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Clinical signs, diagnosis, and case reports of Vaccinia virus infections BJID
Silva,Daniela Carla Medeiros; Moreira-Silva,Eduardo Augusto dos Santos; Gomes,Juliana de Assis Silva; Fonseca,Flávio Guimarães da; Correa-Oliveira,Rodrigo.
Vaccinia virus is responsible for a zoonosis that usually affects cattle and human beings in Brazil. The initial clinical signs of the infection are focal red skin areas, fever, and general symptoms similar to those of a cold. Then, pustules and ulcerated lesions surrounded by edema and erythema follow, as well as local lymphadenopathy that can last for weeks. Cure and healing of the lesions occur over several weeks, leaving a typical scar in the skin of people and animals affected. The infection definitive diagnosis is made through morphological characterization of the virus by use of electron microscopy, followed by PCR for specific viral genes. Since 1963, circulating orthopoxviruses in infectious outbreaks in several regions of Brazil have been...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Poxviridae infections; Virology; Outbreaks; Zoonoses; Vaccinia virus.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Detection of multiple noroviruses associated with an international gastroenteritis outbreak linked to oyster consumption ArchiMer
Le Guyader, Soizick; Bon, Fabienne; Demedici, Dario; Parnaudeau, Sylvain; Bertone, Alessandra; Crudeli, Silvia; Doyle, Aoife; Zidane, Mohamed; Suffredini, Elisabetta; Kohli E, Evelyne; Maddalo, Francesco; Monini, Marina; Gallay, Anne; Pommepuy, Monique; Pothier, Pierre; Ruggeri, Franco M..
An international outbreak linked to oyster consumption involving a group of over 200 people in Italy and 127 total subjects in 13 smaller clusters in France was analyzed using epidemiological and clinical data and shellfish samples. Environmental information from the oyster-producing area, located in a lagoon in southern France, was collected to investigate the possible events leading to the contamination. Virologic analyses were conducted by reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) using the same primer sets for both clinical and environmental samples. After sequencing, the data were analyzed through the database operated by the scientific network FoodBorne Viruses in Europe. The existence of an international collaboration between laboratories was critical to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seafood; Contamination; Norovirus; Epidemiology; Virology; Oyster.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Diagnosis of oyster herpes-like virus: development and validation of molecular, immunological and cellular tools "VINO" - Final Report 4th January 1999 to 3rd January 2002 ArchiMer
Renault, Tristan; Davison, Andrew; Xhonneux, Florence; Dorange, Germaine; Culloty, Sarah; Novoa, Beatriz; Dixon, Peter.
Little information is available on viral infections that affect bivalve molluscs. Such a lack of data is due ta a certain inadequacy of the diagnosis methods that are employed when massive mortality events occur. Most laboratories involved in mollusc pathology still analyse samples through light microscopy. World-wide, there is thus currently a lack of information concerning the occurrence of bivalve herpesvituses. This is probably due to the lack of suitable diagnostic tools. The basic method for identification and examination of suspect samples is predominantly histopathology. This enables the identification of any cellular changes, but is not conclusive identification of bivalve herpesviruses. This technique doesn't allow, by itself, to detect viruses...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pathology; Virology; Diagnosis; Herpes like virus; Validation molecular; Detection; Herpesviridae; OsHV-1; Diagnostic techniques; Oysters.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Diagnosis of oyster herpes-like virus: development and validation of molecular immunological and cellular tools "VINO". Second periodic progress report: 4th January 2000 at 3rd January 2001 ArchiMer
Renault, Tristan; Davison, Andrew; Xhonneux, Florence; Dorange, Germaine; Culloty, Sarah; Novoa, Beatriz; Dixon, Peter.
The aim of the programme is to develop specific tools for diagnosing herpes-like virus infections in bivalves and to validate these reagents by using them in different European laboratories involved in shellfish epidemiological surveys. This will done using teclmiques developed by the patiners to characterise viruses by studying their genome and immunologically reactive proteins, to cultivate oyster cells and vertebrate cell lines and to perform epidemiological surveys among bivalves. The programme objectives are: 1 - Obtaining the complete oyster herpesvirus (OsHV-1) DNA sequence with determination of the genome structure. 2 - Comparing OsHV -1 with viruses belonging to the Herpesviridae family on the basis of sequence data and genome structure. 3 -...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pathology; Virology; Diagnosis; Herpes like virus; Validation molecular; Detection; Herpesviridae; OsHV-1; Diagnostic techniques; Oysters.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Diagnosis of oyster herpes-like virus: development and validation of molecular, immunological and cellular tools "VINO" Third Periodic Progress Report : 4th January 2001 to 3rd January 2002 ArchiMer
Renault, Tristan; Davison, Andrew; Xhonneux, Florence; Dorange, Germaine; Culloty, Sarah; Novoa, Beatriz; Dixon, Peter.
Herpesvirus infections have been reported in different bivalves species around the world. Specific diagnostic tools are needed in order ta assess the causative raIe of these agents in mortalities observed among bivalves There is currently a lack of information concerning the occurrence of bivalve herpesviruses. This is probably due ta the lack of suitable diagnostic tools. The basic method for examination of bivalve samples is predominantly histology. This enables the identification of any cellular changes, but is not conclusive for virus identification. Transmission electron microscopy is a necessity for visual confirmation of viral infections. However, histology and electron microscopy are time consuming and inadequate for epidemiological studies. The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pathology; Virology; Diagnosis; Herpes like virus; Virus; Oyster; Detection; OsHV-1; Herpesviridae.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Project ROMEO : E. C. n° FA-S2 9052 - Research objectives : Mortality in European Oysters - Final Report ArchiMer
Renault, Tristan; Arzul, Isabelle.
Crassostrea gigas is increasingly being cultured in a great number of countries from animaIs originally introduced from Japan, and is one of the most exploited bivalve species in the EU (FAO, 1989). Although no serious pathogen was detected previously in Japanese oysters in Europe, mortalities have been observed since the introduction of this bivalve species into the EU. Thus, oyster cultivation may be endangered by the occurrence of epizootics, especially virus diseases, which are considered one of the maj or risks to production. Indeed, mortalities have been described among different species of ostreids and are associated with the presence of viruses belonging to various families. The first description of a virus was reported in adult Eastern oyters,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pathology; Virology; Herpes-like infection; Detection; Diagnosis; Herpesviridae; Oyster; Crassostrea gigas; Mortality.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Uso de cultura celular de membrana nictitante caprina para produção de antígeno de lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes. Infoteca-e
PINHEIRO, R. R.; AZEVEDO, D. A. A. de; SOUZA, A. L. de; ARAÚJO, J. F.; ANDRIOLI, A.; SIDER, L. H.; SOUZA, T. S. de; CRUZ, J. C. M. da.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Maedi-visna; MVV; CAE; LVPR; CAEV; Small ruminant; Lentivirose; Caprino; Doença animal; Antígeno; Goats; Lentivirus; Virology.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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