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Blanchard, Michel; Hamon, Dominique. |
The slipper-limpet (Crepidula fornicata) is a marine gastropod which causes serious perturbations in shellfish beds, because of spatial spreading and density rising. Along French coasts, in Northern Brittany, two bays are highly colonized : bay of Saint-Brieuc, centre for scallops fishery, and bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, a famous oyster-farming area, with a total limpet stock about 450 000 metric tons. The association AREVAL was founded in 2001 to manage there, an industrial collect of limpets by a succing-dredge, followed ashore by a treatment for calcareous soil improvement. The scientific survey, contracted to IFREMER, included measurements of long andshort-term dredge's effects on grounds and limpet population, and proposals to set up dredging... |
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Palavras-chave: France; Western Channel; Bay of Mont Saint Michel; Bay of Saint Brieuc; Impact; Dredging; Treatment; Crepidula fornicata; Slipper limpet; Manche Ouest; Baie du Mont Saint Michel; Baie de Saint Brieuc; Impact; Dragage; Exploitation; Crepidula fornicata; Crépidule. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2006/rapport-6301.pdf |
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Blanchard, Michel. |
A population of the invasive slipper limpet (Crepidula fornicata) has been spreading in the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel (Western English Channel) for 40 years. Sidescan sonar, underwater video and quantitative sampling were conducted in 1996 and 2004 to document the widening geographic spread of the species over the bay. The limpet population grew by 50% during this period, to reach a fresh biomass of about 150 000 t. This local study analyses causes and effects of the spread and provides a typical example of the limpet spreading process. This population increase has significant effects on the environment in the most densely colonized area (modification to the sediment and biodiversity), leading to the emergence of a new benthic community. Anthropic dredging... |
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Palavras-chave: Western Channel; France Crepidula fornicata Sidescan sonar Stock estimation Oyster farming Spread Invasive species. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2009/publication-6351.pdf |
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Gros, Philippe; Hamon, Dominique. |
The aim of this report is to provide biomass estimates (AFDW, g.m-2 ) of the four main components of the benthic food web in the southern part of the Bay of St-Brieuc: suspension-feeders, deposit-feeders, herbivores and carnivores. Patterns in the environmental data (i.e., sedimentary characters) are first analysed, and then related to the spatial distribution of communities ; both approaches use classical ordination techniques (PCA, correspondence analysis). A second typology, based on a review of published litterature concerning coastal macrozoobenthos feeding, ascribes each taxonomic unit to a trophic group. Finally, quantitative results are thus given per biota ; suspension-feeders appear to dominate (in terms of biomass) most of fine-sand habitats of... |
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Palavras-chave: Zoobenthos; Réseau trophique; Analyses multivariables; Manche ouest; Zoobenthos; Food web; Multivariate analysis; Western Channel. |
Ano: 1988 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00107/21794/19371.pdf |
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