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Kang, Gi; Huffman, Sonya Kostova; Jensen, Helen H..
Economic and welfare program factors affect the well-being of low-income families and their labor supply decisions. This study uses data from the U.S. Survey of Income and Program Participation. A nested logit model is estimated to explain the joint decisions to participate in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and the labor market for the population of families potentially eligible for TANF. The empirical findings indicate that higher wages increase labor and decrease welfare program participation; an increase in nonlabor income decreases both labor market and welfare participation.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Labor supply; Low income; Welfare program; Welfare reform; Labor and Human Capital.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Changing Participation in Food Assistance Programs Among Low-Income Children After Welfare Reform AgEcon
Todd, Jessica E.; Newman, Constance; Ver Ploeg, Michele.
In 1996, the safety net for poor households with children fundamentally changed when Federal legislation replaced Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). This study investigates participation in, and benefits received from, AFDC/TANF and food assistance programs, before and after the legislation, for children in low-income households (income below 300 percent of the Federal poverty line). The results show that, between 1990 and 2004, the share of children receiving food stamp benefits declined, most notably among children in the poorest households (income below 50 percent of the Federal poverty line). The share of children receiving benefits from the school meals programs and the Special...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Food Stamp Program; SNAP; Food assistance; Welfare reform; WIC; School meals; National School Lunch Program; School Breakfast Program; TANF; AFDC; Multiple program use; Survey of Income and Program Participation; Public Economics.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Innovation at the State Level: Initial Effects of Welfare Reform in Iowa AgEcon
Keng, Shao-Hsun; Garasky, Steven B.; Jensen, Helen H..
In 1993, the State of Iowa, through waivers, implemented reforms to its welfare program creating the Family Investment program (FIP), a program similar to the Federal Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program created in 1996. This paper examines the experiences of individuals and families who left FIP during the initial years. The program is designed to help FIP recipients achieve economic self-sufficiency. The analysis of linked state administrative record data and other local data shows that the Iowa experience has been relatively successful in supporting the transition of those leaving FIP. Almost three fourths of those leaving the program remained off for at least 12 months. Higher wage and child support collections were important factors...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Child support; Social assistance programs; Welfare reform; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Local Labor Market Conditions and the Jobless Poor: How Much Does Local Job Growth Help in Rural Areas? AgEcon
Davis, Elizabeth E.; Connolly, Laura S.; Weber, Bruce A..
The employment outcomes of a group of jobless poor Oregonians are tracked in order to analyze the relative importance of local labor market conditions on their employment outcomes. Local job growth increases the probability that a jobless poor adult will get a job and shortens the length of time until she finds a job. After accounting for both the effects of personal demographic characteristics and local job growth, there is little evidence that the probability of employment or the duration of joblessness differs in rural compared with urban areas.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Employment; Local labor markets; Rural labor markets; Rural poverty; Unemployment; Welfare reform; Labor and Human Capital.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Hanson, Kenneth; Hamrick, Karen S..
Moving recipients of public assistance into jobs is a goal of the current system for providing public assistance to low-income households. Using scenario analysis with a computable general equilibrium model, ERS researchers examined some of the labor market impacts of the "welfare-to work" provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA). The results show that, from 1996 to 2000, the influx of public assistance recipients into the labor force put downward wage pressure on low-skill occupations, making wage growth smaller than it would have been without the influx. At the same time, the influx added workers to the labor force, which contributed to economic growth. By expanding the labor force, the influx...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Public assistance; Low-income households; Food Stamp Program; Welfare reform; Labor markets; Low-skill; Computable general equilibrium (CGE) model; Scenario analysis; Labor and Human Capital.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Wilde, Parke E.; Cook, Peggy; Gundersen, Craig; Nord, Mark; Tiehen, Laura.
The Food Stamp Program saw an unprecedented decline in participation from 27.5 million participants in 1994 to 18.2 million participants in 1999. A strong economy and changes in social welfare programs drove this change. An econometric model with State-level data calculated that 35 percent of the caseload decline from 1994 to 1998 was associated with changing economic conditions and 12 percent with program reform and political variables. Household-level data from the Current Population Survey lead to the conclusion that 28 percent of the total change in participation was associated with a decrease in the number of people with low income (below 130 percent of the poverty line)and 55 percent was due to a decline in the proportion of low-income people who...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Food Stamp Program; Welfare reform; Economic conditions; Caseload dynamics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Welfare Reform in Agricultural California AgEcon
Green, Richard D.; Martin, Philip L.; Taylor, J. Edward.
When welfare reforms were enacted in 1996, a higher than average percentage of residents in the agricultural heartland of California, the San Joaquin Valley, received cash assistance. Average annual unemployment rates during the 1990s ranged from 12% to 20%, and 15% to 20% of residents in major farming counties received cash benefits. This analysis develops and estimates a two-equation cross-sectionally correlated and timewise autoregressive model to test the hypothesis that in agricultural areas, seasonal work, low earnings, and high unemployment, as well as few entry-level jobs that offer wages and benefits equivalent to welfare benefits, promote welfare use and limit the potential of local labor markets to absorb ex-welfare recipients.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cross-sectionally correlated and timewise autoregressive model; Farm workers; Immigration; Welfare reform; Public Economics.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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