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A review of the known hosts geographical range and current diagnostic procedures for the virus diseases of cultured penaeid shrimp ArchiMer
Lightner, D; Bell, T; Redman, R.
At least six virus diseases are presently known in cultured penaeid shrimp. Each of these six penaeid virus diseases (BP = Baculovirus penaei ; MBV = Penaeus monodon -type baculovirus (including PBV of Australian penaeids); BMN = baculoviral midgut gland necrosis; HPV = hepatopancreatic parvo-like virus; IHHNV = infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus; and REO = reo-like virus of the hepatopancreas) may be comprised by a multitude of individual strains, some of which are highly pathogenic to some penaeids, while being of little importance to others.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Baculovirus penaei; Penaeus japonicus; Penaeus monodon; Malacostraca; Marine crustaceans; Necroses; Infectious diseases; Viruses; Diseases.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Bud Necrosis:Bud Necrosis: A Disease of Groundnut Caused by Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Open Agri
Palavras-chave: Necrosis; ELISA; Groundnuts; Sucrose; Amines; Insecticides; Cytoplasmic organelles; Poultry equipment; Viruses; Antibiotics.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Challenges in shrimp aquaculture due to viral diseases: distribution and biology of the five major penaeid viruses and interventions to avoid viral incidence and dispersion BJM
Seibert,Caroline H.; Pinto,Aguinaldo R..
Shrimp aquaculture has been dramatically affected by many pathogenic diseases, mainly caused by five viruses: IHHNV, YHV, TSV, WSSV, and IMNV. Here we provide a state-of-the-art overview of these shrimp viruses, with emphasis on distribution, pathology, morphology, and genomic organization, in addition to current diagnostic methods and intervention practices.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Shrimp aquaculture; Viruses; Diagnostic methods; Disease control.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Comportamento em relacao as doencas e desempenho agronomico de cultivares de maracujazeiro-azedo cultivadas sem agrotoxicos no Distrito Federal. Infoteca-e
JUNQUEIRA, N. T. V.; ANJOS, J. de R. N. dos; SILVA, A. P. de O.; CHAVES, R. da C.; GOMES, A. C..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Plant diseases; Bacterioses; Anthracnosis; Agronomic characteres; Integrated control; Antracnose; Bacteriose; Características Agronômicas; Controle Integrado; Doença de Planta; Fungo; Maracujá; Passiflora Edulis; Rendimento; Verrugose; Vírus; Variedade Resistente; Disease resistance; Fungi; Passion fruits; Yields; Viruses.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Comportamiento de los virus de crustáceos de declaración obligatoria de la OIE en Litopeneaeus vannamei de cultivo en Cuba en el período 2003-2009 OceanDocs
Artiles, A.; Rubio, M.; Gonzalez, E.; Laria, R.; Silveira, R..
Uno de los principales problemas del cultivo del camarón blanco del Pacífico, Litopeneaeus vannamei, es la susceptibilidad de esta especie a diversas enfermedades virales, que pueden conducir a grandes mortalidades y/o pérdidas económicas. En este trabajo se reportan los resultados obtenidos en la ejecución de los muestreos periódicos y chequeos de cuarentenas correspondientes al programa de vigilancia, desde la primera introducción de esta especie en Cuba en 2003 hasta el 2009. Para ello se emplearon técnicas de análisis en fresco, histológicas y de biología molecular. En este período, no se detectó ninguno de los virus de crustáceos que son de declaración obligatoria por la Organización Mundial de la Salud Animal (OIE, de sus siglas en francés): el virus...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Viruses; Cultures.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Comportamiento de los virus de crustáceos de declaración obligatoria de la OIE en Litopeneaeus vannamei de cultivo en Cuba en el período 2003-2009 OceanDocs
Gonzalez, E.; Rubio, M.; Laria, R.; Silveira, R.; Artiles, A..
