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Observation of irregular wave transformation in the surf zone over a gently sloping sandy beach on the French Atlantic coastline 5
Senechal, N; Dupuis, H; Bonneton, P; Howa, H; Pedreros, R.
The dissipation of the sea-swell frequency band energy (nominally 0.09 < f less than or equal to 0.3 Hz) and the distribution of low frequency band energy (nominally 0.005 less than or equal to f less than or equal to 0.09 Hz) on a transect crossing the surf and swash zones of a fine grained, gently sloping barred beach are investigated with data from a five element synchronous pressure sensor line deployed for 8 d. In this paper, we suggest a rational method to determine the frequency cut-off between the low frequency band and the sea-swell frequency band from the cross-shore evolution of the sea surface elevation energy density spectra. Sea-swell wave heights are depth limited, consistent with previous works whereas low frequency wave heights are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cross-shore approach; Wave spectra; Wave dissipation; Infragravity waves.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Wind en golven: onderzoek van een optimaliserings-benadering voor het schatten van parameters in de brontermen = Wind and waves: investigation of an optimization approach to parameter estimation 27
Monbaliu, J..
The atmosphere sees the ocean, with sometimes huge waves, as a much smoother surface, compared to its passage over land where it is slowed down much more, even if obstacles are small compared to the size of ocean waves. A good observer notices right away that waves travel with the wind and consequently do not give much resistance. The details of how much resistance there actually is and its variation with wind speed and parameters defining the wave conditions has been a hot topic for the last 35 years. The correctness of the roughness formulation is a crucial question in the understanding of the air-sea interface. It has major implications in wave modelling, in storm surge modelling and also in modelling of the atmospheric boundary layer above the ocean....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis Palavras-chave: Wave dissipation; Whitecapping; Wind wave generation; Wind wave parameters; Wind waves.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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