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Características climáticas del océano Atlántico sudoccidental OceanDocs
Hoffmann, J.; Núñez, M.; Piccolo, M.C..
The climate of the SW Atlantic Ocean is described for representative summer and winter months. The description is based on mean fields of surface and upperair metereological measurements. Maps and data have been obtained from national and international information centers. Other sources also were considered. The Malvinas Current is a year-round sink for the sensitive heatflux. The Malvinas and Brazil Currents and their zone of confluence are the most important oceanographic and climate features in the region of South Atlantic Ocean.
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Climatology; Air temperature; Surface temperature; Winds; Atmospheric circulation; Energy balance; Climatology; Winds; Atmospheric circulation; Air temperature; Energy balance; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Características de las precipitaciones, la temperatura del aire y los vientos en la costa ecuatoriana OceanDocs
Gálvez, H.; Regalado, J..
Con el fin de ampliar el conocimiento de las características de la climatología de la costa ecuatoriana, los parámetros: precipitación, temperatura superficial del aire y vientos pertenecientes a la serie de datos desde 1948 al 2006 se analizaron estadísticamente. Se determinaron las normales mensuales de las siete estaciones que posee el INOCAR a lo largo de la costa.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Atmospheric precipitations; Climatology; Air temperature; Winds; Climatology; Winds; Air temperature; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Consideracoes preliminares sobre o uso de quebra-ventos nos cerrados. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Winds; Windbreak; Pines; Andiroba; Casuarina Equisetifolia; Carapa Guianensis; Cerrado; Eucalipto; Grevillea Robusta; Grevilha; Jambolão; Mogno; Pinheiro; Quebra-Vento; Swietenia Macrophylla; Vento; Eucalyptus; Syzygium; Pinus.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Estructura termal y distribución superficial del clorofila "a" en el Paso Drake durante el verano austral de 1989-1990 OceanDocs
Zambrano Q., E.; Allauca, S.; Arcos, F..
En el verano austral de 1990, durante la II Expedición Ecuatoriana a la Antártica a bordo del B/I ORION se efectuaron dos secciones (ida y retorno) en el Paso Drake, en las cuales se realizaron un total de 28 lances de XBT y el muestreo horario de parámetros superficiales como temperatura del mar, del aire, salinidad, vientos y clorofila "a". Los resultados obtenidos en ambas secciones permiten observar la variación de estos parámetros, en el transcurso aproximado de un mes, en el Paso Drake durante aquella época. Claramente, en las secciones verticales de temperatura, se observa la presencia de los Frentes Polar y Subantártico, dando lugar a una marcada convergencia Antártica. En el transcurso de casi un mes entre las dos secciones, se puede observar el...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Surface temperature; Air temperature; Salinity; Winds; Chlorophylls; Winds; Air temperature; Salinity; Chlorophylls; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Estudio numérico de circulación océanica sobre la plataforma continental argentina OceanDocs
Sitz, L.E..
This dissertation analyses the barotropic and baroclinic response of the Argentinean Continental Shelf to different forcing using a three-dimensional numerical ocean model. The study aims towards a systematical exploration of the physical processes that control the circulation. To facilitate the dynamical understanding of the results our experimental strategy was to start with a three dimensional barotropic model (constant density) that examines the influence of winds and tides, and to progress to a more complex case including density stratification (baroclinic model). It was found that the average annual circulation, forced only by the wind, shows a strong contrast between the northern and southern region of the study area. A detailed analysis...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Numerical analysis; Water masses; Mathematical models; Physical oceanography; Current data; Tides; Winds; Ocean circulation; Physical oceanography; Tides; Winds; Mathematical models.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Estudios de la circulación forzada por el viento en el estuario del Río de la Plata y sus implicancias en la estratificación: resultados del análisis de datos y simulaciones numéricas OceanDocs
Meccia, V.L..
For the first time, the analysis of historical salinity data and new current series is combined with high resolution numerical simulations, with the aim of understanding the processes that occur in the active and important Río de la Plata estuary (South America). With that objective, the first relatively long ADCP current series collected in two points of the estuary are analyzed. Only 25% of the currents variance is accounted by the tide. Approximately another 25% is associated with internal wave activity at the sampling locations, where a strong stratification exists. These waves are forced by land-sea breeze and tide and are very frequent during spring and summer. The remaining 50% of the energy is wind driven and occurs in synoptic to intra-seasonal...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Estuaries; Estuarine dynamics; Circulation; Winds; Salt wedges; Hydrodynamics; Estuaries; Winds; Hydrodynamics; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Etude sur le savoir écologique des pêcheurs artisans des petits pélagiques en Afrique du Nord-Ouest OceanDocs
Sall, A..
Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Den Haag (Netherlands); Ministerie Van Buitenlandse Zaken, Brussel (Belgium); Wageningen International, Wageningen (Netherlands)
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fisheries; Artisanal fishing; Fishermen; Fishing effort; Canoe fisheries; Coastal zone; Fishery engineering; Protected resources; Pelagic fisheries; Cycles; Sexual reproduction; Multispecies fisheries; Stocks; Ocean currents; Winds; Biomass; Upwelling; Ecosystems; Maritime legislation; Size; Biomass; Ecosystems; Fisheries; Fishermen; Stocks; Ocean currents; Winds; Size; Fishing effort; Pelagic fisheries; Sexual reproduction; Multispecies fisheries; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Impact du vent sur la transparence des eaux de la lagune de l'Ichkeul OceanDocs
Chaouachi, B.; Ben Hassine, O.K.; Lemoalle, J..
Dans la lagune de l'Ichkeul, le vent fort remet les particules en suspension et diminue la transparence des eaux, en raison de la faible profondeur de ce plan d'eau (1m environ, en moyenne). Les vents les plus fréquents soufflent du secteur ouest à nord-ouest. L'amplitude des fluctuations de leur vitesse est modérée durant le printemps et l'été. En revanche, elle est accentuée en automne et en hiver, période durant laquelle sont enregistrées, à la fois, les plus faibles et les plus fortes vitesses du vent. La transparence des eaux est évaluée à l'aide du disque de Secchi. Les eaux de la lagune sont plus claires lorsqu'elles reçoivent, peu ou pas du tout, des apports d'eau continentale, chargée en alluvions et lorsqu'elles sont peu soumises à la turbulence...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Secchi discs; Water transparency; Winds.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Indicadores del estado del ambiente marino patagónico en áreas frontales OceanDocs
Carranza, M..
En este trabajo se caracterizan las regiones frontales altamente productivas del Mar Patagónico empleando datos de clorofila satelital (CSAT) derivada del Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) durante el período 1998-2006. A partir de estos datos se identifican cuatro áreas de máxima concentración de clorofila: el Frente del Talud, el Frente de la Plataforma Media, el Frente de Patagonia Austral y el Frente de Valdés. Los tres primeros se definen por regiones de amplitud media de CSAT > 3.5 mg/m3, mientras que el último se define por la región de CSAT media de verano > 2 mg/m3. Sobre estas regiones se elaboran indicadores de clorofila (CSAT), temperatura superficial del mar (SST) y viento en superficie. La temperatura es derivada del...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Fronts; Shelf edge fronts; Surface temperature; Temporal variations; Remote sensing; Water colour; Chlorophylls; Winds; Winds; Remote sensing; Chlorophylls; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Intraseasonal variability of equatorial Indian Ocean zonal currents ArchiMer
Sengupta, Debasis; Senan, Retish; Goswami, B. N.; Vialard, Jerome.
New satellite and in situ observations show large intraseasonal (10-60 day) variability of surface winds and upper- ocean current in the equatorial Indian Ocean, particularly in the east. An ocean model forced by the Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) wind stress is used to study the dynamics of the intraseasonal zonal current. The model has realistic upper- ocean currents and thermocline depth variabilities on intraseasonal to interannual scales. The quality of the simulation is directly attributed to the accuracy of the wind forcing. At the equator, moderate westerly winds are punctuated by strong 10-40-day westerly wind bursts. The wind bursts force swift, intraseasonal (20-50 day) eastward equatorial jets in spring, summer, and fall. The zonal momentum...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea surface temperature; Interannual variability; Dynamics; Circulation; Pacific; Model; Winds; Thermodynamics; Oscillation; Transports.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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La pêche locale aux abords de la Réunion ArchiMer
Biais, Gerard; Taquet, Marc.
The authors deal with the coastal fisheries in the Reunion Island. In a first chapter they describe the geographical environment of this island (volcanism, climate, cyclones, hydrology, currents water masses) which has an influence on fisheries results. The second and third chapter describe the commercial species of the Reunion island (pelagic fishes: Scombridae as Thunnus albacares, Katsunonus pelamis, Euthynnus affinis, Thunnus obesus, Gymnosarda unicolor, Thunnus alalunga, other fishes as Xiphias gladius, Makaira mazara, Istiophorus platypterus. The fourth chapter deals with the fishing gears and the catching methods. The fifth chapter is devoted to fishery economics, financing
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Winds; Climate; Catching methods; Fishery economics; Pelagic fisheries; Fishing gear; Fishing vessels; Fishing.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Modelado numérico del ecosistema de los golfos norpatagónicos OceanDocs
Tonini, M.H..
This dissertation analyses the oceanic circulation of the Norpatagonian Gulfs, a region of the Argentinean Sea that has long been recognized for the high productivity and biodiversity of the ecosystem. The study aims towards a systematic exploration of the physical processes that control the circulation using a high resolution three dimensional numerical model. To facilitate the dynamical understanding of the results our experimental strategy was to start with a constant density (barotropic) model forced by tides and winds, and to progress to a more complex case including density stratification generated by surface fluxes of heat and humidity. The main result that stems from the numerical experiments is that tidal forcing significantly contributes to the...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Water masses; Oceanography; Currents (water); Fronts; Ocean circulation; Mathematical models; Tides; Winds; Physical oceanography; Tides; Winds; Physical oceanography; Oceanography; Mathematical models.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Short-term variability in alongshore winds and temperature off Swakopmund, Namibia, during a non-upwelling event in 1998-1999. OceanDocs
Bartholomae, Ch.; Hagen, E..
