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Amplification of tlh gene in other Vibrionaceae specie by specie-specific multiplex PCR of Vibrio parahaemolyticus 69
Yáñez,Romina; Bastías,Roberto; Higuera,Gastón; Salgado,Oscar; Katharios,Pantelis; Romero,Jaime; Espejo,Romilio; García,Katherine.
Background The surveillance of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Chilean coast has been mainly performed by multiplex PCR amplification of three different hemolysin genes, which are specie-specific virulence factors. These genes are also employed in the determination of V. parahaemolyticus pathogenic load in seafood and for characterization of pathogenic strains associated to diarrhea cases in human. During environmental surveillance that we performed every summer, we occasionally observed a thermolabile hemolysin (tlh) PCR product of a slightly smaller size than expected, which was coincident with low loads of V. parahaemolyticus in the environment. In order to understand this observation, we probed the specificity of tlh primers for the detection of V....
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Hemolysin; Multiplex PCR; Pathogen surveillance; Virulence factor; Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Antifungal activity of some Sternbergia taxa: effects on germ tube and biofilm formation 60
Kaskatepe,Banu; Yilmaz,Betul Sever; Acikara,Ozlem Bahadir; Iscan,Gulcin Saltan; Vlainic,Josipa; Kosalec,Ivan.
Natural products are rapidly becoming the primary sources of novel antimicrobial agents, as resistance to existing antimicrobial agents is increasing. Apart from determining the antimicrobial activity of natural products, it is also important to understand their effects on the virulence factors of microorganisms. This study aimed to determine the antimicrobial activity of Sternbergia species prevalent in Turkey and investigate their role in the inhibition of germination tube and biofilm formation, both of which are known to be important virulence factors of Candida albicans. The antimicrobial activities of the plant extracts were evaluated using bore-plate and broth microdilution method. The extracts’ capacity to inhibit the formation of the germ-tube was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Antifungal activity; Biofilm inhibition; Candida albicans; Germ tube formation; Virulence factor; Sternbergia spp.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Antimicrobial Resistance and genes associated to the host-microbe interaction of Pasteurella multocida isolates from swine in Western Cuba 101
Espinosa,Ivette; Báez,M; Vichi,J; Martínez,Siomara.
Pasteurella multocida is an important veterinary pathogen that causes a range of animal diseases, including fowl cholera, hemorrhagic septicemia in cattle and atrophic rhinitis in swine. P. multocida is generally recognized as a secondary invader contributing substantially to respiratory diseases in pigs by aggravation of lung lesions. Five capsule serogroups are routinely identified in P. multocida (A, B, D, E, and F) and each is generally associated with, but not completely restricted, to a specific host. A total of 16 isolates of Pasteurella multocida capsular genotype A and two isolates capsular genotype D were characterized for their susceptibilities to 10 antibiotics and the presence of four genes for virulence factors associated to adherence. The...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: P. multocida; Virulence factor; PCR; Antimicrobial susceptibility.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Biofilm formation by Prototheca zopfii isolated from clinical and subclinical bovine mastitis in distinct growth conditions under different dyes 65
Ely,Valessa Lunkes; Gressler,Letícia Trevisan; Sutili,Fernando Jonas; Ribeiro,Márcio Garcia; Costa,Mateus Matiuzzi da; Vargas,Agueda Castagna de; Botton,Sônia de Avila.
ABSTRACT: Prototheca spp. have been reported as an emergent environmental mastitis pathogen in several countries. Biofilm formation is a significant factor associated with different degrees of virulence developed by many microorganisms, including Prototheca spp. The present study aimed to compare two growth conditions and two staining dyes to determine which combination was more appropriate to evaluate qualitatively and quantitatively the production of biofilm by P. zopfii. Biofilm formation was evaluated in polystyrene microplates under static and dynamic growth conditions and staining with crystal violet or cotton blue dye. All P. zopfii isolates from cows with mastitis were classified as biofilm-producers in all growth conditions and staining. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Prototheca zopfii; Dairy cattle bovine mastitis; Intramammary infections; Microplate biofilm assay; Virulence factor.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Cloning and characterization of the iron uptake gene iutA from avian Escherichia coli 52
Tokano,Dorismey Vieira; Kawaichi,Marisa Emiko; Venâncio,Emerson José; Vidotto,Marilda Carlos.
