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Analyse harmonique des séries chronologiques des niveaux d’eau et des courants au niveau de RasTaguermess et à el kantara dans le golfe de Gabès OceanDocs
Atoui., A.; Brahim, M.; Sammari, Ch..
Dans le cadre d’un programme national concernant l’étude de la circulation des eaux dans le littoral tunisien nous avons installé des courantomètres et des houlographes marégraphes dans le golfe de Gabès et notamment à l’Est de Djerba, en face de Ras-Taguermess et au niveau d’El Kantara. L’analyse harmonique des séries temporelles de niveau d’eau au niveau de Ras Taguermess et El-Kantara montre la dominance des composantes de la marée semi-diurne avec prédominance de la composante semi-diurne (M2) de période 12 h 25 mn. L’analyse en composantes principales où en fonction orthogonale empirique (EOF) des courants de la marée montre qu’au niveau d’El- Kantara la vitesse des courants est de 45 cm.s-1 et que sa direction est de 29° par rapport à l’Est ;...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal waters; Current velocity; Harmonic analysis; Tidal currents; Time series; Water circulation; Water currents; Water levels.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Courantologie calculee en Baie de Seine ArchiMer
Salomon, J.
The movement of water particles in the ocean and littoral zone can be thought of as the result of elementary components superimposed, of which tidal flow is the main factor. Hydrodynamical equations show that these movements are more coupled in the coastal zone than in deep ocean. This characteristic is the result of current intensity, spatial gradients and bottom topography (depth). In the coastal environment tidal flow must be taken into account to study dynamic processes. The tide is not only an alternative movement but is the inducer of a long term current: the residual current. The author uses a bidimensional model to study currents from the depth and vertical structure of residual currents by the effect of density variations.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Density gradients; Mathematical models; Current prediction; Residual flow; Tidal currents; Lagrangian current measurement; Water circulation.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Imbrication d'un modèle de circulation des eaux près des cotes Tunisennes dans un modèle de circulation de la mer Méditérranée OceanDocs
Harzallah, A.; Alioua, A..
La présente étude a pour objectif la mise en place d’un système de modélisation numérique de la dynamique marine près des côtes Tunisiennes. Pour cela on imbrique un modèle de circulation de l’eau près des côtes Tunisiennes dans un modèle de circulation générale de la mer Méditerranée. La grille du modèle des côtes Tunisiennes comporte la ossibilité d’augmenter la résolution dans un domaine ciblé. Les conditions initiales pour ce modèle étiré sont obtenues par interpolation des états simulés par le modèle côtier à résolution constante. Vu sa résolution plus élevée, le modèle à grille étirée nécessite un long temps de calcul. Cependant les tests effectués avec ce modèle montrent que des simulations de 20 jours suffisent pour atteindre un équilibre...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal waters; Mathematical models; Water circulation; Water circulation; Coastal waters; Mathematical models; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Imbrication d'un modèle de circulation des eaux près des cotes Tunisiennes dans un modèle de circulation de la mer Méditerranée OceanDocs
Alioua. M.; Harzallah, A..
La présente étude a pour objectif la mise en place d’un système de modélisation numérique de la dynamique marine près des côtes tunisiennes. Pour cela on imbrique un modèle de circulation de l’eau près des côtes tunisiennes dans un modèle de circulation générale de la mer Méditerranée. La grille du modèle des côtes tunisiennes comporte la possibilité d’augmenter la résolution dans un domaine ciblé. Les conditions initiales pour ce modèle étiré sont obtenues par interpolation des états simulés par le modèle côtier à résolution constante. Vu sa résolution plus élevée, le modèle à grille étirée nécessite un long temps de calcul. Cependant les tests effectués avec ce modèle montrent que des simulations de 20 jours suffisent pour atteindre un équilibre...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Coastal waters; Mathematical models; Water circulation.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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La circulation des eaux en Baie de Seine ArchiMer
Chabertd'Hieres, G.
In a joint work several laboratories have attempted to research coherent results on water mass circulation in Seine Bay. The main focus of their research is the measurement and the calculation of instantaneous currents and the study of their temporal and geographical variations, not only to know these currents, but, also to determinate the short or long-term development of water masses. In this report the author comments and presents the notions which have been drawn from this work.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Current measurement; Current prediction; Water masses; Water circulation.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Masas de agua en la plataforma continental OceanDocs
Guerrero, R.A.; Piola, A.R..
The current knowledge on the argentine continental shelf water masses is summarized in this paper. These water masses are characterized as a function of water types fed by the boundary currents and the modifications due to continental runoff, and water energy exchange with the atmosphere. Based on sea surface salinity distributions and the temperature-salinity characteristics, three masses are described: coastal waters, mid-shelf waters and slope waters. The main freshwater sources found along the coast are identified, as well as high salinity formation areas. The vertical stratification, mainly controlled by temperature, is analyzed along the annual cycle. The stratification cycle is mainly driven by the heat exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean....
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Continental shelves; Water masses; Hydrography; Water circulation; Oceanic fronts; Stratification; Water circulation; Stratification; Hydrography; Continental shelves; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Modele tridimensionnel de circulation et de dispersion ArchiMer
Thouvenin, Benedicte; Salomon, J.
