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ลักษณะของต้นและรากข้าวเพื่อการแข่งขันกับวัชพืช 106
Ronnachai Changsri; Namuco, Ofelia; Johnson, David.
Greenhouse study was conducted at the Weed Science, Crop and Environmental Sciences Division, IRRI in February-April, 2013. The objective was to assess the competitiveness of rice (IR64, Sabita, KDML105, Weedy rice (Oryza sativa f. spontanea Acc. 105798 (THA)) and six rice progenies derived from a cross between IR64 and Sabita that have high potential for competitiveness against weeds. The six progenies were SB561 (IR88633:1-66-B), SB562 (IR88633:1-67-B), SB604 (IR88633:1-136-B), SB665 (IR88633:1-138-B), SB708 (IR88633:20-69-B) and SB769 (IR88633:12-55-B). We evaluated the competitive ability of these rice genotypes under severe pressure from Echinochloa colona. The experimental design was RCB with 3 replications. Several rice shoot and root traits were...
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Rice; Weed competitiveness; Weed suppression; Shoot traits; Root traits; ข้าว; การแข่งขันกับวัชพืช; การกดดันจากวัชพืช; ลักษณะต้นข้าว; ลักษณะรากข้่าว.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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