the influence of regulatory T cells including CD4+CD25+, CD8+CD28- and hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotype on sustained virological response and tolerance of nucleoside drugs. One hundred and thirty-seven patients were enrolled. Lamivudine was administered to 84 patients. Entecavir was administered to the other 53 patients. Before treatment, biochemical tests, HBV DNA load, HBV serum level, HBV genotype, PB CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD4+CD25+/CD3+, and CD8+CD28-/CD3+ frequencies were measured. Based on HBV DNA loads after 4 weeks of therapy, patients were divided into response group and suboptimal response group. The lamivudine group received treatment continuously, and then patients were categorized into non-resistance group and resistance...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hepatitis B chronic; CD4+CD25+; CD8+CD28-; Regulatory T cells; Viral response; Nucleoside.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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