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Guide to oceanographic and marine meteorological instruments and observing practices 20
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Oceanography; Marine technology; Meteorological instruments; Meteorological data; Meteorological observations; Oceanographic equipment; Oceanographic surveys; Sea surface; Temperature measurement; Salinity measuring equipment; Bathythermographs; Thermometers; Wave measuring equipment; Wave measurement; Wind measurement; Wind measuring equipment; Swell; Atmospheric pressure; Water colour; Water transparency; Meteorological instruments; Meteorological observations; Thermometers; Atmospheric pressure; Meteorological data; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Indicadores del estado del ambiente marino patagónico en áreas frontales 20
Carranza, M..
En este trabajo se caracterizan las regiones frontales altamente productivas del Mar Patagónico empleando datos de clorofila satelital (CSAT) derivada del Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) durante el período 1998-2006. A partir de estos datos se identifican cuatro áreas de máxima concentración de clorofila: el Frente del Talud, el Frente de la Plataforma Media, el Frente de Patagonia Austral y el Frente de Valdés. Los tres primeros se definen por regiones de amplitud media de CSAT > 3.5 mg/m3, mientras que el último se define por la región de CSAT media de verano > 2 mg/m3. Sobre estas regiones se elaboran indicadores de clorofila (CSAT), temperatura superficial del mar (SST) y viento en superficie. La temperatura es derivada del...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fronts; Shelf edge fronts; Surface temperature; Temporal variations; Remote sensing; Water colour; Chlorophylls; Winds; Winds; Remote sensing; Chlorophylls; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Optimisation de la surveillance des masses d’eau DCE en Méditerranée. Utilisation de produits dérivés d’images satellites en complément du réseau de mesures in-situ 5
Ganzin, Nicolas; Mangin, Antoine.
This study aims at showing the potential of « water colour » data derived from satellite imagery to optimise the monitoring of coastal waters within the WFD, with the French Mediterranean as a study area. The work is focused on one specific parameter, the surface chlorophyll-A (chl-a) concentration of which a monthly atlas for reference to “normal” values is provided, which consists of : (i) the monthly chl-a median computed from satellite data of 2003, 2004 and 2005 ; (ii) the integration in space of these values, represented by their average over the WFD water masses (except those of very small size) ; (iii) an indicator of the spatial variability of the chl-a through the spatial standard deviation within each water mass. Another important result is the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chlorophylle; Imagerie satellite; Couleur de l’eau; MERIS; MODIS; Directive Cadre sur l’Eau; DCE; Méditerranée; Chlorophyll; Satellite imagery; Water colour; MERIS; MODIS; Water Frame Directive; WFD; Mediterranean.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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