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Introducing rice yield loss caused by weed competition into the SimulArroz model 86
Richter,Gean Leonardo; Streck,Nereu Augusto; Zanon,Alencar Junior; Ulguim,André da Rosa; Kruse,Nelson Diehl; Santos,Gionei Alves de Assis dos; Cera,Jossana Ceolin; Ribas,Giovana Ghisleni; Duarte Junior,Ary José; Pilecco,Isabela Bulegon.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to model weedy rice (Oryza sativa) and barnyard grass (Echinochloa spp.) competition with flood-irrigated rice, introducing it as a submodule into the SimulArroz model. The competition of both weeds with irrigated rice was modeled using the rectangular hyperbola equation. The “i” and “a” coefficients of the rectangular hyperbola for each of these weeds were obtained from the literature and from field experiments carried out in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In SimulArroz, yield loss was applied to penalize yield in all three technological levels (high, medium, and low) of physiological maturity. For weedy rice, the coefficient values of imean for the high, medium, and low technological levels were 1.04,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Oryza sativa; Barnyard grass; Modeling; Weedy rice; Yield loss.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Spatial and temporal evolution of imidazolinone-resitant red rice in 'Clearfield' rice cultivations 86
Kalsing,Augusto; Goulart,Ives Clayton Gomes dos Reis; Mariot,Carlos Henrique Paim; Menezes,Valmir Gaedke; Matzenbacher,Felipe de Oliveira; Merotto Junior,Aldo.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the distribution of imidazolinone-resistant (IMI-R) red rice (Oryza sativa) populations, the frequency of alleles conferring resistance to IMI, and the adoption of agronomic practices applied to red rice control, across growing seasons and production regions of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. In the experiment, 1,008 red rice populations were screened for resistance to IMI, 760 IMI-R red rice plants were genotyped for the acetolactate synthase (ALS) alleles conferring resistance to IMI, and 40 'Clearfield' rice growers were surveyed. IMI-R red rice populations were widespread throughout RS since the 2006/2007 growing season, with a higher initial frequency in the Depressão Central and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Oryza sativa; Gene flow; Herbicide resistance; Weedy rice.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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การพัฒนาสายพันธุ์ข้าวต้านทานต่อความหลากหลายไบโอไทป์ ของเพลี้ยกระโดดสีน้ำตาล (Nilaparvata lugens (Stål)) 106
Jirapong Jairin; Pamorn Pattawatang; Varapong Chamarerk; Phikul Leelakud; Wanwisa Khunnasut; Watchalawalee Boonmee; Pimnapa Uttakavapee; Wanida Thueannadee.
Development of rice varieties conferring broad-spectrum and durable resistance against brown planthopper (BPH) is one of the major challenges facing the plant breeders. Idea has been generated in this study for incorporating resistance genes of ovicidal response and feeding inhibition into rice breeding lines. Our initial experiments focused on discovering the ovicidal trait in indica rice cultivars. We found that some weedy rice lines had the ovicidal resistance, causing 60% to 100% egg mortality. The egg mortality rate depends on the rice developmental stages and is the highest at the maximum tillering stage. This is the first report of the ovicidal trait in indica rice lines. The BPH resistance in weedy rice lines is not only mediated by the ovicidal...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Nilaparvata lugens; Rice; Biotype; Ovicidal resistance; Feeding inhibition; Weedy rice; Nilaparvata lugens; ข้าว; ไบโอไทป์; ความต้านทานจากการทำลายไข่; การยับยั้งการกินอาหาร; ข้าววัชพืช.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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การพัฒนาสายพันธุ์ข้าวต้านทานต่อความหลากหลายไบโอไทป์ของเพลี้ยกระโดดสีน้ำตาล (Nilaparvata lugens Stål) 106
Jirapong Jairin; Phikul Leelakud; Varapong Chamarerk; Pamorn Pattawatang; Watchalawalee Boonmee; Pimnapa Uttakavapee; Wanida Thueannadee.
Development of rice varieties conferring broad-spectrum and durable resistance against brown planthopper (BPH) is one of the major challenges facing the plant breeders. Idea has been generated in this study for incorporating resistance genes of ovicidal response and feeding inhibition into rice breeding lines. Our initial experiments focused on discovering the ovicidal trait in indica rice cultivars. We found that some weedy rice lines had the ovicidal resistance, causing 60% to 100% egg mortality. The egg mortality rate depends on the rice developmental stages and is the highest at the maximum tillering stage. This is the first report of the ovicidal trait in indica rice lines. The BPH resistance in weedy rice lines is not only mediated by the ovicidal...
