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Contrasting patterns in the abundance of fish communities targeted by fishers on two coral reefs in southern Mozambique 5
Sancelme, Tonin; Goetze, J; Jaquemet, S; Meekan, Mg; Flam, A; Watts, Am; Speed, Cw.
Coastal populations of maritime countries in eastern Africa rely on fish as a primary source of protein, but baseline information on the abundance of fish communities on these coastlines is often lacking. We used baited remote underwater video stations to compare the abundance and diversity of reef fishes targeted by fishing at two sites in southern Mozambique, one at Lighthouse Reef within the Bazaruto Archipelago National Park and the other to the south at San Sebastian Reef on the San Sebastian Peninsula. Fish that are known targets of fisheries (mostly small-scale and artisanal) had an abundance that was almost three-times greater at San Sebastian Reef (80.22 ind. h–1 [SE 18.00]) than at Lighthouse Reef (29.70 ind. h–1 [SE 8.91]). Similarly, there was...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Baited remote underwater video; Bazaruto Archipelago; Biodiversity; Fish community structure; Fishing pressure; Marine reserve; Rarefaction curves; Western Indian Ocean.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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First record of the coloured righteye flounder, Poecilopsetta colorata (Teleostei: Poecilopsettidae) from the Sakalaves seamounts in the Mozambique Channel 5
Chen, Wei-jen; Chen, Jhen-nien; Pernet, Marie Eve Julie; Olu, Karine.
Background: The coloured righteye flounder, Poecilopsetta colorata Günther, 1880 was previously known from the eastern Indian Ocean to the South China Sea and Indonesia. Here, a new record from the western Indian Ocean is reported. Results: The new record is based on a specimen collected on the Sakalaves seamounts at 375 m in depth in the Mozambique Channel during a recent oceanographic survey. Four other teleost fish species including an uncommon ophidiid species, Neobythites somaliaensis Nielsen, 1995 were also collected on the same seamounts. Conclusions: The presence of P. colorata in the Mozambique Channel suggests a broad and Indo-West Pacific wide distribution for this relatively rare deep-sea species. The sequence of the cytochrome oxidase...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishes; New record; Distribution; Western Indian Ocean; Mozambique Channel; Sakalaves seamounts; COI; PAMELA-MOZ01 cruise.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Fish communities of Geyser and Zelee coral banks (Western Indian Ocean). 5
Chabanet, P; Tessier, E; Durville, P; Mulochau, T; Rene, Francois.
The ichtyofauna of Geyser and Zelee coral banks (north of Mozambique canal) was investigated in 1996, this work being the first quantitative study on this area. Quantitative data were collected on 11 stations (mean depth 18 m) by visual observations along 50 m transect, widened to 2 m for small sedentary species, and to 5 m for commercial species with a large action range. The main descriptors of the fish communities (species richness, abundance per species) and the trophic structure (omnivorous, herbivorous, carnivorous, browsers of sessile invertebrates) were described and analysed.A total of 294 fish species, belonging to 43 families were recorded. The species richness varied from 45 to 83 species / station, and the abundance, from 292 to 1322...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ichtyofauna; Western Indian Ocean; Coral reefs; Geyser and Zelee; Trophic structure.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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The industrial tuna fishing activity in the Western Indian Ocean: report for the year 1998 20
Marguerite, M.A..
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Western Indian Ocean; Seychelles; Fishery statistics; Tuna fishery; Fishery economics; Fishery industry; Tuna fisheries; Fishery industry.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Updated standardized CPUE of blue shark bycaught by the French Reunion-based pelagic longline fishery (2007-2020) 5
Sabarros, Philippe; Coelho, Rui; Romanov, Evgeny V; Guillon, Nicolas; Bach, Pascal.
The blue shark Prionace glauca is the main bycatch species of the French swordfish-targeting longline fishery operating in the south-west Indian Ocean. Using observer and self-reported data collected aboard commercial longliners between 2007 and 2020, we propose a standardized CPUE series for blue shark for this fishery estimated with a lognormal generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) to be used for the upcoming stock assessment. We propose to use the standardized CPUE for the period comprised between 2011 and 2020 where the monitoring effort has been consequent in comparison with previous years. Throughout 2011-2020, the standardized CPUE for the blue shark shows a significant decreasing trend.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Blue shark; CPUE standardization; Longline; Western Indian Ocean.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Utilisation de la technique vidéo STAVIRO pour l’observation et le suivi des ressources et des écosystèmes récifo-lagonaires de Mayotte. Etude pilote et recommandations pour les suivis futurs 5
Roman, William; Pelletier, Dominique.
• In order to assess the sustainability of fish resources in the Natural Marine Park of Mayotte (Western Indian Ocean), indicators and monitoring protocols must be determined. • This study relied on the underwater video technique STAVIRO for assessing fish communities and resources. A pilot survey was conducted in Nov. 2014 in the south-east quarter of the Mayotte lagoon, an area encompassing the marine reserves of Longogori, M’Bouzi and the Saziley Marine Park. Out of 115 stations collected, 104 were analysed for habitat and fish, based on a list of 527 species with fishing, ecological, or emblematic interest (cf. AMBIO/A/1). • 43 indicators were computed, analysed, and for some mapped. The PAMPA computing tool was used in this purpose. • 130 fish species...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ichtyofaune; Pêche; Habitat; Vidéo sous-marine; STAVIRO; Evaluation; Suivi; Biodiversité; Ecosystème corallien; AMP; Parc Naturel Marin de Mayotte; Océan Indien; Indicateur; Tableau de bord; PAMPA; Fish; Habitat; Underwater video; STAVIRO; Monitoring and assessment; Biodiversity; Coral reefs; MPA; Natural Marine Park of Mayotte; Western Indian Ocean; Indicator; Dashboard; PAMPA.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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