Swakopmund is a popular coastal resort in Namibia, especially during the summer holiday season when daily sea temperatures can fluctuate several degrees in a short period. Hourly measurements of the nearbottom water temperature were collected off the Swakopmund Jetty to investigate the thermal variability in relation to local winds. The thermal regime of this coastal region appears to be controlled by the locally forced Ekman offshore transport. Related changes in offshore transport led those of the surf-zone temperature by about one day. A transfer of kinetic energy from the alongshore wind into the temperature field of the nearshore zone dominated relative short time scales (hourly). The longer periods (7–9 days) are associated with the forcing of...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Variability; Winds; Temperature; Upwelling; Fish species; Shelf geology; Currents (water); Anomalies; Surf; Continental shelf; Coastal upwelling; Nearshore environment.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Simulation numérique du transport des sables sous l'effet des vents dans le Golfe de Tunis OceanDocs
Koutitonsky, V.; Mouldi, Brahim; Bejaoui, B.; Sammari, Ch..
La dynamique sédimentaire le long de littoral est étroitement liée à la direction et à l’intensité des courants littoraux engendrés par les vents, les vagues et la marée. L’objectif de cette étude est de simuler numériquement la circulation et le transport des sédiments non cohésifs (sables) le long du littoral du golfe de Tunis sous l’effet unique des vents. Plusieurs directions des vents ont été imposées au modèle hydrodynamique MIKE21-HD tout en gardant une vitesse constante de 7 m.s-1. Les courants stationnaires générés par ces vents ont ensuite servi à forcer le modèle de transport de sédiments non cohésifs MIKE21-ST. En supposant que la quantité de sable disponible est illimitée, les simulations montrent que les taux du transport de sédiment du côté...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Nearshore currents; Sand; Sediment transport; Simulation; Water circulation; Winds; Sand; Simulation; Water circulation; Winds; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Sobre el transporte total de la Corriente de Malvinas OceanDocs
Lifschitz, A.J..
El objetivo del presente trabajo es estimar el transporte total de volumen de la Corriente de Malvinas (CM). La hipótesis de trabajo es que es posible ajustar el transporte baroclínico, determinado a partir de observaciones del campo de densidad, mediante perfiles de velocidad observada transversales al talud continental, promediados sobre áreas extensas. Se emplean datos hidrográficos para el cálculo de las velocidades y transportes geostróficos relativos a la máxima profundidad común a cada par de estaciones. Las velocidades geostróficas por debajo de este nivel son estimadas mediante la extrapolación lineal de la velocidad relativa. Las velocidades absolutas son determinadas ajustando los perfiles de velocidad relativa a observaciones de la estructura...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Current measurement; Current data; Winds; Water masses; Physical oceanography; Winds; Physical oceanography.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Strong winds in a coupled wave-atmosphere model during a North Atlantic storm event: evaluation against observations ArchiMer
Pineau-guillou, Lucia; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Bouin, Marie-noelle; Redelsperger, Jean-luc; Chapron, Bertrand; Bidlot, Jean-raymond; Quilfen, Yves.
Strong winds may be biased in atmospheric models. Here the ECMWF coupled wave-atmosphere model is used (1) to evaluate strong winds against observations, (2) to test how alternative wind stress parameterizations could lead to a more accurate model. For the period of storms Kaat and Lilli (23 to 27 January 2014), we compared simulated winds with in-situ – moored buoys and platforms - and satellite observations available from the North Atlantic. Five wind stress parameterizations were evaluated. The first result is that moderate simulated winds (5-20 m s-1) match with all observations. However, for strong winds (above 20 m s-1), mean differences appear, as much as -7 m s-1 at 30 m s-1. Significant differences also exist between observations, with buoys and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Air-sea exchanges; Northeast Atlantic; Winds; IFS; Sea state; Roughness length; Drag coefficient; Wind stress.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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The potential of QuikSCAT and WindSat observations for the estimation of sea surface wind vector under severe weather conditions - art. no. C09023 ArchiMer
Quilfen, Yves; Prigent, C; Chapron, Bertrand; Mouche, Alexis; Houti, N.
The physics of remote sensing sea surface measurements is still poorly understood under severe weather conditions. Wind vector algorithms are usually developed for non-precipitating atmospheres and for wind speeds less than 20 m/s. In this study, we analyze observations from the QuikSCAT Ku-band scatterometer collocated with the WindSat full polarimetric microwave radiometer to estimate the potential of these two instruments for sea surface wind retrieval under severe weather conditions. The Jason altimeter provides independent measurements of wind speed and rain rate for comparison purposes. The sensitivity of the radar cross-sections and brightness temperatures to the wind speed and direction is directly studied from the observations and compared with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Winds; Scatterometer; Radiometer.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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