The aim of this work was to isolate, clone and characterize the iron uptake gene iutA from avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC). The iutA gene was isolated from the strain APEC 9, serotype O2:H9, which was cloned in the expression vector pET101/D-TOPO. The gene of 2.2 Kb was sequenced (AY602767, which showed high similarity to the iutA gene from three plasmids, two from APEC, pAPEC-02-ColV (AY545598.4) and pTJ100 (AY553855.1), and one from a human invasive E. coli strain, the pColV K30. The recombinant protein IutA was over expressed in E. coli BL21(DE-3) and was solubilized with urea and purified by Ni-NTA column. This method produced a relatively high yield of r-IutA of approximately 74kDa, which was used to produce the antibody anti-IutA. This anti-IutA...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Avian Escherichia coli; Iron uptake; Aerobactin receptor; Virulence factor; IutA gene.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli 58
Gomes,Tânia A.T.; Elias,Waldir P.; Scaletsky,Isabel C.A.; Guth,Beatriz E.C.; Rodrigues,Juliana F.; Piazza,Roxane M.F.; Ferreira,Luís C.S.; Martinez,Marina B..
ABSTRACT Most Escherichia coli strains live harmlessly in the intestines and rarely cause disease in healthy individuals. Nonetheless, a number of pathogenic strains can cause diarrhea or extraintestinal diseases both in healthy and immunocompromised individuals. Diarrheal illnesses are a severe public health problem and a major cause of morbidity and mortality in infants and young children, especially in developing countries. E. coli strains that cause diarrhea have evolved by acquiring, through horizontal gene transfer, a particular set of characteristics that have successfully persisted in the host. According to the group of virulence determinants acquired, specific combinations were formed determining the currently known E. coli pathotypes, which are...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Escherichia coli; Diarrhea; Pathogenic mechanisms; Virulence factor; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Producing Strains of Escherichia Coli Isolated from Avian Cellulitis Lesions 89
Kanabata,B; Menck-Costa,MF; Souza,M; Justino,L; Rangel,IG; Kobayashi,RKT; Nakazato,G; Baptista,AAS.
ABSTRACT Avian cellulitis causes significant losses to the poultry industry. Avian-pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) is the etiological agent of that disease. This microorganism has zoonotic potential and may act as reservoir of antimicrobial-resistance genes. In this context, the production of extended-spectrum B-lactamase (ESBL) is one of the main antimicrobial resistance mechanisms. The objective of this study was to determine the production of ESBL in an Escherichia coli (E. coli) strain isolated from avian cellulitis lesions. Twenty-two E. Coli isolates were harvested from cellulitis lesions in chicken carcasses in a commercial processing plant. Isolates were then submitted to virulence genotypic profile (iutA, hlyF, iss, ironN, ompT) analysis,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: APEC; Avian cellulitis; ESBL; MDR; Virulence factor.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Highly diverse recombining populations of Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in French Mediterranean coastal lagoons 5
Esteves, Kevin; Mosser, Thomas; Aujoulat, Fabien; Hervio-heath, Dominique; Monfort, Patrick; Jumas-bilak, Estelle.
Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio cholerae are ubiquitous to estuarine and marine environments. Thes two species found in Mediterranean coastal systems can induce infection in humans. Environmental isolates of V. cholerae (n = 109) and V. parahaemotycius (n = 89) sampled at different dates, stations and water salinities were investigated for virulence genes and by a mutilocus sequence-based analysis (MLSA). V. cholerae isolate were all ctxA negative and only one isolate of V. parahaemolyticus displayed trh2 gene. Most Sequence Types (ST) corresponded to uique ST isolated at one date or one station. Frequent recombination events were detected among different pathogenic species, V. parahaemotyticus, V. cholerae, Vibrio mimicus, and Vibrio metoecus....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Vibrio; Human pathogens; French coastal lagoons; Phylogeny; Recombination; Multi-locus sequence analysis; Virulence factor.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Virulence factors of Escherichia coli isolated from diarrheic calves 45
Rigobelo,E.C.; Gamez,H.J.; Marin,J.M.; Macedo,C.; Ambrosin,J.A.; Ávila,F.A..
One hundred seventy-three Escherichia coli strains isolated from calves from northwestern São Paulo State, having diarrhea were examined for the production of thermolabile (LT) and thermostable (ST) enterotoxins and for the presence of virulence factors associated with bovine colibacillosis. Eighty-five (49.1%) of the E.coli strains produced toxins; 53 isolates were detected as producing STa toxin, and 9 also produced LT toxin. By PCR, 23 isolates were shown to harbor only the LT-II gene. Nine (5.2%) isolates harbored Shiga toxin genes: four carried the stx2 gene, four the stx1 gene and one carried both. Three of the isolates showing stx1 also carried the eae gene. Among the E. coli isolates examined for susceptibility to 10 antimicrobial agents,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Calf; Diarrhea; Escherichia coli; Virulence factor; Antimicrobial agent.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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