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Gastric emptying of liquids in rats dehydrated by water deprivation BJMBR
Baracat,E.C.E.; Collares,E.F..
The gastric emptying of liquids was investigated in male Wistar rats (8 to 10 weeks old, 210-300 g) dehydrated by water deprivation. In this model of dehydration, weight loss, hematocrit and plasma density were significantly higher in the dehydrated animals than in the control groups after 48 and 72 h of water deprivation (P<0.05). Three test meals (saline (N = 10), water (N = 10) and a WHO rehydrating solution containing in one liter 90 mEq sodium, 20 mEq potassium, 80 mEq chloride and 30 mEq citrate (N = 10)) were used to study gastric emptying following water deprivation for 24, 48 and 72 h. After 72 h, gastric emptying of the water (39.4% retention) and rehydrating solution (49.2% retention) test meals was significantly retarded compared to the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gastric emptying; Dehydration; Water deprivation.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Water deprivation and the double- depletion hypothesis: common neural mechanisms underlie thirst and salt appetite BJMBR
De Luca,L.A. Jr; Vendramini,R.C.; Pereira,D.T.B.; Colombari,D.A.S.; David,R.B.; Paula,P.M.; Menani,J.V..
Water deprivation-induced thirst is explained by the double-depletion hypothesis, which predicts that dehydration of the two major body fluid compartments, the extracellular and intracellular compartments, activates signals that combine centrally to induce water intake. However, sodium appetite is also elicited by water deprivation. In this brief review, we stress the importance of the water-depletion and partial extracellular fluid-repletion protocol which permits the distinction between sodium appetite and thirst. Consistent enhancement or a de novo production of sodium intake induced by deactivation of inhibitory nuclei (e.g., lateral parabrachial nucleus) or hormones (oxytocin, atrial natriuretic peptide), in water-deprived, extracellular-dehydrated...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Water deprivation; Dehydration; Mineral preference; Sodium appetite; Cravings.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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