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Incidence and physical properties of PSE chicken meat in a commercial processing plant 89
Garcia,RG; Freitas,LW de; Schwingel,AW; Farias,RM; Caldara,FR; Gabriel,AMA; Graciano,JD; Komiyama,CM; Almeida Paz,ICL.
It is known that PSE meat present important functional defects, such as low water holding capacity and ultimate pH, which may compromise the quality of further-processed meat products. In this study, L* (lightness), a* (redness), and b* (yellowness) values of 500 chicken breast fillets were determined using a portable colorimeter (Minolta, model CR-400) in a commercial processing plant. Fillets were considered pale when their L* was &gt;49. Out of those samples, 30 fillets with normal color and 30 pale fillets were evaluated as to pH, drip loss, cooking loss, water holding capacity, shear force, and submitted to sensorial analysis. An incidence of 10.20% PSE meat was determined. Pale and normal fillets presented significantly different (p<0.05) pH...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Meat color; Meat pH; Pale meat; Poultry production; Water retention capacity.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Mapping a hydrophysical soil property through a comparative analysis of local and global scale approximations 63
Araujo-Carrillo,Gustavo Alfonso; Varón-Ramirez,Viviana Marcela; Gómez-Latorre,Douglas Andrés; Estupiñan-Casallas,Jhon Mauricio; Rodríguez-Roa,Andrea Onelia; Deantonio-Florido,Leidy Yibeth; Martínez-Maldonado,Fabio Ernesto.
ABSTRACT: Current available soil information allows building baselines to improve research, such as sustainable resource management; however, its use requires analysis of accuracy and precision that describes specific variables on local and global scales. Therefore, this study evaluated differences in the spatial distribution of water retention capacity (WRC) of the soil at a depth of 0.3 m, calculated from local general soil surveys and the global gridded soil information system (SoilGrids), using detailed or semi-detailed soil surveys as a reference, in two regions of Colombia (A and B). The qualitative and statistical analyses evaluated differences in WRC surfaces generated by the information sources. Neither information sources described WRC...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: SoilGrids; Digital soil mapping; General soil study; Water retention capacity.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Surimi de chinchard ( Trachurus trachurus L. ) - Influence de conditions technologiques sur des caractéristiques de texture du produit après traitement thermique 5
Verrez-bagnis, Veronique.
Surimi, washed fish mince after grinding with salt, has a firm and elastic gel texture or “ashi” after thermal processing. The major objectives of this study on horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) surimi are to optimize the technological conditions in the aim to obtain the best ashi, to determine the influence of frozen storage and of egg white and potata starch addition, and to establish the preventive effect of incorporation into surimi of different combinations of cryoprotectants and NaC1. Gel texture is, by order importance, dependent on cooking temperature, length of setting and cooking and length of grinding of surimi with texture additives after thawing. Changes of gelling properties after 6 months at - 30°C of frozen st orage are limited. The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fish; Horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L.); Surimi; Kamaboko; Myofibrillar proteins; Gelation; Thermal coagulation; Texture; Optimisation method; Technological treatments; Cryoprotectors; Texture ingredients; Microscopy; Water retention capacity.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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