Uno de los principales problemas del cultivo del camarón blanco del Pacífico, Litopeneaeus vannamei, es la susceptibilidad de esta especie a diversas enfermedades virales, que pueden conducir a grandes mortalidades y/o pérdidas económicas. En este trabajo se reportan los resultados obtenidos en la ejecución de los muestreos periódicos y chequeos de cuarentenas correspondientes al programa de vigilancia, desde la primera introducción de esta especie en Cuba en 2003 hasta el 2009. Para ello se emplearon técnicas de análisis en fresco, histológicas y de biología molecular. En este período, no se detectó ninguno de los virus de crustáceos que son de declaración obligatoria por la Organización Mundial de la Salud Animal (OIE, de sus siglas en francés): el virus...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Viruses; Crustaceans.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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coordinated research on groundnut of Rosette virus disease Open Agri
D. McDonald.
Palavras-chave: Groundnuts; Viruses; RNA; Grafting; ELISA; Genotypes; Backcrossing; Breeds (animals); Resistance varieties; Scions.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Coordinated Research on Groundnut Rosette Virus Disease Open Agri
Palavras-chave: Groundnuts; Viruses; RNA; Grafting; ELISA; Genotypes; Backcrossing; Breeds (animals); Resistance varieties; Scions.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Coral-associated viruses and bacteria in the Ha Long Bay, Vietnam ArchiMer
Thu Pham, The; Thuoc Chu, Van; Viet Ha Bui, Thi; Thuy Nguyen, Thanh; Huy Tran, Quang; Ngoc Mai Cung, Thi; Bouvier, Corinne; Brune, Justine; Villeger, Sebastien; Bouvier, Thierry; Bettarel, Yvan.
Viruses inhabiting the surface mucus layer of scleractinian corals have received little ecological attention so far. Yet they have recently been shown to be highly abundant and could even play a pivotal role in coral health. A fundamental aspect that remains unresolved is whether their abundance and diversity change with the trophic state of their environment. The present study examined the variability in the abundance of viral and bacterial epibionts on 13 coral species collected from 2 different sites in the Ha Long Bay, Vietnam: one station heavily affected by anthropogenic activity (Cat Ba Island) and one protected offshore station (Long Chau Island). In general, viral abundance was significantly higher in coral mucus (mean = 10.6 +/- 2.0 x 10(7)...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Viruses; Coral-associated bacteria; Mucus; Symbionts; Coral reefs.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Crop losses in Brazilian cassava varieties induced by the Cassava common mosaic virus Scientia Agricola
Venturini,Marcela Tonini; Araújo,Taylane da Silva; Abreu,Emanuel Felipe Medeiros; Andrade,Eduardo Chumbinho de; Santos,Vanderlei da Silva; Silva,Marcos Roberto da; Oliveira,Eder Jorge de.
ABSTRACT Despite the widespread distribution of the Cassava common mosaic virus (CsCMV) in Brazil, little is known about the losses it causes in yield. The effect of CsCMV on different varieties was evaluated by reference to several agronomic traits. Four field trials were established in 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 using six varieties of cassava. Following mechanical inoculation with CsCMV, the presence of the virus was confirmed using the ELISA assay. The evaluated traits were plant height (PH), dry matter content (DMC), harvest index (HI), aerial part yield (APY), root yield (RoY), and starch yield (StY) in both inoculated and non-inoculated plants. Overall, the presence of the virus contributed little to the reduction in PH, HI, and DMC across the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Manihot esculenta Crantz; Viruses; Root yield; Disease.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Cultura de tecidos no controle de viroses da bananeira no Brasil. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Plant diseases; Tropical fruits; Banana; Musa acuminata; Fruta tropical; Doença de planta; Virus; Bananas; Viruses.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Depuration centre management. Course notes ArchiMer
O'Carroll, Terence; Boulter, Mark; Seaver, Mary; Masson, Daniel; O'Driscoll, Michael; Roden, Cillian.
The purpose of this course is to train and familiarise people, who are going to build, have just built or are about to modernise a purification plant, in the latest technology available to the industry and also to train people so that they can effectively run a depuration centre. ln general the course aims to : - Give participants practical experience of different systems prior to committing themselves to a particular system. - Enable participants to compare systems. - Provide a minimum training qualification to run an establishment which is essentially a facility to guarantee health and safety of products to the consumer. - Provide an overview from bacteria testing to plant lay out etc. The structure of the course is in modules, morning and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Shellfish depuration; Purification; Bacteria; Viruses.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Development of genomic probes for detection of hepatitis A virus and enteroviruses in shellfish ArchiMer
Apaire, M; Leguyader, F; Besse, B; Billaudel, S.
