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Hollosy, Zsolt.
Megállapítható, hogy Magyarország Európa kukoricatermelésében jelentős szerepet játszik, annak ellenére is, hogy az 1980-as évek közepétől nem tart lépést a hazai termésátlagok növekedése az EU-15 tagállamának átlagával. A búza jelentősége kisebb, itt a leszakadás az 1990-es évek elején kezdődött. A termésát-lagok jelentősen ingadoznak. A termelés meghatározó régiói: Észak- és Dél-Alföld, Dél-Dunántúl. A fedezeti termésátlag évről évre növekedett. A vizsgált időszakban a búzát a fő régiókban támogatások nélkül is sikerült – jellemzően a 26 AK-nál jobb minőségű földeken – nyereségesen termelni. A búzatermelés egé-szére igaz, hogy a vizsgált területek mindegyikén eredménnyel termelhető, a mel-léktermék költségcsökkentő, valamint a támogatások jövedelemnövelő...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: EU; Régió; Búza; Kukorica; Fedezeti termésátlag; EU; Region; Wheat; Corn; Collateral production average; Agribusiness; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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A Case Report of a Botulism Outbreak in Beef Cattle Due to the Contamination of Wheat by a Roaming Cat Carcass: From the Suspicion to the Management of the Outbreak ArchiMer
Le Maréchal, Caroline; Hulin, Olivier; Macé, Sabrina; Chuzeville, Cécile; Rouxel, Sandra; Poëzevara, Typhaine; Mazuet, Christelle; Pozet, Françoise; Sellal, Eric; Martin, Laure; Viry, Alain; Rubbens, Christine; Chemaly, Marianne.
We report a botulism outbreak in Charolais cattle fed with wheat flour contaminated by Clostridium botulinum type C and the management of the outbreak at each step from the clinical suspicion to the cleaning and disinfection operations. Diagnosis was based on typical suggestive clinical signs and detection of C. botulinum type C using real-time PCR in samples collected from three young affected bulls. All young exposed bulls and cows (18 animals) eventually died, but three young bulls and one cow were recovering when it was decided to euthanize them. C. botulinum type C was detected in the liver of these four animals. Analysis of the ration components demonstrated that wheat flour, wheat, and the mill used to make flour were positive for C. botulinum type...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cattle botulism; Cat carcass; PCR; Wheat; Clostridium botulinum; Feed contamination.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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A EMBRAPA - Trigo oferece a você receitas de sucesso... Infoteca-e
Pão fantasia; Trança suíça; Pão doce recheado.
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: Recipe; Cook-book; Cookery; Pão; Receita; Brazil; Wheat.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Hingyi, Hajnalka.
A vizsgálatok feltárták az egyes régiók gabonatermelése közti különbsége-ket, különös tekintettel a vetésterületek, hozamok és az árbevételek alakulására. Megállapítást nyert, hogy: • A legjelentősebb búzatermelő régióink a Dél-Dunántúl és a Dél-Alföld. Mindkét régióban az összes betakarított termésmennyiség és a termésátlag is meghaladta a többi régió eredményeit a vizsgált időszakban. • A kukorica esetében is a Dél-Dunántúli Régió a meghatározó, 2004-ben 11%-kal többet takarítottak be az Észak-Alföld termelésénél és közel hétszer többet a legalacsonyabb terméseredményű Közép-Magyaroszágénál. A termésát-lagok szintén a dél-dunántúli régióban voltak a legmagasabbak a vizsgált idő-szakban. • A régiók termésátlagai – az egyes régiók eltérő...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Régió; Búza; Kukorica; Rekordtermés; Árbevétel - regions; Wheat; Maize; Record harvest; Income; Agribusiness; Crop Production/Industries; Demand and Price Analysis.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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A new, harmless, high-throughput endosperm-based DNA extraction method for wheat Ciência Rural
Ma,Zhihui; Wang,Yuquan; Wei,Wenhui; Ru,Zhengang.
