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Are food web structures well represented in isotopic spaces? 5
Jabot, Franck; Giraldo, Carolina; Lefebvre, Sebastien; Dubois, Stanislas.
Isotopic analyses are increasingly used to assess the structure of food webs and a series of isotopic functional indices have been proposed in the last decade to characterize this structure. These indices are based on the foundational assumption that proximity in the isotopic space informs on trophic similarity between species. While it has been recognized for long that this simplifying assumption should be used with caution, no formal evaluation of its domain of validity has been performed to date. We here simulate a large number (15,000) of food webs with varying characteristics to assess i) whether isotopic distance is a good proxy of trophic dissimilarity; ii) whether isotopic functional indices are good proxies of trophic functional properties; and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Connectance; Isotopic functional indices; Niche model; Omnivory; Virtual ecology.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Detecting outliers in species distribution data: Some caveats and clarifications on a virtual species study 5
Meynard, Christine N.; Kaplan, David; Leroy, Boris.
Liu et al. (2018) used a virtual species approach to test the effects of outliers on species distribution models. In their simulations, they applied a threshold value over the simulated suitabilities to generate the species distributions, suggesting that using a probabilistic simulation approach would have been more complex and yield the same results. Here, we argue that using a probabilistic approach is not necessarily more complex and may significantly change results. Although the threshold approach may be justified under limited circumstances, the probabilistic approach has multiple advantages. First, it is in line with ecological theory, which largely assumes non‐threshold responses. Second, it is more general, as it includes the threshold as a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ENM; Observation errors; Outliers; Prevalence; Probabilistic approach; Sample bias; Simulations; Species distribution models; Virtual ecology; Virtual species.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Optimizing cost-efficiency of long term monitoring programs by using spatially balanced sampling designs: The case of manila clams in Arcachon bay 5
Kermorvant, Claire; Caill-milly, Nathalie; Bru, Nooelle; D'Amico, Franck.
Funding lake is one major issue in ecology, in particular at local scale. It is known that sustainable management of a natural population requires a good understanding of its functioning, itself dependent on a good long term monitoring program. Such programs are usually very difficult to implement, especially for resources characterized by high spatio-temporal variation in their distribution, resulting in a trade off between efficiency and costs. Today, thanks to rapidly evolving statistical theory, new survey designs are developed, some with the characteristic of well balancing samples in the study area. This paper aims at demonstrating that theses advanced sampling designs perform better than the usual ones for long term monitoring program of local...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Arcachon bay; Balanced acceptance sampling; Spatial sampling; Spatial variation; Temporal variation; Virtual ecology.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Sequential process to choose efficient sampling design based on partial prior information data and simulations 5
Kermorvant, Claire; Coube, Sébastien; D’amico, Frank; Bru, Noëlle; Caill-milly, Nathalie.
Issues on sampling procedure definition led numerous study results to be biased and object of controversy. Choosing relevant sampling design and number of samples is a difficult task when wanted to set up or optimize a survey. The survey design choice is very important to avoid bias and increase the survey cost-efficiency. It can have a strong effect on the sample size needed to achieve some targeted accuracy on results. And on the final cost of the procedure. The sequential process we expose here melt design based and model based sampling theories. Its objectives is helping practitioners defining a sampling design and a number of samples for their survey when inference to the whole population is wanted. The main idea is to mathematically reconstruct the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Accuracy; Cost-effectiveness; Survey; Simulations; Survey optimization; Virtual ecology.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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