The development of molecular biology techniques has modified research procedures for certain viruses, particularly hepatitis A virus (HAV) and enteroviruses. Accordingly, we designed cDNA and RNA genomic probes to detect viruses in shellfish in the environment. Better sensitivity was noted with RNA than cDNA probes: only 17/83 shellfish samples were positive with HAV and enterovirus DNA probes, where as 42/83 were positive with HAV and enterovirus RNA probes.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mollusca; Enterovirus; Hepatitis A virus; Picornaviridae; RNA probes; DNA probes; Seafood; Biology; Sensors; DNA; RNA; Viruses; Detection; Marine molluscs; Shellfish.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Diseases of cultured prawns in Australia ArchiMer
Lester, R; Paynter, J.
Plebejus baculovirus and other MBV-related viruses have been found in Penaeus plebejus, P. monodon and P. merguiensis . They appear highly pathogenic in certain situations currently undefined. We have found Hepatopancreatic Parvo-like Virus (< hpv) in wild P. esculentus and P. merguiensis but not yet in cultured prawns. The amphophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies we find in P. esculentus do not appear to have a viral cause.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Australia Coasts; Penaeidae; Viral diseases; Fungal diseases; Gills; Viruses; Hatcheries; Gill disease.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Duplex nested-PCR for detection of small ruminant lentiviruses BJM
Marinho,Rebeca C.; Martins,Gabrielle R.; Souza,Kelma C.; Sousa,Ana Lídia M.; Silva,Sabrina Tainah C.; Nobre,Juliana A.; Teixeira,Maria F.S..
Abstract Small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV) have high genetic variability which results in different viral strains around the world. This create a challenge to design sensible primers for molecular diagnosis in different regions. This work proposes a protocol of duplex nested-PCR for the precise diagnosis of SRLV. The technique was designed and tested with the control strains CAEV Co and MVV 1514. Then, field strains were submitted to the same protocol of duplex nested-PCR. Blood samples of sheep and goats were tested with AGID and nested PCR with specific primers for pol, gag and LTR. The AGID results showed low detection capacity of positive animals, while the nested PCR demonstrated a greater capacity of virus detection. Results demonstrated that...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Standardization; Multiplex; Viruses; CAEV; MVV.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Enteric viruses in turkey flocks: a historic review Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Alavarez,JM; Ferreira,CSA; Ferreira,AJP.
In this review, diagnostic techniques and viral agents involved in enteric diseases affecting turkeys are described. Data from field observations and laboratory researches have been reported in turkey flocks for over 70 years, and several viruses have been identified. After a period of 30 years of inoculation experiments and neutralization studies, adequate visualization of the viruses was achieved using electronic microscopy. During the following years, several studies were then conducted to isolate and classify those viruses using cell-culture, embryo-propagation, serological tests, genome electropherotyping by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of double-stranded RNA viruses, and recently, nucleic acid studies. Thus, since the 1990s, the nucleic-acid...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Turkey; Enteritis; Viruses; Poults; Diagnosis.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Farmer participatory varietal selection in groundnut - a success story in Anantapur Open Agri
Nigam, S.N..
Palavras-chave: Viruses; Groundnuts; Weather hazards; Animal nutrition; Necrosis; Wet season; Seed production; Body weight; Yields; Precipitation.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Field diagnosis of groundnut diseases Open Agri
Palavras-chave: Fungi; Groundnuts; Necrosis; Fruits; Diseases; Mycoplasma; Viruses; Bacteria; Environmental factors.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Genetic control of disease resistance in corn Thai Agricultural
Renfro, B.L..
Palavras-chave: Corn; Maize; Genetic control; Plant breeding; Disease resistance; Seedling diseases; Stalk rot; Ear rots; Foliar diseases; Rusts; Smuts; Downy mildew; Bacterial diseases; Viruses; Mycoplasma-like diseases; ข้าวโพด; การถ่ายทอดสู่รุ่นลูก; เชื้อโรค; โรคราน้ำค้าง; โรคใบไหม้; โรคราสนิม; ไวรัส; โรคลำต้นเน่า; แบคทีเรีย; โรคราเขม่าดำ; โรคที่ติดมากับเมล็ด; โรคลำต้นเน่า; โรคฝักเน่า; โรคทางใบ.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Groundnut Elite Germplasm I C G V - S M 83708 Open Agri
Palavras-chave: Phenotypes; Viruses; Breeds (animals); Germplasm; Humus; Groundnuts; Hides and skins; Research methods; Yields; Confectionery.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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