ABSTRACT: In this study, a non-destructive, high-throughput, endosperm-based DNA extraction method was developed. To verify the non-destructive nature of this method, a germination test was performed on 288 seeds after sampling their endosperm, which gave a seedling emergence rate that was higher (97.6%) than that of the control group (92%). To confirm the feasibility of the new method, DNA was extracted from plants of a BC1F2 population by two different methods, namely, from endosperm using our rapid, high-throughput method (ER-DNA) and from young leaves emerging from the same sampled seed using the CTAB method (LC-DNA). The ER-DNA was undetectable by agarose gel electrophoresis, but was found to be an adequate replacement for LC-DNA for the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Wheat; Triticum aestivum; SSR; Segregation population.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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A realidade da cadeia do trigo no Brasil: o elo produtores/cooperativas AgEcon
Brum, Argemiro Luis; Muller, Patricia Kettenhuber.
The present article is about the wheat productive chain in Brazil and focuses on the economic reality of its main connecting links, with emphasis on the links between agricultural and industrial production. Let it be accentuated that the article brings present time accounts of the sector in Brazil, from the result analysis of field research among agricultural producers, producer co-operatives and wheat mills. The study of the Brazilian wheat culture chain, with its problems, offers a broader view to understand the e country’s conditions, which would allow us not only to answer the exposed doubts, but over all to shed some light on the main paths traced by Brazil’s wheat production in these first years of the XXIst century. The national wheat culture is...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Wheat; Productive chain; Competitiveness; Agribusiness; D23.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A Risk Analysis of Converting CRP Acres to a Wheat-Sorghum-Fallow Rotation AgEcon
Williams, Jeffery R.; Llewelyn, Richard V.; Pendell, Dustin L.; Schlegel, Alan J.; Troy, Dumler.
This study examines the economic potential of producing a wheat (Triticum aesitivum) and grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) rotation with three different tillage strategies compared to the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) in a semi-arid region. This research uses stochastic efficiency with respect to a function (SERF) to determine the preferred management strategies under various risk preferences and utility-weighted certainty equivalent risk premiums. Yields, input rates, and field operations from an experimental field in western Kansas are used to calculate net returns for each tillage strategy. Although current net returns to crop production using reduced tillage and no-tillage strategies are higher than CRP, risk analysis indicates CRP...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Conservation Reserve Program; Conservation tillage; Simulation; Sorghum; Wheat; Risk; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A strong test of the von Liebig hypothesis AgEcon
Berck, Peter; Geoghegan, Jacqueline; Stohs, Stephen M..
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Corn; Production function; Von liebig; Wheat; Production Economics.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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A system to evaluate the performance of hydraulic nozzles used in stored grain preotection trials Scientia Agricola
Vásquez-Castro,Javier A.; Baptista,Gilberto C. de; Gadanha Jr.,Casimiro D.; Trevizan,Luiz R.P..
