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A time-frequency application with the Stokes-Woodward technique 5
Elfouhaily, Tanos; Guignard, S; Branger, H; Thompson, D; Chapron, Bertrand; Vandemark, D.
In a recent paper, we have generalized Woodward's theorem and applied it to the case of random signals jointly modulated in amplitude and frequency. This generalization yields a new spectral technique to estimate the amount of energy due to mode coupling without calling for higher order statistics. Two power spectra are detected; the first is related to the independent modes, and the second contains extra energy caused by mode coupling. This detection is now extended from frequency to time-frequency domain. A comparison between a wavelet transform and our time-frequency technique shows good agreement along with new insight into the time occurrence of the nonlinearities or mode coupling. An application to water surface waves is given in this letter as an...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Wind waves; Wave wave interaction; Vertical asymmetry; Time frequency distributions; Nonlinear hydrodynamic processes; Mode coupling; Instantaneous frequency; Instantaneous amplitude; Horizontal asymmetry; AM FM; Amplitude modulation frequency modulation.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Comparison of spectral partitioning techniques for wind wave and swell. 20
Li, Shuiqing; Zhao, Dongliang.
The ocean waves are generally mixed with wind wave and swell. In order to separate these two kinds of ocean waves, many wave spectral partitioning techniques have been proposed. In this study, a two-dimensional(2D) and three one-dimensional (1D) wave spectral partitioning techniques (denoted as PM, WH, and JP) are examined based on the model simulations and in-situ observations. It is shown that the 2D technique could provide the most reliable results as a whole. Compared with 2D technique, PM and JP techniques obviously overestimate the wind-wave components, and the same situation happens for WH technique at low wind speed. With the adjustment of the partitioning frequency ratio, the 1D PM technique is modified, in which the result agree well with that of...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Wind waves; Swell; Wave spectra.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Diffraction and reflection of irregular waves in a harbor employing a spectral model 42
Violante-Carvalho,Nelson; Paes-Leme,Rafael B.; Accetta,Domenico A.; Ostritz,Frederico.
The SWAN wave model is widely used in coastal waters and the main focus of this work is on its application in a harbor. Its last released version - SWAN 40.51 - includes an approximation to compute diffraction, however, so far there are few published works that discuss this matter. The performance of the model is therefore investigated in a harbor where reflection and diffraction play a relevant role. To assess its estimates, a phase-resolving Boussinesq wave model is employed as well, together with measurements carried out at a small-scale model of the area behind the breakwater. For irregular, short-crested waves with broad directional spreading, the importance of diffraction is relatively small. On the other hand, reflection of the incident waves is...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Wind waves; SWAN model; Wave reflection; Wave diffraction; Wave transformations in a harbor.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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On the retrieval of significant wave heights from spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (ERS-SAR) using the Max-Planck Institut (MPI) algorithm 42
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) onboard satellites is the only source of directional wave spectra with continuous and global coverage. Millions of SAR Wave Mode (SWM) imagettes have been acquired since the launch in the early 1990's of the first European Remote Sensing Satellite ERS-1 and its successors ERS-2 and ENVISAT, which has opened up many possibilities specially for wave data assimilation purposes. The main aim of data assimilation is to improve the forecasting introducing available observations into the modeling procedures in order to minimize the differences between model estimates and measurements. However there are limitations in the retrieval of the directional spectrum from SAR images due to nonlinearities in the mapping mechanism. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Wind waves; Synthetic Aperture Radar (ERS-SAR); Max-Planck Institut (MPI) Algorithm; Campos Basin; WAM wave model; Heave-pitch-roll buoy measurements.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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On the unsteady steepening of short gravity waves near the crests of longer waves in the absence of generation or dissipation 5
Peureux, Charles; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Guimarães, Pedro Veras.
The wave action equation provides a general framework that has been applied to the conservative hydrodynamic interactions between short and long surface waves. So far, only a limited range of solutions have been investigated. Here we show that the wave action equation predicts that groups of short waves propagating over long monochromatic waves are unstable. We demonstrate theoretically and numerically a new ratchet‐type instability that progressively condenses short wave action around the long wave crests due to the correlation of phase speed and action fluctuations. This instability is of particular interest because it may lead to a higher probability of breaking for short waves propagating in directions within ±35 degrees of the dominant waves...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Instability; Modulation; Wind waves.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Surface Roughness Imaging of Currents Shows Divergence and Strain in the Wind Direction 5
Rascle, Nicolas; Chapron, Bertrand; Ponte, Aurelien; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Klein, Patrice.