Bottom topography, coastal morphology and density variations are the three factors influencing marine current flow in Seine Bay. Numerical modeling allows the study of this tridimensional structure.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hodographs; Salinity gradients; Coastal zone; Bottom topography; Mathematical models; Tidal currents; Dispersion; Water circulation.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Observations de courant en Baie de Seine ArchiMer
Lehir, P; L'Yavanc, J.
Results of long-term current measurements in the Seine Bay are presented: (1) tidal flow and propagation of the tide across the bay; (2) ability to predict tidal currents from previous measurements by the means of harmonic analysis; (3) identification of residual flow factors according to a principal component analysis in a complex space; (4) description of the tidal residual flow with large eddies; (5) demonstration of wind effects on currents.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Meteorological observations; Mathematical models; Long term records; Residual flow; Current prediction; Tidal currents; Water circulation; Current observations.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Oceanographic conditions at the southern end of the argentine continental slope OceanDocs
Guerrero, R.A.; Baldoni, A.G.; Benavides, H.R..
The characteristics of the upper Antartic Intermediate water (AAIW) entering the Southern Atlantic are described on the base of oceanographic data collected from four late austral winters (1978-1980-1994-1995). The upper 500 meters regime along the shelf break and around Malvinas Islands (48° to 55° S) is analyzed. In particular, the 1994 horizontal distribution of temperature, salinity and density was mapped in order to show the extreme winter pattern of these parameters. Three salinity sections crossing the water flow direction in the Malvinas Channel (South to the islands) were selected to describe the vertical stratification 1995 and 1995. Horizontal and vertical distribution of chlorophyll a from the 1995 cruise is presented as reference data,...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Shelf edge; Continental slope; Salinity; Temperature; Chlorophylls; Water circulation; Water circulation; Chlorophylls; Salinity; Temperature; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Simulation numérique du transport des sables sous l'effet des vents dans le Golfe de Tunis OceanDocs
Koutitonsky, V.; Mouldi, Brahim; Bejaoui, B.; Sammari, Ch..
La dynamique sédimentaire le long de littoral est étroitement liée à la direction et à l’intensité des courants littoraux engendrés par les vents, les vagues et la marée. L’objectif de cette étude est de simuler numériquement la circulation et le transport des sédiments non cohésifs (sables) le long du littoral du golfe de Tunis sous l’effet unique des vents. Plusieurs directions des vents ont été imposées au modèle hydrodynamique MIKE21-HD tout en gardant une vitesse constante de 7 m.s-1. Les courants stationnaires générés par ces vents ont ensuite servi à forcer le modèle de transport de sédiments non cohésifs MIKE21-ST. En supposant que la quantité de sable disponible est illimitée, les simulations montrent que les taux du transport de sédiment du côté...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Nearshore currents; Sand; Sediment transport; Simulation; Water circulation; Winds; Sand; Simulation; Water circulation; Winds; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Sur l'hydrodynamique de la Baie de Seine. Resultats d''observations et de modelisations ArchiMer
Leprovost, C; Fornerino, M; Villaret, C.
Study of Seine bay hydrodynamics can't be separated from the Channel and continental shelf. The authors' modellings are aimed at the study of this global ladder and the insertion of coastal areas such as the Seine Bay in this context. Two 2-D models are used. One covers only the Channel, and the other from Pas-de-Calais to continental shelf limits including Celtic sea, Channel and southern North Sea. The results are comparated with long time current observations.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Current data; Mathematical models; Modelling; Tidal currents; Current prediction; Water circulation; Hydrodynamics.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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The physical limnology of Winam Gulf and Rusinga Channel of Lake Victoria during April-May and August of 2005 OceanDocs
Alexander, R.; Antenucci, J.P.; Attwater, G..
Winam Gulf (Kenya) is a large (surface area ~ 1400 km2) and shallow (<20 m) bay of northeastern Lake Victoria with only one connection to the open lake through Rusinga Channel. To understand the exchange dynamics between Winam Gulf and the offshore waters of Lake Victoria and the hydrodynamics of the region, field studies were carried out from Apr. 22-May 4 and Aug. 5-16 of 2005. A meteorological station (shortwave, total radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction), thermistor chain (0.75m vertical resolution) and ADCP (40 cm vertical resolution) were deployed in Rusinga Channel in a depth of 20m. Similarly, at an offshore station in northeastern Lake Victoria another thermistor chain was deployed in a water depth of 40 m...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Hydrodynamics; Physical limnology; Lake dynamics; Current forces; Physical oceanography; Water circulation; Inland waters; Freshwater lakes; Coupled bodies.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Water delivery capacity of a vacuum airlift – Application to water recycling in aquaculture systems ArchiMer
Barrut, Bertrand; Blancheton, Jean-paul; Champagne, Jean-yves; Grasmick, Alain.
A study was undertaken to measure the water flow (Qw) delivered by a vacuum airlift designed for recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) in fresh (<1‰ of salinity) and sea water (35‰ of salinity). The vacuum airlift consists of two concentric tubes connected at their top to a depression chamber. The water rises in the inner tube as a result of air being injected in its lower section and flows back through the external downcomer tube. The vacuum airlift was adjusted at three different lengths: 2, 4 or 6 m and water discharge could be lifted from 0 to 30 cm. Air flow rate (Qg) varied from 0 to 80 L min−1. Different types of air injectors were tested, delivering different bubble sizes (0.1–5 mm) depending on porosity and functioning at low or high...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Water circulation; Airlift; Vacuum; Aquaculture; RAS; Salinity.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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