We developed a system to evaluate the performance of hydraulic nozzles used in stored corn and wheat grain protection experiments. An insecticidal mix was used as test fluid to determine the transversal volumetric distribution and droplets spectrum of a model TJ-60 8002EVS hydraulic nozzle. A mobile application system was built to apply a rate equivalent to 5 L t-1 and obtain theoretical concentrations of 10 and 0.5 mg kg-1 of fenitrothion and esfenvalerate, respectively. The corn and wheat grains were spread out as a fine layer. Three glass slides (0.1 × 0.05 m) were placed on the top surface of the grains to ensure that the intended application rate was achieved. After treatment, the deposits on both matrices were analyzed by gas chromatography. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Application technology; Gas chromatography; Insecticide deposits; Corn; Wheat.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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ABA regulation of post-germination desiccation tolerance in wheat cultivars contrasting in drought tolerance Anais da ABC (AABC)
ABSTRACT Post-germination desiccation tolerance (DT) was studied in two wheat cultivars. Effect of pretreatment of abscisic acid (ABA)/ osmotic/ salt/ heat stress was also studied. One day (d)-old seedlings of wheat cultivars PBW 644 (drought tolerant) and PBW 343 (drought susceptible) were exposed to ABA/stress treatment for next 1 d, desiccated for 4 d and subsequently rehydrated for 4 d. Biomass, protein, water, protein carbonyls (oxidative toxicity) and nitric oxide (NO) levels were measured in 2 d (treated), 6 d (desiccated), 10 d (rehydrated) seedlings. Vegetative reactive oxygen species (ROS)/ NO-pathways were studied under normal condition and ABA supply by supplying ROS/NO scavengers. Desiccation caused water loss and increased oxidative toxicity....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Abiotic; Abscisic acid; Nitric oxide; Post germination desiccation tolerance; Wheat.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Absence of 2NS/2AS in wheat resistance sources to Magnaporthe oryzae in Brazil. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Trigo; Doença de Planta; Brusone; Pyricularia Oryzae; Wheat; Magnaporthe oryzae; Plant diseases and disorders; Pyricularia.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Abundance and prevalence of Aphidius avenae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) in Chile Ciencia e Investigación Agraria
Peñalver-Cruz,Ainara; Ortiz-Martínez,Sebastián; Villegas,Cinthya; Tomanovic,Zeljko; Zepeda-Paulo,Francisca; Zikic,Vladimir; Lavandero,Blas.
Abstract During the samplings described here, Aphidius avenae (=picipes) (Haliday, 1834) was collected. This species has been reported in Chile but has never been studied in terms of its relative abundance and prevalence in central and southern Chile by using classical or molecular methods. The composition of the parasitoid assemblages on several cereal aphid hosts was examined for three seasons in agricultural landscapes. In this note, we describe the prevalence of this parasitoid species in cereal aphids and other aphid hosts and discuss the abundance of this parasitoid compared to other aphid parasitoids and the probable origins of this important aphid parasitoid species in Chile. The results indicate that A. avenae has a low prevalence compared to...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Aphids; Braconidae; Hosts; Parasitoids; Tomato; Wheat.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Acreage Decisions When Risk Preferences Vary AgEcon
Arnade, Carlos Anthony; Cooper, Joseph C..
This presentation summarizes an AAEA poster.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Risk preferences; Acreage decision; Soybeans; Corn; Wheat; Crop Production/Industries; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Adoption and impacts of zero tillage as a resource conserving technology in the irrigated plains of South Asia AgEcon
Erenstein, Olaf; Farooq, Umar; Malik, R.K.; Sharif, Muhammad.
The recent stagnation of productivity growth in the irrigated areas of the Indo-Gangetic Plains of South Asia has led to a quest for resource-conserving technologies that can save water, reduce production costs and improve production. The present synthesis of two detailed country studies confirmed widespread adoption of zero tillage (ZT) wheat in the rice-wheat systems of India’s Haryana State (34.5% of surveyed households) and Pakistan’s Punjab province (19%). The combination of a significant “yield effect” and “cost-saving effect” makes adoption worthwhile and is the main driver behind the rapid spread and widespread acceptance of ZT in Haryana, India. In Punjab, Pakistan, adoption is driven by the significant ZT-induced cost savings for wheat...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Zero tillage; Rice; Wheat; Water conservation; India; Pakistan; Haryana; Punjab; Agribusiness; Crop Production/Industries; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; Land Economics/Use; Production Economics; Productivity Analysis; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Adoption and Impacts of Zero-Tillage in the Rice-Wheat Zone of Irrigated Haryana, India AgEcon
Erenstein, Olaf; Malik, R.K.; Singh, Sher.