Images of sea surface roughness-for example, obtained by synthetic aperture radars (SAR) or by radiometers viewing areas in and around the sun glitter-at times provide clear observations of meso- and sub-mesoscale oceanic features. Interacting with the surface wind waves, particular deformation properties of surface currents are responsible for those manifestations. Ignoring other sources of surface roughness variations, the authors limit their discussion to the mean square slope (mss) variability. This study confirms that vortical currents and currents with shear in the wind direction shall not be expressed in surface roughness images. Only divergent currents or currents with no divergence but strained in the wind direction can exhibit surface roughness...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Circulation/ Dynamics; Ageostrophic circulations; Atmosphere-ocean interaction; Mesoscale processes; Wind waves; Atm/Ocean Structure/ Phenomena; Boundary layer; Sea state.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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The Contribution of Wind-Generated Waves to Coastal Sea-Level Changes 5
Dodet, Guillaume; Melet, Angélique; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Bertin, Xavier; Idier, Déborah; Almar, Rafael.
Surface gravity waves generated by winds are ubiquitous on our oceans and play a primordial role in the dynamics of the ocean–land–atmosphere interfaces. In particular, wind-generated waves cause fluctuations of the sea level at the coast over timescales from a few seconds (individual wave runup) to a few hours (wave-induced setup). These wave-induced processes are of major importance for coastal management as they add up to tides and atmospheric surges during storm events and enhance coastal flooding and erosion. Changes in the atmospheric circulation associated with natural climate cycles or caused by increasing greenhouse gas emissions affect the wave conditions worldwide, which may drive significant changes in the wave-induced coastal hydrodynamics....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Wind waves; Sea level; Coastal zone; Climate change.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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The effect of wave-induced turbulence on intertidal mudflats: Impact of boat traffic and wind 5
Verney, Romaric; Deloffre, J; Brun Cottan, J.-c.; Lafite, R.
Semi-diurnal and fortnightly surveys were carried out to quantify the effects of wind- and navigation-induced high-energy events on bed sediments above intertidal mudflats. The mudflats are located in the upper fluvial part (Oissel mudflat) and at the mouth (Vasiere Nord mudflat) of the macrotidal Seine estuary. Instantaneous flow velocities and mudflat bed elevation were measured at a high frequency and high resolution with an acoustic doppler velocimeter (ADV) and an ALTUS altimeter, respectively. Suspended particulate matter concentrations were estimated by calibrating the ADV acoustic backscattered intensity with bed sediments collected at the study sites. Turbulent bed shear stress values were estimated by the turbulent kinetic energy method, using...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seine Estuary; Intertidal mudflat; Bed erosion; Bed roughness length; Bottom shear stress; Boat waves; Wind waves.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Thirty-four years of Hawaii wave hindcast from downscaling of climate forecast system reanalysis 5
Li, Ning; Cheung, Kwok Fai; Stopa, Justin; Hsiao, Feng; Chen, Yi-leng; Vega, Luis; Cross, Patrick.
The complex wave climate of Hawaii includes a mix of seasonal swells and wind waves from all directions across the Pacific. Numerical hindcasting from surface winds provides essential space-time information to complement buoy and satellite observations for studies of the marine environment. We utilize WAVEWATCH III and SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore) in a nested grid system to model basin-wide processes as well as high-resolution wave conditions around the Hawaiian Islands from 1979 to 2013. The wind forcing includes the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) for the globe and downscaled regional winds from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Long-term in-situ buoy measurements and remotely-sensed wind speeds and wave heights allow...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Swells; Wind waves; Wave hindcast; Island sheltering; Spectral wave models; Weather Research and Forecasting model.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Whitecap and Wind Stress Observations by Microwave Radiometers: Global Coverage and Extreme Conditions 5
Hwang, Paul A.; Reul, Nicolas; Meissner, Thomas; Yueh, Simon H..
Whitecaps manifest surface wave breaking that impacts many ocean processes, of which surface wind stress is the driving force. For close to a half century of quantitative whitecap reporting, only a small number of observations are obtained under conditions with wind speed exceeding 25 m/s. Whitecap contribution is a critical component of ocean surface microwave thermal emission. In the forward solution of microwave thermal emission, the input forcing parameter is wind speed, which is used to generate the modeled surface wind stress, surface wave spectrum, and whitecap coverage necessary for the subsequent electromagnetic (EM) computation. In this respect, microwave radiometer data can be used to evaluate various formulations of the drag coefficient,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Wave breaking; Wind stress; Wind waves; Severe storms; Microwave observations; Satellite observations.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Wind en golven: onderzoek van een optimaliserings-benadering voor het schatten van parameters in de brontermen = Wind and waves: investigation of an optimization approach to parameter estimation 27
Monbaliu, J..
The atmosphere sees the ocean, with sometimes huge waves, as a much smoother surface, compared to its passage over land where it is slowed down much more, even if obstacles are small compared to the size of ocean waves. A good observer notices right away that waves travel with the wind and consequently do not give much resistance. The details of how much resistance there actually is and its variation with wind speed and parameters defining the wave conditions has been a hot topic for the last 35 years. The correctness of the roughness formulation is a crucial question in the understanding of the air-sea interface. It has major implications in wave modelling, in storm surge modelling and also in modelling of the atmospheric boundary layer above the ocean....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis Palavras-chave: Wave dissipation; Whitecapping; Wind wave generation; Wind wave parameters; Wind waves.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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