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Rice; Nilaparvata lugens; Biotype; Ovicidal resistance; Feeding inhibition; Weedy rice; ข้าว; ไบโอไทป์; ความต้านทานจากการทำลายไข่; การยับยั้งการกินอาหาร; ข้าววัชพืช; เพลี้ยกระโดดสีน้ำตาล; อัตราการตายของไข่.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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ความหลากหลายทางพันธุกรรมและโครงสร้างประชากรของข้าววัชพืชในประเทศไทย 106
Anupong Wongtamee; Chanya Maneechote; Benjavan Rerkkasem; Sansanee Jamjod.
Weedy rice (Oryza sativa f. spontanea) is one of most serious weeds in direct-seeded rice production. High genetic diversity and adaptability of weedy rice made it very difficult to control in the rice field. This study aim to assess genetic diversity and population structure of weedy rice populations from Lower North, Northeast and Central of Thailand in wet of 2009 using twelve microsatellite markers. Genetic diversity and population structure of weedy rice were determined and compared with seven common wild rice populations and seven check varieties commonly grown in these regions. Weedy rice populations in this present study were hybrid between common wild rice and crop rice. The population structure of them was structured into 2 clusters according to...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Weedy rice; Genetic diversity; Population structure; Gene flow; ข้าววัชพืช; ความหลากหลายทางพันธุกรรม; โครงสร้างประชากร; การแลกเปลี่ยนยีน; ประเทศไทย.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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ต้นทุนการผลิต ผลผลิต รายได้ และปัญหาการระบาดของข้าววัชพืช จากการปลูกข้าวในเขตนาชลประทาน จังหวัดอุตรดิตถ์ 106
Waraipoen Sanwong; Siraporn Chuea-uan; Nittaya Ruensuk.
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Cost of rice production; Yield; Income; Weedy rice; Broadcast wet seeded rice; Transplanting; Irrigated area; Uttaradit province; ข้าว; ผลผลิต; รายได้; ต้นทุนการผลิต; ข้าววัชพืช; การปักดำ; นาหว่านน้ำตม; เขตชลประทาน; จ.อุตรดิตถ์.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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ผลของการเว้นช่วงระยะเวลาหลังการเก็บเกี่ยวถึงการเตรียมดินแบบปกติต่อปริมาณข้าววัชพืชในนาหว่านน้ำตม 106
Nittaya Ruensuk; Pranom Mongkonbunjong; Prasan Wongsaroj.
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Wet seeded rice; Weedy rice; Rice cultiva; Continuous rice cultivation; ข้าว; นาหว่านน้ำตม; ข้าววัชพืช; การปลูกข้าวแบบต่อเนื่อง; การเตรียมดิน; ระยะเวลาหลังการเก็บเกี่ยว; การกำจัดวัชพืช.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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โครงการพัฒนาต้นแบบการบริหารจัดการเพื่อลดความเสียหาย จากการระบาดของข้าววัชพืช 106
Prachya Traesang; Chalermchart Luechaikham.
Weedy rice is the serious weed which can damage and reduce the yield and quality of rice if there is not more prevent or eliminate, it will be more intensity, especially in the irrigated area. Rice Department was conducted the project how to reduce the outbreak and the intensity of weedy rice. This project was conducted in 2 provinces, Pathumthani and Suphanburi. The procedures were performed by studying of the weedy rice outbreak situation, using the technology combined with well management. In Suphanburi Rice Research Center had the activities at Moo 7, Nang-buat sub-district, Dermbang Nang Buat district, Suphanburi. 12 technologies that used in this area were, 1. Reducing crops per year. 2. leaving the soil in 2-4 weeks after harvesting 3. Preparing...
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Weedy rice; Model community; Package technology; Affected of rice production; ข้าววัชพืช; ชุมชนต้นแบบ; ชุดเทคโนโลยี; ผลกระทบต่อการผลิตข้าว; การระบาดของวัชพืช; การป้องกันกำจัดข้าววัชพืช.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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โครงการพัฒนาต้นแบบการบริหารจัดการเพื่อลดความเสียหายจากการระบาดของข้าววัชพืช 106
Samram Inthalaeng; Nuntaporn Jaroenporn; Apichart Lawanprasert; Surapon Jatuporn.
Weedy rice problem is a serious threat to rice cultivation in Thailand particularly in irrigated rice growing area. Hence, “Modeling development project on managing strategies to reduce weedy rice infestation” had been carried out to reduce server weedy rice problem. This project was conducted at Moo 8 Suan Prig Thai, Muang district and Moo 5 Bueng Kho Hai, Lam Lul Ka district, Pathumthani province with 500 rai in 2013 and 2014 of demonstrated rice field. This technological package consisted of 12 varied cultural practices that were being used to manage weedy rice, these included 1) reduce rice planting time into 2 crops/year 2) leave field for 2 - 4 weeks after harvesting 3) well leveled soil preparation 4) stimulate weedy rice seed to germinate and...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Weedy rice; Managing strategies; Infestation; Technological package; ข้าววัชพืช; การบริหารจัดการ; การระบาด; ชุดเทคโนโลยี.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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