This study documents the adoption and impacts of zero-tillage (ZT) wheat in the rice-wheat systems of India’s Haryana State primarily drawing on a detailed empirical survey of 400 rice-wheat farmers. Our random stratified sample revealed 34.5% to be ZT wheat adopters and a quarter of the wheat area in the surveyed communities to be under ZT. The study suggests the potential for further diffusion but also flags the issue of disadoption (10%). ZT adopters, non-adopters, and disadopters differ significantly in terms of their resource bases, with adopters typically showing the most favorable values. ZT drastically reduces tractor operations in farmers’ ZT wheat fields from an average of 8 passes to a single pass, implying a saving of 6 tractor hours and 36...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Wheat; Rice; Agricultural development; Innovation adoption; Drilling equipment; Farming systems; Zero tillage; Production costs; Credit; Income; India; Crop Production/Industries; E16; F08.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Adoption and Impacts of Zero-Tillage in the Rice-Wheat Zone of Irrigated Punjab, Pakistan AgEcon
Farooq, Umar; Sharif, Muhammad; Erenstein, Olaf.
This study documents the adoption and impacts of zero-tillage (ZT) wheat in the ricewheat systems of Pakistan’s Punjab province primarily drawing on a detailed empirical survey of 458 rice-wheat farmers. Our random stratified sample revealed 19% to be ZT wheat adopters and a similar share of the wheat area in the surveyed communities to be under ZT. The study suggests that diffusion has stagnated and also flags the issue of disadoption (14%). ZT adopters, non-adopters, and disadopters differ significantly in terms of their resource bases, with adopters typically showing the most favorable values. ZT drastically reduces tractor operations in farmers’ ZT wheat fields from an average of 8 passes to a single pass, implying a saving of 7 tractor hours and 35...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Wheat; Rice; Agricultural development; Drilling equipment; Economic analysis; Innovation adoption; Farming systems; Cropping patterns; Production costs; Zero tillage; Pakistan; Crop Production/Industries; E16; F08.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Doss, Cheryl R.; Mwangi, Wilfred; Verkuijl, Hugo; De Groote, Hugo.
This paper synthesizes the findings of 22 micro-level studies on technology adoption carried out by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) with national agricultural research systems in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda from 1996-1999. The authors found that technology adoption is taking place across Eastern Africa but considerable scope remains to improve the productivity of smallholder agriculture in higher potential regions with high levels of adoption. Extension was the variable most highly correlated with technology adoption, and extension services continue to play an important role in disseminating information on new varieties and how to manage them. Despite the usefulness of the micro-study results, especially for priority...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Maize; Wheat; Innovation adoption; Technology transfer; Plant Breeding; Small farms; Case studies; Fertilizers; Private sector; Nongovernmental organizations; Research institutions; International organizations; Kenya; Tanzania; Uganda; Farm Management.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Adoption of Resource Conservation Technologies in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India: Scouting for Profitability and Efficiency AgEcon
Singh, N.P.; Singh, R.P.; Kumar, Ranjit; Vashist, A.K.; Khan, Farida; Varghese, Nisha.
This study has evaluated the superiority of resource conservation technologies (RCTs) over conventional methods of cultivation and has identified the factors influencing adoption of these technologies. It has provided succinct evidences from four states — Bihar, Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh — by comparing the adopters and non-adopters of RCTs in the rice-wheat cropping system of the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India. The study has highlighted superiority of RCTs over the conventional practices in terms of cost saving and efficient inputs-use. However, there is a need to internalize the RCTs in their totality by applying plans and strategies based on local dynamics. The study has suggested the need of policy formulations for dissemination and wider...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Resource conservation technologies; Economic efficiency; DEA approach; RCTs; Indo-Gangetic Plains; Wheat; Rice; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q30; Q34; Q32.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Adubação foliar em trigo. Infoteca-e
SIQUEIRA, O. J. F. de.
Trabalho apresentado no II Simpósio Brasileiro de Adubação Foliar, Botucatu, 1987.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Nutrição mineral; Fertilization; Wheat.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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ALGUMAS informações técnicas das cultivares de trigo. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: Descrição; Brasil; Drescription; Serviço de Produção de Sementes Básicas; Variedade; Brazil; Varieties; Wheat.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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