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The Interaction of Two Surface Vortices Near a Topographic Slope in a Stratified Ocean 5
De Marez, Charly; Carton, Xavier; Morvan, Mathieu; Reinaud, Jean N..
We study the influence of bottom topography on the interaction of two identical vortices in a two-layer, quasi-geostrophic model. The two vortices have piecewise-uniform potential vorticity and are lying in the upper layer of the model. The topography is a smooth bottom slope. For two cyclones, topography modifies the merger critical distance and the merger efficiency: the topographic wave and vortices can advect the two cyclones along the shelf when they are initially far from it or towards the shelf when they are initially closer to it. They can also advect the two cyclones towards each other and thus favour merger. The cyclones deform, and the potential vorticity field undergoes filamentation. Regimes of partial vortex merger or of vortex splitting are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Vortex interaction; Topography; Quasi-geostrophic model.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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